Is the Yummy Mummy Experience right for you? This episode is designed to help you decide.
I'm gonna share with you a lot of real-time, real life conversations that I've had with clients over email and in DMs who were on the fence, who couldn't decide if they should do this.
If you’ve been wondering this for yourself, just know you're not alone!
SO, at its most basic level, The Yummy Mummy Experience (YMX) is a six month group coaching and course that guarantees you lose weight for the last time.
But really it’s SO MUCH MORE than just that. It’s science-backed, it’s a built-in support system, it’s community with other women on the same journey, and it’s ALL rooted in self-love.
Today I’m going to share exactly how we go about losing weight for the last time, which includes my holding your hand step-by-step all along the way.
In YMX, every client’s plan is DIFFERENT. Because you’re all different. Different bodies and biologies and lifestyles and needs. And no matter what their plan is, clients are constantly telling me how easy it feels to follow YMX.
We’re not doing keto or carb cycling or counting macros, no tracking calories in-calories out. It’s the ease and effortlessness YMX provides that makes this program so different and so sustainable.
Now, does that mean there won’t be any hiccups or mental freakouts or self-doubt along the way? Of course not! We’re humans here. Losing weight for the last time is a big task, but YMX makes sure you’re up for it with all the support and tools you could possibly need.
Listen in to this episode and you’ll hear more about:
- The steps involved in losing weight for the last time
- How balancing your hormones affects your weight loss
- What it means to rewire your brain and how YMX helps you rewire for success
- How YMX supports the often-overlooked emotional component of losing weight
- Why incorporating self-love is such a game-changer
APRIL IS HERE and that means the next round of Yummy Mummy is kicking off SOON, so be sure to get your booty over to learn more about the April 2024 YMX cohort!
PPS want a lil taste of the Yummy Mummy (no pun intended)? I made you a roadmap called "Create your perfect weight loss plan... PLAN!" And you can download it for FREE (it is usually $37) by clicking here now!
Not only will you be able to kick start your weight loss with this plan but you are also invited to come to the FREE (usually $97) workshop to ask any questions and get help on your plan.
The workshop and Q+A call is on Thursday, April 11th at 12pm MST. We will send you the zoom link after you click above download your PLAN!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.