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TopPodcast Picks: Our 90 for 90 Recommendations for Newpod Discovery

#TopPodcast is proud to release our 90 for 90! What is it? Nine unique categories, 10 podcasts in each! Hence 90 for 90.

We Will Rely On Your Input For Future Top 90 for 90 Recommendations

Trust us, this list will change often and frequently as we receive information from podcasters, publishers, networks, and listeners who give us insight and recommendations. This was just our ‘first-dabble’ into making some broad-based recommendations, so kindly don’t bash our first-go around 🙂 It’s going to change often, so check back regularly.

Listen At Work: No iTunes, No Apps, No Problem

That’s right, you don’t need iTunes downloaded on your work computer. You don’t have to google or search top podcasts…or top networks, etc. It’s all right here…our one-stop shop! Better yet, listen and discover effortlessly, while you work.

  • No iTunes necessary
  • No Apps to Download
  • No hassles…No problem

Our goal is for you to find something you like, based on categories, and then become a loyal on-demand listener of one of our 90 for 90 featured podcasts, on their network. So please, it’s a simple as pointing & clicking.

Once you fall in love, download one of our apps located in our Top Publishers section.

And if you have a podcast that you’d like us to recommend or feature, hit us up! Maybe we’ll show you off to the world in our #TopPodcast 90 for 90!

Happy Listening everyone! Thanks for stopping by! #Boom

The Depreciation of Traditional Media Accelerates Podcasting Growth

The term depreciation may cause some in print and radio to be annoyed, especially now that our divisive political environment has been a boon for some ‘traditional formats’. And 2016 wasn’t a bad year for either platform, elevated by a crazy-ass political season.

And it’s been exciting to see Radio & Print pivoting to become more aggressive over the last 12 months, in regards to their digital strategies.


On March 29th, Inside Radio ran some positive stats about Radio and Digital, from BIA Kelsey:

Every indication in the ad game points to the perennially growing significance of digital. And radio is feeling the love as well; the industry’s digital ad revenue shot up 14% in 2016, continuing a multi-year, double-digit trend, according to a new report from BIA/Kelsey. Ad billings from radio’s online assets hit $811 million last year.Those assets include station apps, websites and social platforms.

In an upcoming report, I dive into ‘just how real’ this digital growth is when you take in account ‘peeled dollars from over-the-air buys’ and ‘revenue derived from third-parties’. I don’t think you can take 14% and do back-flips on the innovation occurring within the medium.  But at least that number looks great on paper, despite it being less than 1% of the overall digtial ad spend in the country ($60 Billion plus).


It has been painful watching many traditional suits (editors & program directors) still trying to accept evolving consumption habits, specifically with millennials. Many PD’s in radio focus more on reaching PPM’s (Portable People Meters) rather than creating compelling content to extend to social platforms. In print, Editors forget that many of us want our news in ‘quicker blips’, under 400 words, the way Axios has rolled out their political network.

The New York Times & i-Heart Invests in Advertising their Platform

Watching the New York Times take out advertising, during the Oscars, is a perfect example of how aggressive traditional companies are getting in promoting their digital properties. As an entrepreneur that’s been fighting an old-school culture slow to pivot, this is the kind of shit I love to see.

In addition, just after i-Heart rolled out their premium on-demand app, they were the leading all advertiser on their stations…meaning, they were promoting the hell out of it. Now that’s a great thing to see!

Podcasting is Headed in the Right Direction – especially NPR

Over the last couple years, as print and radio mediums have seen experienced depreciating revenues and profits, podcasting is going in the opposite direction. Just ask NPR. That’s right, NPR.   More on them in a minute.

In the early days of podcasting, the practice of creating a podcast was relegated to only the nerdiest of us. However, in 2014, everything began to change for podcasting, as the industry slowly crept in on radio & print media’s territory. Call it the ‘mainstreaming of podcasting’ if you will.

One to One vs. One to Many – There is a Differnce

It makes sense, really, whereas radio typically appeals to advertisers that want to reach as wide an audience as possible….throw a net into the ocean, hopefully you capture a fish or two. This one-to-many advertising strategy is much different than the one-to-one intimate experience of podcasting. Again, no bashing radio…just highlighting the difference.

And, within the podcast medium, anyone can create a podcast and build a following, no matter how niche the topic. On-air personalites can extend shows into ‘after-the-show’ podcast features, building their own loyal audience that can eventually go well beyond corporate suits that pay their salary.  More importantly, social tools can be incorporated to drive downloads, thus driving revenue not just for the personalities…but for the stations too.

Bottom line, social media and the smartphone explosion has helped deliver content that’s just a click away. But Radio and print need to get aggressive (as iHeart has over the last six months on the radio side of the table…and the Wall Street Journal and New York Times have on the print side of the table)

NPR – A News Gathering Organization That Gets It

Just look at how successful NPR has become within the industry. Why? Ultimately, they are a culture of news-gatherers who quickly recognized the power of the podcast medium. Call them visionaries if you’d like. But they had the courage to dive in headfirst, utilizing their greatest assets…the people gathering news…and extending it to an audience that embraced it on-demand.  As mentioned in our earlier article: NPR-The Authentic Voice That Has Always Connected, shows like Hidden Brain, Planet Money, How I Built This, and Pop Culture Happy Hour demonstrate their unbridled focus on the medium.

Now, with 81% of Americans owning smartphones, podcasting is a commuters dream. On-the-go, on-demand audio is becoming mainstream.

It’s been said publicly that as much as 30% of NPR’s revenue now comes from podcasting….WOW! Hopefully the industry is listening. Editorial note: Don’t quote me on that, but that’s been floated around in different trades and articles.

Podcastings Rise Could Be Blessing To Traditional Media

In fact, the rise of podcasting is something of an ominous herald, depending on who you talk to in Radio & Print Media. Both mediums have aggressively jumped into podcasting. Some, like CBS Radio, with 300+ podcasts (many that re-purpose their own on-air content), seem to use a ‘throw as much against the wall strategy’ and see what sticks. There’s nothing wrong with this, but the potential is so much greater for them simply because they too are a news gathering organization, like NPR, with iconic spoken-word news stations in most major markets.

iHeart, Wall Street Journal and New York Times Make Bold Moves

Others are taking a more strategic, methodical approach to podcast investment and resource allocation like the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and more recently i-Heart Media, who late last year sent a powerful message  to the Radio industry when they hired VP level positions to accelerate their podcast growth strategy.

Podcasternews.com reported in late November:

Chris Peterson has been hired as Senior Vice President of Podcasting. He will oversee iHeartRadio’s overall podcast strategy and grow its profile in the community. Chris Peterson was previously at TuneIn, which is a competitor to iHeartRadio in the radio aggregation business. He was Content Partnership Manager at TuneIn. Chris Peterson was also the Director of Operations for Glenn Beck’s The Blaze network.

When I saw this, I knew a transformation in the industry was on its way. A great move by them!

Love That Spotify Is Jumping Into Custom Content Creation

And watching Spotify jump into the ‘custom-content’ podcast business could be a game-changer. Let’s see if the radio industry, as a whole, will find ways to aggressively hold on to their large edge in overall audience, despite its lack of aggressiveness in mirroring the NPR podcast strategy.  Bottom line, Spotify has the opportunity to make a powerful play in the industry…if they want. We will be patiently waiting….hey, call us, we can accelerate that strategy.

Have microphone, will podcast: On-air personalities want in

A perfect example of the incremental steps traditional media is taking, expanding into podcasting, is News On The Rocks, a creative niche podcast extension of a couple of talented CBS Radio on-air personalities in New York City.

The ambitious show is virtually ‘a cocktail party conversation about news’…hosted by WCBS-AM Morning Anchor Wayne Cabot and CBS-FM morning personality Patty Steele.  Featured on the CBS Radio podcasting platform, play.it,  this is a microcosm of what’s happening inside newsrooms all across the country, both print & radio.

Additionally, since people can easily access archived content, you don’t have to be a devout follower of the show to get on board with an established podcast. Test drive this creative show by clicking on the thumb below, or simply join the play.it network or download the Radio.com app.

Unlike radio, you can find, discover, and re-listen to your favorite shows. That is if you know where to discover podcasts in the first place (Hence, our website).

News Orgs Aggressively Pivoting to Podcasting as Revenue Drivers

Consumption habits continue to change.  It’s exciting to see traditional media brands aggressively working to implement digital strategies to keep up with a changing marketplace. Online content and the investments traditional media is making will only become bigger.

Finally, the ‘innovate or die’ mantra is taking hold…a mantra that should have been in action 5 years ago…Where were you then?

Major statements that traditional media is making in the on-demand audio platform:

  • The New York Times has had an audio section that is devoted to podcasts for some time now. They’re actually moving faster than most in this space, including many in the  Radio space. Their podcast, ‘The Daily’, has been at the top of the charts on iTunes. We love what The Times is doing, both with podcasting & their digital subscription platform.
  • The Wall Street Journal has been ‘super aggressive’ on the podcasting side of the table…it’s obvious they see the future and have embraced it with real resources. In fact, several of their podcasts are cracking the top of the charts on iTunes.
  • Vanity Fair recently launched Limelight, a new pop-culture podcast, which can be found here on Stitchers Network
  • Media companies and news outlets are eyeing podcasting revenue, big-time. For example, EW Scripps owns Midroll Media, which specializes in online content like the Earwolf Podcast Network

Bottom line, news and traditional media organizations are turning to podcasts not just to drive content, but more importantly, to tap into the revenue stream podcast advertising offers.

Current Political Divisiveness Creates Massive Opportunity

Finally, the current political divisiveness in our country is giving the podcast platform an even bigger voice for those that choose to capitalize on what is becoming the golden age of cable news.  Just look at Pod Save America, a podcast created by President Obama’s former speechwriter and former aides, which is near the top of the iTunes chart. Test drive the show by clicking below, or you can also listen on STITCHER (they have a fabulous app too)

Podcasting’s growth trajectory will accelerate, as spill-over will continue within news gathering organizations, especially those publishers that define clear podcast strategies and invest in adequate headcount & resources to drive the medium forward within their organization.

All In or Vanish (Friendster was MySpace was Facebook)

As more people tune in online, as consumption habits continue to change, more high-quality podcasts will be created. Our future will be filled with innovative content being generated by a more diverse group of content creators.

Although changing consumption habits are terrible news for print & radio organizations that aren’t ahead of the digital curve, it means GREAT THINGS for those of us that dive into the podcast industry! For those of of old enough to remember, Friendster was the first MySpace. Look at them now…Then again, Zuck buys everything that’s a threat…the force is strong with him.

Here’s to the continued acceleration of the medium. Here’s to traditional mediums going all-in!


Editorial Note: This article was update on March 29, 2017, with stats from Inside Radio/BIA Kelsey.

Oh How We Adore Ourselves…It’s Time To Go Beyond Our Wallls

Let’s be clear. I’m not knocking advertising new shows across multiple audio networks. All I’m saying is that the industry has become too reliant on marketing to themselves…the loyal listeners that love on-demand audio.

While we love ourselves and podcasting’s dedicated audience, it’s time to break the walls down and advertise beyond our walls.

Advertising To The Same Audience Won’t Grow the Industry

For conversational purposes only, it seems to me that the industry is far too hesitant to market beyond their own core demographics, an existing echo-chamber that reaches the same audience. Yes, modern technology has sparked an avalanche of growing interest in podcasts, both as a listening audience and for those desiring to host their own show.

The traditional ‘radio show’ or ‘television news’ format allows anyone with a recording device and a microphone to serve as host on a specific topic of interest, targeting a select audience.  However, the key for most new shows is a marketing strategy that distributes its message to a wider, more diverse audience, enhancing discovery.

That’s why, I believe TV & Radio will play a large role in driving a vast new audience to the podcast sector, accelerating the path to $1 Billion in annual ad revenue. Why? They bring a powerful social media platform that will exponentially accelerate discovery, espcially to those that aren’t utilizing on-demand audio platforms.

Television & Radio Can Help Reach A More Diverse Audience

While existing podcast companies & networks seem all too content focusing on communicating with their ‘existing base of podcast listeners’, the ones that were early adapters, I firmly believe other mediums, particularly Television and Radio, are favorably positioned to make huge strides, especially as executives within those organizations begin to understand the revenue streams that can come with a clear, concise podcast advertising strategy.

What’s most exciting for this traditional medium is that they have the ability to drive a new and diverse audience to discover on-demand listening for the first time, effectively providing these loyal listeners an opportunity to discover a new medium.

Since the Serial revolution, the strides publishers are making to connect audiences with the hosts/shows has been unprecedented. Every month, it seems another network or app is being enhanced, upgraded or rolled out.  The demand for podcasting is driving a new revenue renaissance for traditional media outlets, leading to the launch of new podcast studios as well as independents distributing new shows, and branded content podcasts.

Call it the ‘mainstreaming of podcasting‘.  as everyone who’s anybody (media personalities) now want a piece of the pie. Media darlings like NBC’s Chuck Todd, on Meet the Press, is now promoting his podcast after his Sunday show, amplifying it via a powerful Television medium that reaches many that have never listened to a podcast, let alone even know where to find it. You can find it here, on Stitchers network: Meet The Press, and we also have it featured within our 90 for 90, under News & Politics.

The Early Adopters Have Failed to Diversify & Expand the Industry

Yes, existing podcast publishers are harnessing the loyalty that podcast listeners have to the hosts. And we don’t blame them for exploiting this one-to-one relationship for the benefit of enhancing and growing their own platforms, rewarding existing listeners to discover other shows that are of a similar nature or cover an additional topic of interest.

As competition becomes even more fierce, reigniting the interest of this existing community is a necessary task, especially as podcast networks aggressively work to sure-up the loyalty of their own listeners.

But has the industry become too reliant on its existing base of early adapters?

I believe the answer is yes and maybe there’s some complacency built in here. And the lack of risk to use resources to go beyond their marketing comfort zone.  Even though the central focus is giving podcast listeners more options when it comes to engaging with their favorite shows, the effort still misses the mark in diversifying show selections in the community and expanding promotion beyond the walls of the already affluent listener.

Podcast on Podcast Listener Crime

The podcast community widely engages in cross-promotion for various shows that are similar in nature across one network. It is a fairly simple marketing practice where a podcast show host takes a minute or two to discuss another show on the same network. Let’s call it ‘Podcast Listener on Podcast Listener’ crime (I know you probably don’t like the term…sorry).

At times, the show host may elect to air an entire episode of the secondary podcast show as a way to give listeners an idea of what to expect should they tune into that show. Again, they’re only targeting existing listeners, rather than a new and diverse base of prospects.

No doubt, podcast cross promoting is a viable marketing practice that produces positive results within the community.  For that reason, sharing promotional information about another show increases the listening audience ranking for both shows. Cross promotional events can also occur across different networks as well. As the networks see it, they are not in competition with one another but rather working together to strengthen the podcast industry as a whole (iHeart pushes out CBS shows…Spotify pushes out multiple-publisher shows, etc). But again, they are only strengthening their existing audience and doing nothing to expand or diversify it to new listeners. 

The one inherent flaw in podcast cross-promotional activities is the lack of exposing listeners to shows outside of the common status-quo. Cross promoting also does not help draw new listeners to the platform.

Television & Radio Will Make Noise Beyond Our Walls

As media giants (and big brands) continue to enter the marketplace, amplifying and promoting podcasts like 60 minutes via their Play.it platform & Meet the Press will drive a wider audience to discover a love for on-demand listening.

Remember, most of these TV personalities have massive social followers too.

As these shows drive a new first-time audience to discover podcasts, these new listeners hopefully will begin to explore the massive echo-chamber of audio content…pushing the entire industry forward.

The production aspect of a podcast show is fairly easy and inexpensive, especially for shows that re-purposing content or extending content for an ‘after-the-show’ experience. This provides Television and Radio a ‘built-in’ platform to assimilate quickly to the podcasting industry. through existing content, via the podcast medium.

If TV & Radio executives ‘fully embrace’ the podcasting platform, it will do wonders in driving discovery to a new, diverse audience…ultimately driving revenues.


Yes, shows like Serial reaped the reward of cross-promotion on This American Life. But there’s no doubt the viral impact of social media. as well as conversations highlighted on Television & Radio, reaching well beyond the walls of podcasts early adapters, will play a vital role on the acceleration of the industry…and take us to $1 Billion in revenues faster than expected!

Welcoming ‘Newpods’ (First-Timers) Discovering A Love For On-Demand Listening!

Searching google & wikipedia can be a tedious process, especially when you want to create a new word. Even Webster couldn’t find the term ‘newpod’.

The word you’ve entered isn’t in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.

Ok, well then for shits and giggles, we checked the domain availability of ‘newpod.com’. Of course, someone from the Cayman Islands is squatting on it since December 15th, 2005 (not that i would buy the domain, but I was curious). Here’s how we’re defining the new word we’ve created, and we show you it in a sentence or two as well!


The Aggressive Trademarking of the Word ‘Pod’  by Apple

Back in the early 2000’s, Apple was ‘all over’ protecting the word ‘pod’. They were suing anyone that infringed on it, working to protect their iPod trademark. And last year, we uncovered that Apple was now looking to protect the name ‘AirPods’.  But the most compelling story we found, regarding

But the most compelling story we found, regarding Apple’s obsession with the ‘pod’ name, was from WIRED, in September 2009, where apple was aggressively battling an entrepreneur over the word ‘Pod’. In the story, they mention,

Apple for years has aggressively pursued other tech companies using the word “Pod” in their products or company names. One example involved a San Francisco startup called PodShow, a social networking website for video podcasters. Apple in June 2008 filed an opposition to the company’s usage of PodShow. Seven months later, Apple withdrew that opposition

Apple Relents! Can You Believe It?

Finally, in April of 2011, Apple dropped their attempts trademark ‘Pod’

Though the ‘iPod’ trademark is still legally protected, the news could lead to a number of other companies using the word ‘pod’ in their attempts to market their products. Apple had made moves to stop other companies using the word in their names in the past – most notably Gear4, which was known as PodGear until early 2006. Other companies using the word in product names were also approached in 2006, issuing several cease and desist orders.

So, without further adieu, we are going to roll with the term, introducing it to the industry: NEWPOD!! We welcome all of you to #TopPodcast 🙂 #Boom




Highlights from the RAIN Online Advertising Summit: Talking To Ourselves But Loving What I Hear

Another Conversation With Ourselves

I was happy to attend the RAIN Online Advertising Summit, in New York City, on February 28th. In was a very insightful event The event was relevant, smooth, insightful…and it’s great seeing so many of us with a passion for the industry. But….I couldn’t help but be struck by the fact that most in attendance, as typical for podcasting events,  were professionals already fully embedded in the online audio industry.

What’s my biggest pet-peeve? 

The industry continues to talk to ourselves, sharing success stories amongst industry insiders, those of us that ‘get it’. We need to break out of our own habitat.

The Inadvertent Teasing of TopPodcast.com

While hiding my lanyard inside my jacket, not ready to publicly disclose to the world who or what #TopPodcast Digital Enterprises is, I got a kick when Thomas Mancusi, of AudioBoom, essentially teased to the audience what the industry needed…a unified site for discovery…an online hub to coalesce the medium.

It publicly validated, once again, our project and the benefits we are providing.

My Event Highlight: The Mac Weldon Attribution Discussion

I loved the fascinating panel put together by co-sponsor & the aforementioned audioBoom, and Thomas Mancusi (VP, Sales & Dev). As noted in the event program, the panel showcased ‘a holistic view’ of the unique value of on-demand audio, bringing together program creators and brand advertising agencies in this anecdote-driven panel discussion about marketing opportunities in podcasting.”

Collin Willardson, the Marketing Manager for Mack Weldon, shared this powerful message:

  • Mac Weldon knows who every listener is, what they specifically buy, and what show they are coming from

Why this statement matters? 

Mac Weldon is one of the brands that is constantly recognized as a huge proponent of podcast advertising. But the brilliance behind their advertising success is not necessarily the podcast buy itself (it is a HUGE part, yes, testing to find the right show that delivers activations).

However, through the lens of our digital eyes, it’s the attribution strategy that Mr. Willardson executes on the back-end of every podcast that intrigues us the most. Here’s why:

  • Their success in tracking every product the prospective buyer is clicking on and knowing who they are (capturing the visitor/buyer)
  • Collecting the purchase history & knowing what shows drove what listeners to buy which products
  • Following each visitor, after they hit the web landing page, through a complex digital strategy, that takes podcast advertising to the next level
My Takeaway:
  • While we know Mac Weldon doesn’t want to disclose their trade secrets to such a public audience, they aren’t shy about promoting the success they’ve had with podcasts advertising. And it’s impressive.
  • To penetrate digital market share, podcast advertising should no longer be sold as a ‘stand-alone’ product
  • Publishers are leaving money on the table by not bringing complex integrated marketing strategies in-house, making podcast advertising truly an integrated strategy

It’s a mindset #TopPodcast Digital Enterprises brings to the table…elevating any on-demand buy far beyond the brilliance of a traditional podcast campaign. Please feel free to explore our Podcast Business Center for more information.

Podcast Listeners Feel They Have No Choice But To Support Sponsors

Another impressive highlight was listening to Payne Lindsey, Executive Producer of “Up & Vanished“. It was remarkable, hearing analysis from his insider perspective. He said:

Listeners (of podcasts) have a different respect for podcasters instead of radio hosts. If it weren’t for sponsors, podcasts wouldn’t operate. And many listeners feel if they don’t support the brands, then they feel the podcast may go away.

Why this matters?

It’s compelling insight that we must drive beyond our walls…to brands, to digital buyers, to the agencies that weren’t in attendance…that mantra must be heard!

  • No other medium connects brands to an audience like podcasting
  • The lean-in experience should not be compared apples to apples, to digital analytics or reporting
  • A live-read or endorsed product, in a podcast, is the purest form of native advertising

To be clear, Dennis Robinson articulated a fact that most beyond our industries walls don’t know. What he said matters! I just wish there was a better way to reach those beyond our industry. I’m working on that as we speak.

Finally, #TryPod ‘Tries’ To Take Industry Beyond Its Walls

As you learn more about #TopPodcast, our mission is to clearly propel new listeners to discover a love for on-demand listening. We are aggressively advocating that the industry finally speak beyond its walls expanding far beyond the fabric of its own platform…targeting new listeners (what we call newpods).

Late February, NPR put out a press release that the industry is finally coming together to conduct a unified social media campaign, hoping to drive ‘friends of podcast listeners’ to discover podcasts, via the hashtag #TryPod. While we may not necessarily love the hashtag they’re using (it may increase Tripod sales for Adorama & B&H Photo), we do appreciate the fact that the industry is uniting together to drive awareness. It’s a start!

Why this matter? 

  • Creating a cohesive hashtag to drive awareness is a natural digital strategy that can organically drive discovery, as long as there’s a consistency with a clear motive
  • It demonstrates an industry ready to embrace ‘working together’ in a unified voice, implementing a strategy to go beyond its own walls
  • The underlying notion of using a hashtag aligns with the #TopPodcast vision of driving discovery, so it reinforces what we are doing as an advocate for the industry

What the challenge will be?

  • Telling a friend or posting a hashtag may not be good enough to move the needle. A new listener must act. Will #TryPod drive listens & activations? Maybe, but there’s still so many choices for listeners that it may create more confusion as you see 37 publishers, podcasters, and listeners simultaneously sharing #TryPod hashtags
  • Beyond ‘podfluencers’, podcasters that have powerful social media followings, the industry as a whole lacks a clear social media strategy. A review of many publisher social platforms demonstrates a clear lack of TLC regarding social media marketing. NPR, thankfully, has one…take a look at their massive social reach at the end of this feature
  • Measuring the success of the #TryPod campaign, adhering to the industries wild-wild west theme, will be a crap shoot. Social media is a digital platform. It’s about the analytics. When it comes to measuring success, founding #TryPod innovator’ Israel Smith, who is senior director of promotions at NPR told Adweek, when asked about measuring success said:

 By #trypod overload. When you start to see mentions on social media and Twitter where people are saying, ‘Oh my god I’m so sick of #trypod,’…that’s when we know we succeeded

Hmmm, definitely not a digital marketers answer, for sure. But I totally commend the effort here. While it’s great seeing the industry finally working together, there’s SO MUCH more it can do…when everyone finally chooses to unite together. Hopefully, #TopPodcast can help too.

It’s A Step In The Right Unified Direction

Kudos to NPR & Israel Smith for bringing in 37 publishers to participate. One small step at a time, in an industry trying to find its unified footing! #TryPod —->Make it happen! Using a simple hashtag, however, doesn’t necessarily prove a new social aptitude. But at least it’s a step in the right direction.

JOIN 5.8 Million NPR Followers on FACEBOOK

JOIN 6.76 Million NPR Followers on TWITTER

Read the full press release HERE

Read the Adweek Story HERE

The Impact Facebook’s Live Audio Might Have on Podcasting

Let’s think about this concept; Facebook executives have gone on the record in saying that in five years, there’s a chance that the platform as we know it will be all video and no text.  While I personally think that’s aggressive thinking, what does this mean for audio, text, and content distribution?

Last June,  Quartz reported:

In five years time Facebook “will be definitely mobile, it will be probably all video,” said Nicola Mendelsohn, who heads up Facebook’s operations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, at a conference in London. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, has already noted that video will be more and more important for the platform. But Mendelsohn went further, suggesting that stats showed the written word becoming all but obsolete, replaced by moving images and speech.

What about audio?

Back in December, Facebook announced a new feature called Live Audio. This delivers an easy interface for those delivering book readings, interviews, and news radio, through ‘live audio’ on Facebook. Contrast this to the Live Video feature that has exploded on Facebook. Similarly, listeners/viewers to live audio sessions can leave reactions in ‘real-time’ to the audio.

Facebook stated in their blog:

We know that sometimes publishers want to tell a story on Facebook with words and not video. We’ve even seen some Pages find creative ways to go live and reach audiences with audio only by using the Facebook Live API or by adding a still image to accompany their audio broadcast.


Our new Live Audio option makes it easy to go live with audio only when that’s the broadcaster’s preferred format. We also know that publishers sometimes go live from areas that lack strong network connectivity. Though we alert the broadcaster if their signal is low, Live Audio presents another option for connecting with audiences in real time from low-connectivity areas.

With the explosion of Facebook Live, I’m curious to see the evolution within the podcasting realm and will the podcasters use the platform to their advantage? Is it possible that Facebook could actually transform into a relevant podcasting platform? In our opinion, maybe. But it’s way too early to make any determination as it’s still in the top of the first inning.

There’s no doubt that it has the opportunity to disrupt the industry…favorably. But it comes down to whether or not content creators are going to actually aggressively use the Live Audio platform, thus encouraging new consumption habits. Bottom line, it can expand podcasting to a new audience, for sure, via social methods. Most importantly, it will deliver audio-first content into the newsfeeds of a prospective new audience.

For the time being, only Android products allow a listener to leave the app or lock your phone and continue listening. iOS listeners are only capable of listening while on Facebook.

As Mashable noted,

The concept of broadcasting live audio isn’t new to Facebook. Some publishers have already found ways to do live audio  simply by leaving a still image up on a live video stream on the platform.

In addition, according to publicly released information, publishers are anxiously awaiting to align with Facebook. Radio shows such as “BBC World Service” and “LBC (Leading Britain’s Conversation),” publisher Harper Collins and authors Adam Grant and Britt Bennett will be partnering up with Facebook to test this new feature.

Live Audio Brings Limitless Opportunity for Wide-Range of Content

Techcrunch.com highlighted the impact Live Audio could have:

  1. Radio stations could broadcast their programs
  2. Podcasters could find new online distribution for their episodes
  3. Authors could do live readings of their books
  4. Celebrities could do Q&As without worrying about how they look on camera
  5. News anchors could broadcast audio from disaster zones or areas of crisis where bandwidth may be too overloaded for video streaming
  6. Musicians could broadcast concerts or studio sessions

In our eyes, this looks like a tremendous opportunity for the long-term ability to push podcasting to an entirely new audience. Again, it takes effort and focus, and the industry must expand beyond its comfort zone of distribution platforms. Independents may be more aggressive more so than large publishers, looking for you to utilize their platforms.

Finally, this appears to be a huge opportunity to drive revenues as Facebook develops a revenue sharing platform with publishers & podcasters.  The industry is waiting for a ‘big player’ to make a move. Could this it? Let’s hope it incentives Apple to get moving too!



The Analytics on Podcast Delivery: Blubrry Went ‘Under The Sheets’

As TopPodcast.com was conducting a massive amount of research over the last year, one of the most compelling reports we uncovered was one conducted the Blubrry Team, as they looked at over 35,000 podcasts, and assessed whether users were downloading or streaming their podcasts. If you don’t know who Blubrry is, you should…and we recommend you check them out, especially if you are interested in searching their massive podcast registry/directory.

Editorial Note about Blubrry, from their website: They’ve created a Blubrry Podcast Directory, not trying to compete with other directories. Their main goal is to offer additional distribution points that otherwise are not available to podcasters. With this philosophy, they believe the Blubrry Podcast Directory fills the void where iTunes and podcasting is otherwise unavailable. Blubrry.com is a podcasting community and directory that gives creators the power to make money, get detailed audience measurements and host their audio and video. Whether you are a media creator, advertiser or media consumer, Blubrry can provide the digital media interface.

Now back to the report. It’s a fascinating study, providing tremendous insight not just for industry insiders, but for the individual podcaster, as they learn to understand how and where audio-consumption is taking place.

Late last summer (2016), the report released on the PowerPressPodcast demonstrated:

60% of podcasts are downloaded for playback on-demand

In addition, here’s how they broke everything down:

Four main distribution categories’ of podcast consumption:

1. Mobile Apps Account For 71.6% Of Downloads

While this should also come as no surprise, the majority of podcast consumption comes from mobile apps. Podcast apps work in the background so that you can listen to them with ease and the new podcasts will automatically download. But again, their are SO MANY for consumers to choose from, they often get frustrated (TopPodcast.com can help). The statistics from Blubrry measured over 30 different applications from all of the main app stores including the apps you can download from the store as well as the ones that come standard when you get your phone.

The iOS podcast app that comes with your phone accounts for 39% of mobile app downloads as well as streaming plays.

The app automatically subscribes its users for streaming but does allow them to download the new episodes automatically. About half of the content is downloaded and the other half is streamed.

2. Desktop Apps Account for 13.1% Of Downloads

Ever since the mobile platform has taken off, the percentage of desktop podcast consumption has continued to decline each and every year. They offer almost the exact same services as a mobile app would, except you need to be at your desktop in order to listen to them, so your mobility is limited. Once again, Blubrry measures over 30 desktop apps.

They found that the iTunes desktop application by itself helps to make up about 4/5 of the desktop app consumption.

3. Desktop Browsers Account for 10.7% Of Downloads And Streamed Plays

Overall, desktop web browsers account for a little over 10% of all podcast consumption, which is actually quite impressive when you consider that since 2005, that number has always ranged from 5% to 15%. Desktop browsers provide the user with a chance to listen to the audio right from the web page, the way TopPodcast.com allows you to ‘test drive’ shows on our site, within our Top 200 and our recommended picks. For this particular consumption data, Blubrry measured 15 different desktop web browsers such as Safari and Firefox.

In this situation, about 2/3 of the consumption is done by streaming while the remaining 1/3 is done through downloads. For this particular consumption data, Blubrry measured 15 different desktop web browsers such as Safari and Firefox.

4. Mobile Browsers and TV Apps Account For 4.6% of Streamed Plays

This percentage has been on the rise over the last several years but has recently started to plateau in terms of growth. The mobile browsers provide a great way to listen to the podcast within the browsers. If you do not have a phone that is capable of browsing, you can use the podcast URLS to playback in a built-in media player app. Playback in the browser or the media player results in streamed play.

Blubrry measured 25 different TV applications and mobile browsers such as AppleTV and Roku for the TV applications and Chrome on Android and Windows Mobile for the mobile browsers.

There are some mobile browsers that do allow you to download the content, but it is so rarely used that it is excluded from the data.

Measuring Stream Plays Vs. Downloads


When it comes to measuring the difference between a streamed podcast and a downloaded podcast, they are typically measured the same. When a player plays from the URL, it progressively downloads the file chunks. Those chunks then provide the player with a way to allow playback immediately by downloading the content in small chunks. One file will often yield many download requests at one time when the progressive download technique is being used.

Podcast downloads use a similar method known as byte range, which is the request made to download the data in chunks. Commonly, you will see a byte range request when downloading from a mobile application designed for podcasting. Since both a downloaded podcast and a streamed podcast appear the same on the server, both are measured the same way.

I hope this information has proven to be beneficial, and we thank Blubrry for providing such powerful analytics.  I hope we summarized it accurately for your edification purposes.

What 10 Billion Means to the Podcasting Industry?

Podcasting is definitely on the digital fast track, as the stats don’t lie.  In Apple’s 2016 review, it is reported that over 10 billion people downloaded or streamed a podcast during the year, from all over the world.  The most popular way of downloading those podcasts were through the Apple Podcast app, which made up for 65 percent of all listened podcasts.

Considering the number of podcasts downloaded and streamed in 2016, it’s safe to say that podcasts are finally becoming more mainstream, and expect to see bigger numbers in 2017.  This is exceptional news for anyone that’s in the industry…and it’s setting up to be a wild year for the industry.

The Mainstreaming of Podcasts

Considering the number of podcasts downloaded and streamed in 2016, it’s safe to say that podcasts are finally becoming more mainstream, and expect to see bigger numbers in 2017.  This is exceptional news for anyone that’s in the industry…and it’s setting up to be a wild year of growth and change.

NPR’s Fresh Air Leads the Way

The most downloaded podcast was NPR’s Fresh Air, hitting the top spot for 2016.  While other NPR programs won accolades, it shows how many people are turning to podcasts.  Consider that podcast listening grew by 23 percent between 2015 and 2016, the question now is will the industry continue to grow at this clip, or exceed it?

How Does Podcasting Add Up Against Other Major Players?

To get an idea of how large the podcast listening community is, let’s put in perspective to other major platforms.

When you combine those numbers with those around the world, it’s not a surprise that podcasts are finally catching the eye of major brands, as well as the digital buying community! Finally, it looks as if digital buyers are ready to jump on the bandwagon.

Podcast Monthly Listenership Continues to Grow

Accessibility is Key: 81% of Americans Own Smartphones

The accessibility of podcasts certainly contributes to these large numbers, and Apple is not alone in expecting massive growth for the new year.  The mobility of the medium has contributed to the rise of podcasts listening. 81% of Americans now own smartphones, hence more accessibility to podcasts. The beauty of a podcast, is that it can reach a large audience without much effort, and there isn’t a strict target age range.  Nearly anyone with a smartphone can download a podcast, allowing everyone to listen where and when they want.

Onward & Upward: The Next Milestone

Bottom line, Podcasts are a product of the future, despite the fact that they’ve been around for over a decade. And as more people jump into the podcasting game, the numbers will continue to go up.  All media platforms are diving in, especially media darlings from Television and Radio. Since anyone can create a podcast, it can open more avenues and creativity for every individual who desires to create a show. Have microphone will podcast. 10 billion is obviously just a milestone. We are more curious what’s next? 15 billion? Enjoy the ride!

Most Podcasting Articles Are Like Step And Repeats…Not ‘State of the Unions’

Ok, I’m not trying to be a punk here. But as I was scrolling through my feed on LinkedIn a few weeks back, I saw an article by the DailyDot that was shared by a couple of my friends in the industry. It was called “The Podcasting State of the Union”, a very provocative header that definitely baited me to click.

As I read the article, the first thing that caught my eye was that it was under 1200 words…rather short for a ‘state-of-the-union’ kind of article. The second thing that caught my eye is that it repeated every known fact amongst the industry and those that follow it.

Let’s Recap Their So-called ‘State-of-the-Union’:

  • Podcast listeners is growing steadily year-over-year
  • Serial was the game changer for the industry
  • Original programming is coming from Apple, Spotify, Pandora (this is sort of new)
  • Revenue projections are surpassing $200
  • There is a lack of transparency when it comes to listener data
  • Many companies are working on new technologies
  • Media outlets are beginning to produce their own shows
  • Companies are aggressively working to create an app that curates the entire industry

So when it comes to calling this a  ‘State of the Union’ address for the podcasting industry, the article was nowhere near commensurate to its headline. And it’s not much of a ‘union’ right now. Can you say fragmented? Friction?

A 60,000 Foot Overview of the Industry

The article by The Daily Dot, while I’m appreciative they reported on the industry, and while it was just fine for ‘newpods, it should have been titled ‘A 60,000 Foot Overview of What’s Happening in Podcasting Today”.

Cliff Notes Steppin’ & Repeatin’

It was basically cliff notes, stepping and repeating the most generic articles in circulation, hence all of their direct links within it (trust me, I’m not against that style of writing…I just had an issue with being fooled by the title).  To me, it lacked the journalistic depth for something with such a title.

The Contrast: Nieman Labs or Nick Quad

I’d much rather read an article from Niemen Labs or Nick Quad on the “State of the Podcast Union”

For contrast, anyone recall the article back in September 2016 , written by Ken Doctor, at Nieman Labs entitled: An Island No More: Inside the Business of the Podcasting Boom? That article was nearly 5,000 words, and truly was representative of the title ‘State of the Union’.

If you’re going to call it State of the Union…BRING IT!  I’ll wait for Nick Quad or Ken Doctor to deliver it.