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TopPodcast.com Profiled in the Business Section of The Philadelphia Inquirer

We couldn’t be more thrilled with the press we’ve received since launching on March 28th!  It’s been just over a month since launching and could not be happier with how we’ve embraced.

Again, we want to be the home for the ‘first-timer’ who is discovering the podcast medium for the first-time. And for those seasoned listeners that want to quickly see what’s hot, what’s not, and what are our ‘Podfluencers’ listening to! Thanks for your continued support.

Click the pic to read the article, as featured in the Sunday Edition, Business Section, of the Philadelphia Inquirer.


Read the article by clicking here!

Bloodbath at ESPN Will Lead To a Long Train of New Sports Podcasts

What was a sad day for ESPN & and dozens of on-air talent will lead to a plethora of new podcasts. As we learn of the big-time names that were let go Wednesday, the podcast world anxiously awaits and welcomes them.

Big Names With Huge Social Followers

Notable names let go by ESPN were: Ed Werder, Trent Dilfer, Jasyson Stark, Jay Crawford, and the list goes on.

And the podcast train is already leaving the station, as NFL guru Ed Werder already has launched his podcast:

Listen Here  (Click on Pic) To New Sports Podcast by Ed Werder & Matt Mosely

Listen to the Show: Click Here!

Why These Layoffs Matter? 

As mentioned in our Bill O’Reilly story earlier this week, the monkey-see-monkey-do attitude will take hold, creating a domino effect of media personalities diving into the platform.

It matters because these public personalities bring new awareness to the medium and massive social followers which create immediate discovery.

  • Ed Werder has 207,000 Twitter followers…and many of his followers will get a taste of the podcast medium for the first time.
  • Jayson Stark has over 500,000 Twitter followers…how quickly will it be until he launches his own podcast?

Here’s what Jayson Stark Tweeted out:

 No One Wants to Be The Caboose

Bottom line, you don’t want to be late to the game…let alone last to the podcast party. Despite the fact that it was a terrible day for many employees at ESPN, it will be entertaining to watch the impact this has on the podcast industry, let alone to the enhanced quality of diverse sports podcasts made available.

Most notably, to us at #TopPodcast, newpods will have the chance to discover the on-demand audio platform for the first time…thanks to what was a terrible ‘doomsday’ at ESPN.

Onward and Upward!



Bill O’Reilly & A ‘Monkey-See-Monkey-Do’ Narrative Will Drive Podcast Advertising to $1 Billion

Whether you like Bill O’Reilly or not, there’s one thing you can’t deny. The speed at which he pivoted to a full-fledged premium podcast platform is mind-blowing!

It proves how effortless it is to literally change mediums on a dime. And now, his die-hard listeners have a place to absorb his message. But starting May 1st, you’re going to have to pay $4.95 a month to hear his podcast.

Why Bill O’Reilly Matters to the Podcast Industry? It’s Monkey See Monkey Do!

It’s the reason I have gone on public record stating that the podcast industry is underestimating the growth of podcast advertising …not just by a tad…but by a half-billion (current forecast is for $500 million by 2021).

Powerful media personalities, like Bill O’Reilly, will drive the medium in a way that most have underestimated, taking annual revenue to $1 Billion in 2021 — double current forecasts. It’s what I’m calling a MONKEY-SEE MONKEY-DO narrative, as anyone who’s anybody in media (TV & Radio) will demand their own podcast.

As traditional media personalities turn to podcasting, they bring with them millions and millions of social followers who will become on-demand audio lovers. This will exponentially drive the medium forward, as the herd enters the platform.

‘Factoring’ In O’Reilly’s Robust Numbers 

Analytics and social reach matter when trying to guess how his podcast will do. Here are the stats:

  • Bill O’Reilly has  1.72 Million Twitter Followers
  • His Facebook page had nearly 2 million followers (the page is down right now — perhaps there is a battle brewing between Fox News & O’Reilly for Facebook page ownership…if he forgot to negotiate this as part of his $25 million parachute, shame on him!
  • His show brought in $100 million in Ad Revenue in 2016
  • 3.71 million people tuned in to his show each week (even after the sexual harassment issues were brought to light)
  • The show averaged 485,000 viewers in the ad desired demo of 25-54

Why these numbers matter?

Many die-hard fans will follow O’Reilly to the podcast medium…and it will be their first time listening to a podcast.

What’s the most important number? 

The most important statistic will be how many of his subscribers will be new to the podcast industry?

Who Will Convert to the Premium Podcast?

How many will pay for $4.95 a month to listen to his podcast?

That’s the million-dollar question (or multi-million dollar questions). I’m going to say, low-ball, 50,000 subscribers initially (over the first month or two). That’s still only about $3 million in annual revenue, a mere blip of what his show brought in on Fox News. However, maybe I’m wrong on the numbers. I might be underestimating how many need to get their ‘No Spin Fix’ on.

What appeals most to me about these new subscribers?

Disregard just for the moment that these subscribers are basically endorsing someone allegedly accused of sexual harassment. I’m excited about one sole fact…that many of these subscribers will be first-time podcast listeners, or as we call them here at #TopPodcast…”Newpods’. Bottom line, as they embrace and get comfortable with the platform, they will listen to other podcasts…driving the industry forward.

What’s a Newpod? Click Here!



Podcast Advertising Facts – A Tepid Story Compared to Digital

Today, podcast advertising makes up a small share of overall digital spending, surpassing $200 million in 2016, compared to the overall Digital Ad community of over $60 Billion. Let’s do the math (and I suck at math).

That’s 1/3 of one percent of digital market share for podcasting. Pathetic, eh?

Ultimately, podcast advertising will have to increase five-fold to hit $1 Billion. Again, as traditional media players enter the platform, I believe this will happen in 2021.

The Bill O’Reilly Domino Effect: New Podcasters Enter & Major Brands Will Follow

The herd will follow. Just watch the influx of TV & Radio personalities, who have yet to produce a podcast, aggressively enter the realm. The monkey-see-monkey-do attitude will take hold. No one wants to be left behind, especially big personalities with egos the size of icebergs. New entrants will drive ‘newpods’ to the medium via the massive social media platforms they bring.

As media-darlings continue to dive in, BIG BRANDS will follow:

  • Sponsorships will come
  • Experiential podcasts will take hold at tent-pole events
  • Brands will explore building out custom branded podcasts
  • Live video podcasts will become highly relevant too, using Facebook Live.

A domino effect will occur within traditional media with new podcasters and brands aggressively scaling up.

It’s Bigger Than O’Reilly…It’s Who Will Come Next

While the focus certainly will be on Bill O’Reilly entering the podcasting realm, the bigger impact is who follows?

  • Which major media personalities dive in next?
  • How large is their social media reach?
  • What percentage of their listeners will be first-timers to the podcast industry?

This is why the monkey-see monkey-do mentality is real. It will have a major impact on the industry…favorably.

My bottom line: 

I foresee the podcast industry getting a much bigger share of the digital advertising pie, once the scale starts to tip. Hence, in my humble opinion, the industry will hit $1 Billion in annual ad revenue in 2021. #Boom

It’s way bigger than O’Reilly…it’s who’s next!


Key Take-Aways From Edison Research’s ‘The Podcast Consumer 2017’

Here we are again…another year in the books and the latest report out from Edison Research highlights some exciting data for the Podcast Industry. Releasing its annual “Podcast Consumer 2017′, the report highlights podcast consumption habits and data from the ‘Infinite Dial 2017 study.

Podcasting continues to rise, with monthly listeners growing from 21% to 24% percent year over year. But looking at podcast listenership in over a 4-year snapshot, it has doubled since 2013! #HUGE

Here are the cliff notes directly from the report & our thoughts:

Podcasting continues to rise, with Monthly listeners growing from 21% to 24% percent year over year

              Why this matters? 

As other traditional mediums struggle for growth, the trajectory of podcasting is headed in the right direction. We can’t discount the fact that while other traditional mediums (print & radio) are stable or declining, the podcasting industry is no doubt on the rise. Most importantly, the percentage of listenership has doubled over the last 4 years.


The audience for podcasts continues to be predominately 18-54, and leans slightly male.

              Why this matters? 

People inherently perceive that the podcast audience is super young. But, a deep dive into the numbers show that it actually is rather balanced. Ages 18-34  make up 44% of the demo while Ages 25-54 account for 33%. Bottom line, 77% of podcast listeners are ages 12-54…a prime and ripe target for advertisers.


Clicking on a podcast to listen to it immediately (either streamed or via progressive download) is the dominant paradigm for listening, though 27% do subscribe to podcasts.

Why this matters? 

62% listen immediately. A powerful statistic. When people see something they want, they are inclined to click and listen immediately. This mindset bodes well for TopPodcast.com, as we provide a hub to immediately test drive a podcast, with one click. Yes, more experienced podcast listeners are subscribing to a show, but that number is only at 27%.


Subscribers tend to have been podcast consumers for longer than non-subscribers, consume more podcasts, and are more likely to use their smartphone as their primary podcast player.

            Why this matters? 

No real surprise here when diving deeper into the 27% that subscribe to a podcast. Obviously, experienced users are more comfortable using the medium, so they would tend to be more inclined to subscribe. And yes, they understand how to navigate their smartphones, hence it’s the primary point of discovery for those that have been consumers of the medium longer. Nonetheless, the stat that still peaks my interest is the fact that 31% still use a computer to listen. Bottom line, the desktop or laptop is NOT DEAD!


While Home continues to be the most often named location for podcast listening, the vehicle is a strong second.

This statistic caused a ruckus within the industry, but only because people weren’t really grasping what the stat tells literally tells us. The question was: Have you ever listened to a podcast at home, in a car/truck, walking around, at work, at the gym, or riding public transportation? 82% said at home while 65% said in a car or truck. Yes, podcasting is a commuters dream, but remember, if you’re gardening, working in your garage, or making dinner in your kitchen, you still can listen to a podcast. So…the ‘at home’ statistic didn’t surprise me the way that it did many in the industry.


Most podcast consumers listen to most of the podcast episodes they download, and the vast majority listen to at least most of each episode.

Why this matters? 

Diving into the completion rate after downloading a podcast, the numbers really look great! 42% listen to the entire podcast episode while 44% listen to most of the podcast. That’s a whopping 86% who listen to all or most of the podcast…a favorable story to tell advertisers.


Podcasts are the number one audio source by time of consumption among podcast listeners

Why this matters? 

I love this statistic. It says that once you become an active and engaged podcast listener, you’d rather turn to a podcast rather than listen to the radio…let alone ‘owned music’, and/or stream any other audio. This is HUGE to me…especially as consumption habits evolve. Basically, if we put podcasting in the hands of the consumer, it will stick. 30% of Podcast listeners turn to podcasts as their primary source of time spent listening, followed by 25% AM/FM Radio, and then 19% Streamed Audio. Again, for podcast listeners, it’s their first choice of consumption, and they do it the longest.


On the smartphone, podcasting’s Share of Ear® is tied with AM/FM content, and leads AM/FM among 13-34 year olds.

Why this matters? 

Another fabulous statistic for the podcast industry, but not surprising, as AM/FM Radio is pivoting to be a ‘streaming audio’ play for the younger demo. Diving deeper here, 45% of ages 13-34 spent time listening to streaming audio on their smartphones. While this statistic is nearly six times as many that listen to podcasts on their smartphone (8% of this demo), it demonstrates that podcasts have surpassed the AM/FM Radio…probably for good. Chew on that statistic.

A Final Thought

I love how the report summed up everything, by saying:

Fix discovery, yes – but let’s not forget to ‘push’ in a ‘pull’ world!

Couldn’t agree more….and TopPodcast.com is trying to attack the discovery issue head on. It will take the industry to coalesce around itself to push out discovery more aggressively…in a clear and concise way. Good luck with that.

EDITORIAL NOTE: This report will be available in our PODCAST BUSINESS CENTER later this week, along with many other industry relevant reports…all located for your convenience in one place.  Or you can view The Podcast Consumer 2017 directly HERE, at Edison Research.

Univision Goes Big With On-Demand Audio Under Uforia Brand

Univision Communications is launching a new on-demand audio platform—“Uforia Audio On-Demand”—that will feature a suite of programming from news and politics to sports, music, comedy and more. The platform will include podcasts as well as live-stream programs utilizing the company’s radio and TV personalities, as well Univision’s digital-only talent.

Why this is Big?

It’s another powerful move by Univision to secure their position as the authoritative destination for Hispanics, particularly as many on-demand choices continue to become readily available in the marketplace. Basically, they’re just locking it down with this new powerful strategy.

What is the Podcast Impact?

This on-demand platform will offer numerous podcast options, including:

  1. “Epicentro,” an analysis of the week’s current events and “En Boca de León,” a politics and current affairs news magazine. Both podcasts are hosted by KMEX-TV Los Angeles anchor León Krauze.
  2. Alberto Sardiñas will host “El Show de Alberto Sardiñas,” a program that features well-known successful people sharing their path in the hopes of inspiring listeners to create their own.
  3. “El Show de Omar y Argelia”—the morning show hosted by married couple Omar Velasco and Argelia Atilano will be streamed on the platform.
  4. Coquenetas Positivas” with Karen ‘La Coqueta,’ a podcast hosted by Karen O’Brien, will offer uplifting and positive tips and advice for happier and healthier living
  5. Automotive experts Jaime Gabaldoni and Simón Gómez will host a weekly podcast, “A Bordo Podcast.
  6. Sports program “Los Tres P’s” will also find a home on the new platform.

What Univision is Saying?

Uforia Audio On-Demand harnesses the power and scale of our radio and digital properties to enhance our consumers’ experience and further expand our content’s reach,” Univision Digital senior VP Sameer Deen said. “The platform puts more of the content our audience loves at their fingertips, offering on-demand streaming whenever and wherever they want and available across multiple platforms.

Check out Uforia Audio Below

View On-Demand Offerings Here

How Millennial Consumption Habits Are Impacting Podcasting & Radio

A study last summer by Music Business Association concluded, not surprisingly, that Millennials listen to less radio than the generations that came before them. This is hardly news to most of us that understand consumption habits of millennials or have been swimming in a digital pool for the last 5 years.

More recently, a snap analysis of the 2017 Infinite Dial Report shows that 87% of those aged 12-24 are listening online now. That’s 87% my friends. If this number doesn’t tell you something about where we are headed, I don’t know what will.

While statistics are no doubt purveyors of what the future holds, the Music Business Association study last summer also said:

In lieu of radio, younger millennials have turned their ears and their attention to streaming, with many of those polled opting for on-demand options. This shows that not only is streaming in general more favorable, but the idea of radio simply isn’t as appealing to younger music lovers as it used to be for their older siblings, parents, and grandparents.

How Does This Correlate To Podcasts?

It’s all about smartphones and connected devices. It’s now confirmed (Edison Research) that 81% of all Americans use smartphones. When you look at millennials, that number explodes:

  • Ages 12-24: 95% smartphone ownership
  • Ages 25-54: 89% smartphone ownership

Why this matters? 

Accessibility and discovery of podcasts has correlated to the smartphone explosion. On-demand audio is simply a ‘point-and-click’ away.  In addition, while Millennials are listening to less traditional radio, they are listening online via streaming services, specifically Pandora, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and Apple Music.

In a similar study conducted by comScore, millennials are 44 percent more likely to listen to podcasts once a week on their smartphone than the average smartphone-owning adult. And the popularity does not stop with this demographic — 18-34 year olds are going to be more likely to be podcast listeners than the general population, while 12-17 year olds are almost twice as likely to listen to podcasts.

What kind of programming are they listening to? 

A fascinating aspect of Millennial podcast listeners is diving into what type of podcasts they are listening to. Interestingly enough, they are primarily listening to spoken-word programming…the same type of programming that is broadcasted on stations regulated to the AM dial. This data should hearten some radio execs as they literally have this content at their fingertips.  But it comes down to their distribution strategy, and allowing the content to be packaged in a way that aligns to changing consumption habits.

Why are podcasts so attractive to the younger generations?

It could simply be that the younger generations are that much more attached to their devices. And if the content is worthy enough to be ‘discovered’ on their device, it must be worthy of their attention. It could also be the increased importance surrounding on-demand content. Younger generations want to listen on their own terms…when they want it…and where they want it. Bottom line, it takes a strategy to make sure this content is available & packaged to millenials. Radio execs mustn’t underestimate a clear, cohesive strategy in packaging curated content via an on-demand platform. Bottom line, the podcast medium is a vehicle of choice for powerful distribution.

Sharing is caring – enter the Social Media factor

One of the most overlooked aspects, when it comes to on-demand discovery & consumption, is being able to share content…a fact that can’t be overlooked when it comes to analyzing a younger demographic. Millennials love to share, but they also like to like what others are sharing too. This is one of the reasons our Podfluencers will drive awareness of what is relevant in the industry, encouraging others to listen to new suggested podcasts.

Podcasts allow millenials to listen and share content with their friends. The social media impact is a key driver to podcast consumption, aligning seamlessly with millenials.

You can’t just share any old content and expect to be successful. In order to appeal to the younger demographic, you have to offer appealing content in a format that this age group prefers to consume. While broadcast radio assumes that Millennials want to hear the latest hits, they often overlook that they also want to hear original non-fiction programming.

While broadcast radio assumes that Millennials want to hear the latest hits, they often overlook that they also want to hear original non-fiction programming.

The podcast publishers that are experiencing the most success are the ones that have embraced this fact and are finding ways to tap into the power of the millennial masses.

Radio Can’t Rely on False Assumptions

While broadcast radio assumes that Millennials want to hear the latest hits, they overlook that they also want to hear original non-fiction programming. Old-school radio execs, in the past, have underestimated the power of the millennial and changing consumption habits.

Previously relying too heavily on an ‘in-the-now’ strategy that focused more company resources on PPM, (Portable People Meters), song survey analyses, format changes, radio transmission fees, and program directors that lacked flexibility, it’s time to jump on a new vision that aligns with millennials…or trust me, history will repeat itself…and you’ll go the way of MySpace, Friendster, and your Blackberry.

To steal a line from an old ‘Friend’ in the radio biz…

“It’s a great day to be in radio”…that is, if you accept and invest in the future of on-demand audio, aggressively monetizing your streaming platform, and align with the consumption habits of the future (they live on mobile). PS – the future is here.


Editorial Note: Stats in this article came from Forbes as well as the 2017 Infinite Dial Report, as noted above.



Finished Binge-Listening to S-Town? Here are 15 Podcasts To Explore!

The Huffington Post had a great article that caught our eye, where they suggested 15 podcasts for you to check out now that you’ve finished binge-listening to S-Town. Again, TopPodcast.com is targeting ‘newpods’…those that are just discovering podcasts for the first time. And we’re making it ‘simple’ to discover and listen to a show!

If you like what you hear below, we suggest you learn to listen via your smartphones, subscribing to the below shows! New to the podcasting medium? Learn how to listen via an app on your phone HERE! 

Take any one of the shows for a test-drive by simply clicking on the pictures below. It’s that simple to listen immediately! 


If true crime is your thing you’ll love “Crimetown.” This series promises to take an in-depth look at different American cities, and their seedy underbellies. The first season looks at Providence, Rhode Island, and the history of organised crime and corruption.

Click to Listen!



If you’ve ever asked “Who?” while reading the latest celebrity updates you’re not alone. The brilliant hosts of “Who? Weekly” dedicate themselves to finding out everything you need to know about the celebrities you’ve probably never heard of. Incredibly funny, and surprisingly informative, you’ll have a newfound respect for the many, many Whos of the world.

Click to Listen!


In the vain of the first season of “Serial“, “Up and Vanished” takes a look at unsolved, 11-year-old cold case of the disappearance of high school teacher Tara Grinstead. The podcast aims to answer the question “what happened to Tara Grinstead?” as it examines old evidence and re-interviews those involved

Click to Listen!



If you love conspiracy theories then you’ll adore “Lizard People“, which sees major skeptic and comedian Katelyn Hempstead invite her friends to convince her of some pretty compelling theories. Could your pet’s microchip actually be tracking you? Is Beyoncé part of the Illuminati? Did Marisa Tomei actually win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress because of a drunken error? We may never know the truth…

Click to Listen!


Instead of always answering the question “how are you” with “fine”, this podcast takes a look at what it’s like to address the sad, painful and awkward without feeling like an inconvenience. “Terrible, Thanks for Asking” is hosted by Nora McInerny Purmort, who identifies as an author and “notable widow”, and uses her life experience as a basis for discussing what others might avoid in their day-to-day conversations.

Click To Listen!


it’s a nightmare many of us face daily, what would you do if your Dad wrote a dirty novel? In the case of James Morton, he decided the best course of action would be to gather his friends and read the book to the world in this ridiculously funny series. “My Dad Wrote A Porno” follows the story of “Belinda Blinked”, the sauciest story set in the pots and pans industry (really) you’ll ever hear.

Click to Listen!


BFFs Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams come together in this live comedy podcast where they cover every topic, interview celebrity guests, and invite their celebrity friends to share stories of sex, race, New York and everything involved in being “2 Dope Queens“.

Click to Listen!


Much like “Crimetown”, “Criminal” focuses on the actual people who have fallen on the wrong side of the law. Sidestepping the typical stories of crime the media spotlights, this series aims to tell the stories of those that have wound up in some way caught up with the nature of crime

Click to Listen!



If you’ve ever uttered the phrase “it’s so bad, it’s good” about a movie, you’ll love “How Did This Get Made?“. Hosts Paul, Jason and June are often joined by incredibly funny guests as they watch and discuss all the best of the worst films ever made

Click To Listen!


The hosts of “My Favorite Murder“, Georgia Hardstark and Karen Kilgariff, delight in regaling each other with stories of crime. Each episode they tell one another stories of murders, and have friends and fans call in to discuss gory details of death.

Click to Listen!


One of the most polarising podcasts released this year, “Missing Richard Simmons” was labelled “brilliant“, “harmful” and an “ethical minefield“, so you know it was interesting stuff. In 2014, Richard Simmons retired from public life, practically disappearing and cutting off contact with almost everyone he had formed close relationships with. One of those people, filmmaker Dan Taberski, decided to embark on a journey to find out what happened to the enigmatic fitness guru, podcasting along the way.


Click to Listen!


The granddaddy of podcasts, “This American Life” is a weekly public radio show responsible for the likes of “Serial” and “S-Town”. Each week the team focuses on a particular subject or event, and tells incredibly engaging, moving, and often surprising stories about it. Episodes are so varied, depending on the chosen subject, ranging from stories about break-ups, what makes a psychopath or even just spending 24 hours in a diner.

Click to Listen!


After serving as aides to President Obama, Jon Favreau, Dan Pfeiffer, Jon Lovett and Tommy Vietor began “Pod Save America“, where they discuss everything about politics, the press and Trump’s America. Vietor has also recently begun a spin-off show “Pod Save the World” which focuses on foreign policy if that’s more your vibe.

Click to Listen!



omedian Chris Gethard opens the phone lines and takes one call from one anonymous caller for an entire hour. The only rules are there are no names, no holds barred and Gethard can’t be the one to hang up first. What occurs are a series of raw, shocking, hilarious and always “Beautiful Stories from Anonymous People“.

Click to Listen!



Have you ever seen a scrap of paper laying around and realised it’s a note someone may have dropped? Davy Rothbart, contributor to “This American Life” and editor of “Found Magazine” hopes when you do, you pick it up so he can unravel the mysteries within these notes. With a magazine, an app and now the “Found” podcast, Rothbart hopes no note will go unsolved in what he calls a global community art project.

Click to Listen!

Editorial Note: Suggested Podcasts were featured in The Huffington Post, Australia Edition.

Visit original article

‘S-Town’ Is Breaking Industry Records & Soaring Off the #TopPodcast Charts

S-Town Is Blowing Up

In case you missed all the excitement in the podcasting industry the past week or so (I’m not talking about us), one podcast is blowing up the charts and making history. S-Town, the new seven-episode podcast has taken the industry by storm. And honestly, when you know who the creators are…it’s really not that surprising!

The Brilliant Team Behind S-Town

The podcast was developed by the team behind the 2014 industry-changing podcast Serial.  The biggest difference in the roll-out of the original series and S-town is the fact that the original production was rolled out weekly. S-town was dropped all at once, allowing us podcast lovers to what we do…LISTEN, DOWNLOAD, LISTEN!

Last week, Variety reported that the podcast topped ’10 million downloads in just four days. Amazing! Talk about making an entrance! To put that in perspective, the original production Serial took seven weeks to hit the 10 million download milestone.

As reported by Variety:

In “S-Town,” longtime “This American Life” producer Brian Reed begins by delving into a murder mystery in a rural Alabama town. He began reporting on the story three years ago, after he was contacted by John B. McLemore, an antique clock restorer from Woodstock, Ala., asking Reed to investigate the scion of a wealthy family who had allegedly been bragging about getting away with murder. As the podcast unfolds, someone else winds up dead — and new mysteries emerge about a bitter feud and a hunt for hidden treasure. (The name of the podcast derives from McLemore’s description of his hometown as “Shittown.)

So How Did S-Town Derive It’s Name?

Without spoiling anything, as mentioned above, the name S-Town is short for ‘Shitttown’.  As Romper reported, just after the show dropped on March 28th:

S-Town host Brian Reed first encountered the man who would embed himself in the center of his reporting efforts for the next three years back in 2013. “John B. McLemore lives in Sh-ttown, Alabama,” screamed the subject line of an email McLemore himself sent to Reed, a senior producer on the radio show This American Life, at the time. In the email, McLemore implored Reed to come investigate police corruption and rumors of a murder cover-up in the hometown he despises. That would be Woodstock, Alabama, a blip on the map that about 1,500 call home.

Binge Listening vs. Existing Podcast Listening Habits

What does the viral success of S-Town tell us about the podcast industry and binge listening?

  • Heavy podcast listeners already listen on average to 5 podcasts a week
  • Binge-listening a series is basically aligning with already existing listening habits of heavy users
  • Rather than flipping from show to show, we’re just rolling through one series…all at once
  • I would, however, love to know how many people who listened were first-timers to the platform? Hmmm…

The success of S-Town is falling in line with the consumption habits of heavy podcast listeners, especially when they find something they love! Rather than hopping from show to show, we’ll just stop in one place, like S-Town!

Podcast listeners are open to binge-listening, should a compelling show like S-Town drop at once, as they already are listening to an average of 5 podcasts a week.

Personally, I don’t necessarily equate the immediate success of S-Town to a binge-listening experience, especially in the same context as Netflix or Amazon Prime. But yes, you can call it binge if you’d like!

So now let’s talk about the fun part…how you too can become a victim of the binge-listening experience of S-Town! (and I say that in a favorable context)

Editorial Note: This post is targeted for new listeners that have never listened to a podcast!

How & Where to Listen to S-Town?

So…what’s the best way to find & listen to S-Town? First, you can listen here (click on the pic below) if you just want to ‘test-drive’ the experience, as we are using the iTune feeds from the source.

Try out S-Town Here! 

Click Here to Try S-Town Out!


Why Not Dive into the Podcasting Experience…Here’s How!

But, once you’re ready to DIVE HEAD FIRST into the Podcast Listening Experience, here’s where you can discover a more compulsive way to listen:

The S-Town Website

Visit the S-Town Website to Subscribe & Share




iPhone or Mac users

Android Users – Stitcher or RadioPublic

A Fabulous Week of Press & The Scoop That Wasn’t

What a week it was! The launch of TopPodcast.com was an overwhelming success…especially with the feedback from industry insiders & podcasters alike. 

As the marketing communications & media arm of TopPodcast.com, I wanted to introduce myself by highlighting a few pieces of the positive press we received and a few other interesting tidbits that occurred during our inaugural week. From our press release being picked up across the country, to monetization inquiries, to crickets…have a look at the inaugural week that was! #Success

First, a few selections from the amazing press & features we continue to receive…(here a few samples) 


Click to read the entire article


podtopod (we’re excited to be on their show this week too)

podtopod runs with the presser! Thank you…Read it Here


Yahoo Finance Picked Up The Presser!

All Access

All Access Welcomes Us To the World!


In a nutshell, one email summed up the dozens and dozens of responses and inquiries from industry content creators, independents and show producers. Chris Hill, from The Motley Fool family of Podcasts, sent a note, and here’s part of it:

Love the site and it’s great to see all five of The Motley Fool’s
podcasts on there. I’m writing for two reasons:

1. We’re about to launch a 6th podcast and I’d like to make sure you
get that information as well.


Please get back to me when you have a moment.

Many thanks,
Chris Hill
Host, Motley Fool Money & MarketFoolery

The overwhelming response from professionals like Chris Hill was on par with what we had hoped! We are industry advocates, pushing out discovery that will drive first-time listeners to discover then subscribe to content creators feeds. Just as important, we have some exciting announcements on the horizon, for the independents and ‘start-up’ podcasters….so stay tuned…it will transform the industry for newcomers.

As we update our 90 for 90, you’ll see shows like the ones below being featured for discovery.

In the meantime, we encourate you to explore the Motley Fool family of podcasts:

Visit Motley Fool Podcasts Now by Clicking Banner

Why not take one of his shows for a test drive (Click banner below or search in our search bar any one of the above shows)

Test Drive & Listen Now – Click Banner


Ad Agencies Had Lots of Questions About Monetization Rather Than Discovery

Interestingly enough, a handful of ad agencies inquired about our business model (this surprised us). They really weren’t that interested in our innovative premise of driving awareness and discovery but more curiously focused on how we are going to monetize the site. Many were a little aggressive in their inquisitiveness, assuming we were actually going to divulge proprietary insight on existing & future revenue streams.

We gave them a few nuggets to digest on about our Podcast Business Center…but this site was developed for the industry, especially content creators, as a place for new listeners to test drive and discover their shows! There’s so much more on the horizon than anyone realizes…Stay Tuned…the team at TopPodcast.com is just getting started!


Ironically enough, the night before the launch, I wanted to provide an industry insider ‘the scoop’ on our launch. So, after much consideration, I decided to throw it at Nick Quah, at HotPodNews.

Here’s what I did:

  • I sent the press release to the two email addresses we had on file
  • I direct tweeted him too
  • and we got crickets.

Despite my brilliant idea to ‘try’ and give someone the scoop 12 hours before it hit the wire, we received the kind of overwhelming press I can only hope for on behalf of my clients. Maybe it’s best he didn’t decide to run with it. And maybe he never will. Nonetheless, we were rather surprised (and curious) that an industry insider didn’t take the scoop, especially with all the granular podcast news Nick pushes out weekly. It’s certainly curious.

While I’m sure he receives dozens of weekly ‘reach-outs’ from people like me, everyone else and their mother wanted to know what we were doing…so much for the scoop…

Makes ya go hmmmmm…

Thanks to all of the press that continue to inquire about interviews & comment. This week, we’ve set up interviews with Mathew Passey of podtopodBrad Segall of KYW NewsRadio (thanks to both of them), and many more are on the docket.

I’ll be here if there’s anything you need on the communications side of the table!  I couldn’t be happier to partner with such a revolutionary company. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me!  And look for my contributing articles, coming monthly! #TopPodcast

Weekly Podfluencers Rolled Out Tuesdays

Just an update, as our Podfluencer report will be coming out on Tuesdays…as it stands right now. As more and more inquire to become featured, we may do two a week. We prefer to give our Podfluencers a weekly feature directly on the homepage, and Taz’s feature was so overwhelmingly received…and we are so grateful for all the plugs he provided us! Wow, it was awesome…the traffic we saw.

Our first two podfuencers:

  • The Taz Show
  • Astonishing Legents

Check them out on our PODFLUENCER PAGE! 

Stay tuned, check back often, as this will be one of the features that make this site so unique!