As 2019 comes to a close, Beav and Alex do some reflecting over the past 12 months as well as discuss Christmas traditions.
Hint: don’t watch or listen to this one with the kids, we won’t be responsible for ruining Christmas.
We won’t give too much away in this write up, but Elf on the Shelf may have an unfortunate accident in the near future… Maybe he has some dirt on the Clintons, we don’t know for sure.
As one of the busiest years for Tactical Baby Gear®, hiring several people full time, building a new media office, as well as developing a new system of products (available mid 2020)and both guys have had a ton on their personal agendas.
From renovating his house, designing the new office, dealing with daughters getting older, going to the gym 3 times a week, Beav had a busy year outside of the office. His big goal for 2020 is to have less “busy work” and concentrate on being creative and growing TBG.
Alex on the other hand, has the busiest year of his life ahead of him, since kid number 4 will be here mid year. We can only hope and pray he keeps his sanity, because no one else around here can decipher his spread sheets and actually run the company.
We have had some incredible guests on the podcast already, from TheManSpot, WifeSpot, Gary V, Aaron, Dakota and many more. We look forward to an even better season 2 for 2020.
All of this, and of course a ton more, on the last episode of the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast.
Helpful Links:
Who is the Manspot, a short documentary about Vaughn we made -
Video from racing the Jeep -
Workout Video with Jordan -
TheWifeSpot Podcast - Hands down the funniest thing you will ever hear. -