Children separated from parents at the border, living on stolen land, chosen pronouns, and the benefits of conflict resolution in an outdoor environment. Ira Armstrong and Cara Kelsey of PeaceOutLoud in the bay area talk to us about the responsibilities of privilege in our parenting and about building a just and compassionate community with our kids' help.
Children separated from parents at the border, living on stolen land, chosen pronouns, and more. Ira Armstrong and Cara Kelsey of PeaceOutLoud in the bay area talk to us about building a just and compassionate community.
Ira Armstrong and Cara Kelsey of PEACE Out Loud provide Maker and Arts Education as a vehicle for child development, individual expression, community building, peace training and changing the world from their hub in Berkeley, California.
As educators, they are committed to creating the conditions for all children to comfortably grow into being their full selves. The team is composed of black, brown, queer, trans and poor people with a passion for care, social justice and playfulness! They strive to create a world liberated from oppression in all its shapes. They welcome children of queer and trans parents, children of sex workers, children of all gender expression, abilities on a sliding scale.
Executive Director Cara Kelsey (They/Them) is a somatic practitioner with over 15 years in recovery-based models of community building and restorative justice. They also have been teaching consent-based models and workshops for over 10 years. Founder Ira X Armstrong (FKA Nanci Armstrong-Temple; They/Them) is a front line Blacktivist and Social Permaculture specialist who grew up in a culture of transformative justice before the field was named. They have been teaching nonviolent direct action through the arts for over 30 years and freedom-based economic self-determination and consent based community care since 2008.