The First Latch Podcast is a show brought to you to help connect, inspire, and empower mothers from all over the world. The journey through pregnancy, breastfeeding, and motherhood is hard, beautiful, and transformative. Those stories are told here for all mothers, everywhere.
No. 74 | Physical Therapy for Tongue Tie with Dr. Giselle Tadros
Mar 26, 2021
I’m so excited to have Dr. Giselle on the show today discussing the benefits for physical therapy treatment in tongue tied babies. She shares such great information. If you are a lactation professional or a mom with a tongue tied baby, you’ll get something out of this show.
Dr. Giselle Tadros DPT is the founder of In-Home Pediatric PT of NJ (@inhomepediatricpt) and Milk Matters PT(@milkmatterspt). She has been helping babies and families in her community for over 20 years and has 3 kids of her own. In addition to traditional physical therapy, Giselle also specializes in working with infants who have lip and tongue ties. She helps teach them efficient feeding with correct techniques through gentle and fun exercise protocols.
She is a JC resident and a mom of 3, with kids 12, 10 and 4. She is a voice for babies, an advocate for parents and caregivers, and an activist for educating and empowering parents to help their children through movement and active play!
Her greatest gift is translating a baby or child’s symptoms and behaviors into understanding, so you can take action! By addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, Giselle helps parents make small effective changes to see rapid improvements.
In addition to traditional physical therapy, where she works with children who may have specific physical challenges such as gross motor delays, flat head plagiocephaly, torticollis, toe walking, neuromuscular conditions, Giselle also specializes in working with infants who have lip and tongue ties. She helps teach them efficient feeding with correct techniques through gentle and fun exercise protocols.
Join Dr. Giselle on @firstlatch Instagram Stories on Wednesday, March 31st. Look for a question box Tuesday evening March 30th. Don’t worry if you miss this date, look for her take over Q & A in my highlights on the profile page of @firstlatch
Thank you so much for listening today! If you enjoy the podcast, it would mean so much for you to rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!
No. 73 | Preparing For Birth, Breastfeeding, and Postpartum with IBCLC Bri Taggart
Jan 28, 2021
This week on the podcast, fellow IBCLC Bri Taggart shares tips for preparing for birth, breastfeeding, and postpartum. She is a wealth of knowledge and has such practical advice!
No. 72 | Isla's Birth Story + Bonus
Jan 01, 2021
No. 71 | Chiropractic Care for Health, Breastfeeding, and Birth with Dr. Nancy Trimboli
Aug 22, 2020
This week, Chiropractor Dr. Nancy Trimboli joins the podcast to talk about all the ways chiropractic care and positively impact ones life. From health maintenance, breastfeeding, and birth. We dive deep into the history of chiropractic care as well.
Since 1993, Dr. Trimboli has been bringing the power of Chiropractic to
Northwest Indiana. She graduated from Adelphi University in New York
with her B.S., and then continued on to Chiropractic School at Life
University in Marietta, Georgia, where she received her Doctorate in
After completing an internship under Dr. Paul Markey, the originator of the
Markey Distraction technique, she quickly became an expert in not only
the Distraction technique, but many others including Thompson Drop,
Activator, Motion Palpation, and more.
Dr. Nancy Trimboli is the founder and owner of Trimboli Chiropractic,
which opened in 1996, in Munster, Indiana. In recent years, we have
closed the doors to our Munster location and continued on in
Cedar Lake, Indiana. Our top priority is to treat patients for pain and
symptoms so they may get their greatest enjoyment out of life.
Whether you are an equestrian, an avid golfer, or habitual gardener, we
will keep you living the life you choose by putting the power and
A great way to support the podcast is by rating and reviewing the podcast on Apple Podcasts or any app you use to listen.
Have you considered becoming a Patreon member? Our First Latch mamas on Patreon directly support the ongoing production of the podcast with a small monthly donation. We have a monthly virtual meetup where we chat all things motherhood! Consider joining! Your support means the world!
No. 70 | Breastfeeding + Motherhood with Rehab Addict's Nicole Curtis
Aug 06, 2020
This week Nicole Curtis from HGTV's hit show Rehab Addict joins me to discuss breastfeeding and motherhood. After a very public custody battle that included defending her rights to breastfeed, Nicole has become an advocate for breastfeeding mothers. We chat all things breastfeeding, including hand expression, peer support, working as a breastfeeding mother and the importance of therapy and mental health.
Nicole Curtis is a baby-wearing, booby-feeding, holistic mommy of 2 and in her free time, she is the NYT Best-selling author, executive-producer + on-air talent of HGTV's hit show Rehab Addict. She hid her pregnancy and the birth of her 2nd child from the media only to have it blasted across headlines by her disgruntled ex. It was only after it went public against her choice, even her court documents were UNSEALED, did she decide to take such an outspoken stance. She was ridiculed for breastfeeding, her attached, and natural parenting. However, by going public she opened the door for other moms like her to have support. She views that as the silver lining in all the trauma.
Just when you think you have this motherhood thing nailed down, your kid enters a new phase of development and it’s all new again... I the end goal for all of us is to raise kind and happy humans and so that is our job”.
Thank you so much for listening! If you’d like to support the podcast, one way to do that is to become a First Latch Patron. For the 5$ per month donation you’ll be invited to join our monthly mama virtual meet up! Click the button below to get more information!
No. 69 | Breastfeeding Complications In The Hospital: What The Books Won't Tell You
Jul 16, 2020
This week we catch up on COVID19 life, my pregnancy, and we talk about what the books won't tell you. How can we catch long term milk supply issues before they start in the hospital? If you are about to give birth, or pregnant-this episode is for you!
Thank you to everyone who showed their support for my recent pregnancy announcement over on Instagram! It means the world to me.
Are you looking for a way to support the podcast? Consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! This helps others find the show!
You can also join our Patreon community of mamas! A simple 1$ or 5$ per month donation goes directly to supporting the production of the podcast. Mamas who donate at the 5$/month level also are invited to join our monthly virtual mama meet up where we chat all things motherhood!
No. 68 | Empowered Health With Emily Kumler
May 15, 2020
This week, the host of the Empowered Health Podcast Emily Kumler joins me to discuss women’s health topics. We discuss the maternal health crisis in the United States amongst other important topics!
“Emily Kumler Kaplan is host to the Empowered Health Podcast, a women's health podcast covering the full spectrum of health-related topics from the under representation of females in clinical trials, to mental health concerns to diagnosis and treatment options of a wide swath of women’s health conditions, diseases and experiences. Emily is an award-winning investigative journalist. As an ABC news staffer, newspaper reporter, columnist, and magazine writer, she has gone inside the minds of murderers, world leaders, celebrities, business innovators, and everyone in between. Emily’s fascination with how our personal narratives play a major role in our experiences makes her a captivating writer and speaker. She contributes to the The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Boston Magazine, Good Morning America, The New York Daily News, Cosmopolitan Magazine, The Daily Beast, and other media outlets. She also writes a weekly health column for Boston Magazine.”
Thank you so much for listening today! I am excited to bring to you more topics regarding women’s health and the importance of these conversations. I’d love to hear from you! Please consider emailing me to share your ideas for things you’d like to hear about on the podcast. I’d also love to hear what you think of the podcast. Consider leaving a review and rating on apple podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
No. 67 | Birth Education Using Legos With Hanna Murray
Apr 03, 2020
This week Hanna Murray of @babytalk.birthnurse joins to share her passion for birth education using lego blocks! We discuss differences in the USA and Canada birth culture, and how COVID-19 is affecting our areas.
Hanna is the labour and delivery nurse behind Babytalk. She runs the Instagram account @babytalk.birthnurse and blog where she shares fun and educational posts on pregnancy, birth, postpartum and breastfeeding. Hanna is a mother of two boys a teenager and a toddler and she believes in the importance of women being well prepared for their pregnancy and birth journeys. She wants women to be empowered and knowledgeable when they come into the hospital for their delivery as birth is a pivotal event in women's and babies lives.
Show Notes:
To see all the links regarding protocols and guidelines for COVID-19, please visit this post.
To jump to our COVID-19 conversation, jump to the time 38:54 of the episode
Behind the scenes of Hanna’s Lego creations!
Thank you so much for listening today! I’d love to hear from you! Consider rating and reviewing the podcast over on Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Use the button below to review! I’ll read reviews on future episodes of the podcast!
No. 66 | COVID-19 Information For Pregnancy + Breastfeeding
Mar 19, 2020
Jenna Bruce CNM joins today to discuss the current guidelines regarding COVID-19 during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This information is rapidly changing, and is true as of 3/19/2020.
Thank you so much for listening today. I will continue to update instagram @firstlatch in story highlights for COVID-19 as well as the COVID-19 post. Please reach out if you have any questions or have a personal experience you would like to share.
This card is perfect for the pregnant or new mama! Especially now when prenatal breastfeeding classes may be canceled due to COVID-19. Download PDF below image. You can save it, print it, and share it.
No. 65 | Doctor Appointment Ends Badly + Dental Caries and Breastfeeding
Mar 12, 2020
This week Victoria shares her story of a doctor appointment gone bad. An all too common occurrence that happens to so many women where you leave feeling attacked, given unwarranted advice or judgement from a trusted healthcare provider. This is a problem! We chat about how to avoid this situation and also dive into the research on dental caries and breastfeeding.
Thank you so much for listening! I would love to hear from you! Come hang out over on Instagram @firstlatch and consider leaving a rating and review over on Apple Podcasts. It helps other moms find the podcast!
No. 64 | 1000 Hours Outside with Ginny Yurich
Mar 05, 2020
This week, Ginny Yurich, the founder of 1000 hours outside joins me to share how her mission and journey started. We chat about the importance of outside time for children and how Mother Nature can be a part of your "village".
Ginny is a Michigan homeschooling mother of five and the founder of 1000 Hours Outside. She is a thought-leader in the world of nature-based play and its benefits for children. One of her top priorities is to inspire parents to invest in spending time in nature with their children. Her 1000 Hours Outside Challenge spans the globe and many people from all walks of life look to her for inspiration as well as practical tips on how to put down the screens and get outside. Ginny has a BS in Mathematics and a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Michigan and is also a children's book author and illustrator. Her book, The Little Farmhouse in West Virginia was published in February, 2019
It’s about intentionality and saying look, this is something thats so important for kids that we can’t just leave it as the last thing. -Ginny Yurich, 1000 Hours Outside
Thank you so much for listening today! I hope you are inspired by Ginny’s mission as much as I was! If you love the podcast, the best way to support the show is to share an episode with a friend. Also, leaving a review on Apple Podcasts is another way to help other moms find the show! Use the button below to leave a review!
Also, Don’t forget to grab your quick tip card HERE
If you want to know first when a new tip card drops, sign up for our monthly email HERE
No. 63 | Season 2 + Sneak Peek
Feb 27, 2020
The podcast is back! Today I dive into the theme for season 2, and give a sneak peek on the amazing conversations and interviews for season 2! I'm so excited to share this with the First Latch Community!
No. 62 | Cheers to Changes in 2020!
Jan 03, 2020
This week, we discuss changes for 2020! You don't want to miss what is in store for the podcast and First Latch!
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement along this crazy adventure! I appreciate you and appreciate the time you take to listen to the podcast!
I’d love to hear what you think of the podcast. Consider leaving a rating and review over on apple podcasts! It helps other moms find the podcast! Use the button below to leave your review now!
No. 61 | Re-Lactating For Twins, Jennifer’s Story
Dec 27, 2019
Jennifer shares the story of re-lactating for her twin boys. Amongst the chaos of having twins, and a toddler alongside some postpartum complications, Jennifer decided to stop breastfeeding when twins were 3 weeks old. When the twins were 2 months old, instinctively she latched her twins during a moment of fussiness. With the help of a supplemental nursing system and a lactation consultant, Jennifer was able to get her supply back and go on to breastfeed her twins for a full year and beyond.
Jennifer lives in Vancouver, Canada with her husband Cyrus, and three happy children: Augusta 4, and 15 months old twin boys Palmer and Payne.
Jennifer and Cyrus met at a golf tournament in Shanghai, while Jennifer was travelling in Shanghai and Cyrus was working there. They met through golf, Cyrus is an US PGA ( Golf Association of America ) professional, Jennifer a avid golfer, they gave their children all golf related names.
Jennifer grew up in Vancouver, Canada and Cyrus is originally from Florida, both are stay at home parents dedicating in raising their children and taking care of the house by themselves, while running a successful digital marketing company.
Connect with Jennifer on Instagram @mrswongjansen
Thank you so much for listening today! Today on the podcast, I shared information about Mama’s Getaway Weekend with Alyssa Campbell of Seed and Sew. If you would like to get more information or to register, use the button below. Use the code EARLYBIRD through December 31st, 2019 to get $100 off of your ticket.
No. 60 | Reiki Energy Healing and Maternal Mental Health with Diana Bamford
Dec 05, 2019
Diana Bamford joins the show to share her journey into the maternal mental health field and also shares about Reiki Energy Healing. A fascinating and important cultural conversation that all health care practitioners should listen to!
I am so excited to join Alyssa Campbell of Seed and Sew, and podcast host of Voices of your Village at her Spring 2020 Mama’s Getaway Weekend. You can learn more about the weekend taking place in San Diego,CA in April 2020 by using the button below. I would love to meet some of you lovely mamas. There is also a payment plan option that makes this weekend a possibility for many moms who like to plan ahead! Also, if you are local to San Diego, it’s a no brainer- come hang out and LEARN with ME!
Diana Curiel Bamford is a Maternal Mental Health Advocate and Postpartum Energy Healer - Reiki Master, Yoga Instructor in San Diego, Ca. I teach Prenatal - Postnatal Yoga. Certified 200HR RYT, Certified Peer Support Specialist, Member of The Postpartum Health Alliance and volunteer.
She is a mother of 3. Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs), formerly known as Postpartum Depression, SURVIVOR! (PPD,PPA,OCD,PTSD)
Thank you so much for listening today! Please consider leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts to help support the podcast! I’d love to read your review on a future episode of the podcast and hear from you! It helps other moms find the podcast!
No. 59 | Holiday Boundaries, Traditions, and Gift Guide
Nov 22, 2019
This week, frequent guest and friend Kaelah and I are bringing all things holidays to you. We talk about boundaries, traditions, and have an excellent gift guide to get you started this holiday season!
No. 58 | Breastfeeding During The Holiday Season
Nov 14, 2019
The holidays are upon us! Having a newborn and a breastfeeding baby during the holiday season can make some moms worry or feel uneasy when it comes to navigating family events. Let me help you! Today I share tips and tricks for getting through this season worry free!
No. 57 | Infertility, IVF, and Miscarriage: Kim's Story
Oct 24, 2019
This week, Kim shares her journey of infertility, IVF (in-vitro fertilization), and miscarriage before giving birth to her rainbow baby. We talk all the ins and outs of the IVF process which is a great window into this world if you are not familiar with it and want to learn more.
About Kim:
Kim was born and raised in Ohio along her husband. She is a nutritionist (NDTR) for the WIC program. She and her husband are high school sweethearts and began trying for a baby 6 months after they got married. They were diagnosed with dual-factor infertility. They went through IVF and lost their first embryo in a chemical pregnancy. Their second embryo transfer was successful and they welcomed their baby boy October of 2018.
Thank you so much for listening today! Do you think you could help out the show by leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts? It only takes a few minutes and I’ll read your review on an upcoming episode of the podcast. Use the button below to share the love of the podcast with other moms!
No. 56 | Allison's Miscarriage Stories
Oct 17, 2019
This week, First Latch community member Allison shares her story of three miscarriages. We discuss why sharing our stories is so important, and also what things helped Allison have a successful pregnancy after three losses.
No. 55 | Britni's Miscarriage Stories
Oct 11, 2019
Today Britni shares her story of enduring three consecutive miscarriages before giving birth to her rainbow baby.
About Britni:
Britni works as a licensed clinical social worker in Salt Lake City and lives with her husband, baby girl and 2 dogs. She became a mother 3 years ago when she found out she was pregnant, and finally got to hold my baby in May 2019 after a long journey of loss and heartache. As a family, they love doing anything in the mountains, keeping in touch with family back in St. Louis, and just spending as much time together as they can!
Britni’s Rainbow Baby, Cecelia. Born after three consecutive losses.
Thank you to Britni for sharing her personal photos taken through her journey above.
“The first “bump” picture I took during this last pregnancy because I never made it to 8 weeks without bleeding so I was feeling more hopeful. The picture with our dogs was the picture we were going to use to announce our pregnancy during the first pregnancy when we got married. We kept those shoes and can’t wait for Cecilia to wear them! The last picture was taken last week, our angel, Cecilia, who we love so much”
Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoy the podcast, I’d love to hear from you! Please consider leaving a review on apple podcasts. This helps other moms find the show! Click the button below to leave a quick rating and reivew! Thank you so much!
October’s Patreon Virtual Meetup is in just a few weeks! If you’d like to become part of this exclusive group and support the podcast, we’d love to have you! Click the button below to become a member!
In honor of Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness month, I am breaking the silence of the stigma surrounding loss. I am sharing my own story in detail in an effort to help other women feel less alone and to raise awareness on this often disenfranchised type of loss. I experiences the loss of my 4th pregnancy at 11 weeks and 1 day. I found out at 10 weeks 5 days that I would miscarry. The entire experience has been very difficulty and filled with so much grief and sorrow. I only hope that by sharing my story, other women will feel less alone.
Positive pregnancy test
This is an ultrasound picture taken mid-miscarriage. My body started to miscarry naturally, and then scan was done in the office prior to my manual vacuum aspiration (MVA). There was a lot of fluid and debris in my uterus here.
Family photo taken 6 days after my miscarriage. Getting away with my family out of town was very healing during this difficult time.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the podcast. It was very therapeutic to share my story and I hope that it helps other women feel less alone and more able to share their own stories. Stay tuned to more episodes this month from women sharing their own stories of loss. Thank you again to every person who reached out to me during this difficult time. It has meant the world to me.
No. 53 | Postpartum Depression, Anxiety and Miscarriage with Abby Burd MSW
Sep 26, 2019
This week Abby Burd joins me to discuss postpartum depression, anxiety, and miscarriage. This episode means so much to me, as someone who has anxiety and a recent miscarriage and I know mothers need to hear this information.
Abby is a perinatal mental health specialist in San Diego and the mother of two. She recently started an online fourth trimester school and launched the course: "Prevent Postpartum Depression." Abigail Burd, MSW, LCSW, BCD, LCS 26867, is a Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work.
Abigail Burd, MSW, LCSW, BCD, LCS 26867, is a Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work.
Use code FIRSTLATCH15 for 15% off the purchase of this course.
Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you want to share your story of postpartum depression, anxiety, or loss on an upcoming episode of the podcast, please email me-
Also, please consider rating and reviewing the podcast on Apple Music. Positive reviews help new moms find the podcast! Use the button below to leave your review!
This week I am sharing a sneak peek into my personal life as a homeschooling mother. Many of you showed interest in what homeschooling looks like for our family, so I decided I’d publish an episode on the topic! I talk a bout what led us to this decision for our family, what daily life looks like, and some of my curriculum choices. I also answer listener questions, and chat with both my husband and fellow homeschooling mom Gina O’Brien. This episode is jam packed!
Thank you so much for listening! I hope you enjoyed this episode. Please consider leaving a rating and review of the podcast on Apple Podcasts! It helps other moms find the show!
If you are interested in supporting the podcast and becoming a part of our exclusive first latch mama monthly virtual meetup-click the button below. Your 5$ per month support helps with production costs of the podcast and supports the work that I am doing. It also gives you exclusive access to extra podcast episodes and virtual meet ups! I would love to meet you and see you in our next meet up in September!
No. 51 | Birth and Breastfeeding with Emily Moretti of Mama Wilder
Aug 01, 2019
This week I talk with Emily Moretti of Mama Wilder on Instagram. We talk about Emily's experience moving to Colorado as a single mother and how her passion for birth evolved. We also talk about her experience with tongue tie with her second daughter which caused a lot of challenges that many mothers can relate to.
Happy World Breastfeeding Week! Check out the 2019 Objectives HERE! Find a Big Latch On event near you HERE! Don’t forget to check out all the events for WBW2019 on @firstlatch on Instagram August 1-7th!
This week’s episode is sponsored by Motherlove Herbal Company! Use Code FIRSTLATCH 20 to receive 20% off of your order!
Consider leaving a rating and review for the podcast on Apple Podcasts! This helps other moms find the show and lets me know how I’m doing! I’ll read new reviews on upcoming episodes of the show!
No. 50 | The Impact of Social Media with Gina O'Brien
Jun 27, 2019
After going on a social media "break" when my anxiety flared up, I thought this subject needs to be discussed. I'm excited to have friend Gina O'Brien on to share on her experience and how social media is affecting our culture and what we are doing to combat the negative affects it can have on our lives.
As Humans we have this desire or this need to document. I mean it’s existed since writings on cave walls...It’s a human instinct to want to share your story, be heard...Everybody is a writer, a journalist and so much so that everyone is kind of drowning in each other’s voices and opinions.
— Gina O'Brien
For over a generation, Motherlove Herbal Company has supported pregnancy, birth, baby, and breastfeeding, with their line of USDA Certified Organic herbal body care products and lactation supplements to support milk supply. Recommended by IBCLCs and healthcare providers worldwide, Motherlove is the trusted industry leader for safe and effective products, formulated to nurture both body and soul. From the best selling More Milk Plus to their award-winning Nipple Cream, Motherlove is excited to offer listeners 20% off on using code Firstlatch20. Motherlove is also offering free shipping on orders of $49 (restrictions apply).
No. 49 | Getting The Most From Your Pump
Jun 13, 2019
This week I share ALL my tips and tricks for getting the most from your breast pumping experience. Tips for exclusive pumpers and working mothers alike, you don't want to miss this!
Thank you to Aeroflow Breastpumps for sponsoring this episode of the podcast!
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
Thank you so much for listening today! Hearing from you means so much to me! A great way to connect is to visit us on Instagram @firstlatch and say HI! Also, leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts is the best way to give me feedback on the podcast! It also helps other moms find the show! Leave a rating/review and I’ll be sure to give you a shout out on an upcoming episode of the show!
No. 48 | Postpartum Depletion with Shruti of Freshly Moms
May 30, 2019
This week, I chat with Shruti, Founder of Freshly Moms. We dive deep into postpartum depletion...something I never even heard of. Such a valuable episode for ALL mothers!
Shruti is graduate of the Natural Gourmet Institute and a certified nutritionist. Shruti started Freshly Moms during her postpartum period after noticing a lack of easy and clean eating options for new moms. All she could find was lactation cookies and bars which did little beyond increasing the milk quantity. Being from a culture where a new mother's recovery is a primary focus, she got obsessed with spreading awareness about the importance of nourishing a new mother. She also designed snacks, meal-kits and teas with carefully selected organic ingredients that help new moms recover & replenish, along with supporting healthy breastfeeding.
Thank you so much for listening today! I would love to hear from you! Consider leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It helps other moms find the podcast! I will read your review on an upcoming episode of the podcast!
If you have an idea for the show or want to share your breastfeeding journey, please email me! You can find me at
No. 47 | Working And Breastfeeding: Working From Home
May 16, 2019
This week Stephanie shares her story as a working and breastfeeding mother who works from home. Stephanie also shares how her journey is especially meaningful after a previous loss.
Stephanie Leddy is a working wife and mother to a 19 month old, Mary. Outside of working and momming, she tries to spend my summers riding horses and winters hibernating with a cup of tea and a book (or a sewing machine).
To connect with Stephanie, find her on Instagram @stephleddy
Thanks you so much for listening to the podcast! Your support continues to inspire me and guide my mission here! Are you interested in joining the First Latch Listener Supporter group on Patreon? We have monthly LIVE virtual meetups which are so fun! Our next meet up is this Sunday May 19th, 2019. If you would like to find out more info, see the button below!
Thank you so much to this weeks podcast sponsor Aeroflow Breastpumps! Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
No. 46 | Real Food For Pregnancy with Lily Nichols RDN, CDE
May 09, 2019
Author Lily Nichols RDN, CDE joins the podcast to discuss her new book Real Food for Pregnancy. We have a fascinating discussion on the importance of nutrition during pregnancy, epigenetic influence, gestational diabetes and even how the quality of breastmilk is influenced by nutrition. I learned so much and am completely fascinated by the work of Lily Nichols! A MUST LISTEN to all mothers, pregnant or not!
Thank you so much for listening today! I hope you enjoyed this interview. I would so appreciate if you would leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It helps other moms find the show! Click the button below to tell me what you think! I’ll read recent reviews on an upcoming episode of the show!
This week, Emmie Livengood (a fellow intstagram mama) shares her experience breastfeeding twins! Her story takes a surprise turn when she casually mentions her twin breech vaginal birth! You don't want to miss this one!
No. 44 | Inducing Lactation: Update with Glenis and Tiffany
Apr 25, 2019
So happy to have Glenis and Tiffany back on the podcast this week! Both mothers have returned to work and are both still breastfeeding Orion. They share the ups and downs of the journey and how they feel about their journey thus far.
You can listen to the first two episodes in this series in episode 19 and 23. You can also find specific details including the protocol used linked in those show notes!
For over a generation, Motherlove Herbal Company has supported pregnancy, birth, baby, and breastfeeding, with their line of USDA Certified Organic herbal body care products and lactation supplements to support milk supply. Recommended by IBCLCs and healthcare providers worldwide, Motherlove is the trusted industry leader for safe and effective products, formulated to nurture both body and soul. From the best selling More Milk Plus to their award-winning Nipple Cream, Motherlove is excited to offer listeners 20% off on using code Firstlatch20 Motherlove is also offering free shipping on orders of $49 (restrictions apply).
Thank you to this week’s sponsor, Motherlove Herbal Company.
Thank you so much for listening to the podcast today! Your support is very appreciated. My goal is to reach 100 apple podcasts reviews by the end of the summer so I need your help! Please consider leaving a short review (does not need to be extravagant) sharing what you love most about the podcast! This helps new moms find the show! Use the button below to leave a review!
No. 43 | Nursing Older Babies with Barbara Robertson, IBCLC
Apr 18, 2019
This week, I’m sharing an episode of The All Things Breastfeeding Podcast that was published a few years ago that I recorded with Barbara Robertson, IBCLC (my mentor). It’s a great extension to the recent topic of breastfeeding older babies over in our Instagram community @firstlatch.
Show Notes :
Check out the All Things Breastfeeding Podcast!
Show notes page for this episodes over on the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor website with all links to sources we talked about can be found here.
Barbara has and excellent website FULL of resources for the breastfeeding mother. She also teaches a 90 hour breastfeeding education course that meets the requirement by the IBLCE for IBCLC credentialing. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to me!
Barbara Robertson, MA, IBCLC owner or The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor
Please consider writing a review on apple podcasts! This helps other moms find the podcast. I will read new reviews on an upcoming episode of the podcast! Also don’t forget to join in the conversation over on Instagram in the @firstlatch community!
No. 42 | Back To Work After Baby With Lori Mihalich-Levin JD
Apr 11, 2019
This week Lori Mihalich-Levin talks with me about going back to work after baby. An often stressful time for working mothers and I know I was completely unprepared for the emotional toll I would have to deal with. Must listen for all working mamas!
Lori is a health care lawyer, and was working full-time in-house for a health care trade association when she was pregnant with her first son. She returned to work and it was challenging, but coped. Then she had baby #2, and it's fair to say things went off the rails. With a baby waking during the night and a toddler waking as he was potty training, it felt like 1 + 1 = 85 at her house. No one seemed to be talking about how hard it can be to transition back to work after baby. And though there seemed to be high-quality resources out there for everything *baby*-related (from how to make a birth plan, to how to massage your baby...), she couldn't find any curriculum or resources to help a professional parent navigate the return to work after baby arrived in a way that didn't make her feel like she had wrecked her career. Lori created what she wished had existed for her.. (Here's the very first blog post she wrote years ago about starting Mindful Return.)
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
This week on the podcast I played a clip from our monthly Patreon Listener Supporter virtual meetup! We had 7 mamas chatting and discussing all things motherhood! If you would like more info, click the button below if you are thinking about signing up! I’d love to meet you!
This week I share behind the scenes of interviews, bloopers, and parts of podcast episodes that didn't make the final cut! I hope you get a quick laugh in knowing that most of the time, I have no idea what I'm doing!
It’s not always perfect behind the scenes! That is why there is an editing process to producing a podcast! There is so much that doesn’t leave the cutting room. I personally am a sucker for a good blooper reel. I like to see the “real stuff”. I Hope you enjoy!
Thank you so much for listening today! Please consider rating and reviewing the podcast on Apple Podcasts! It helps other moms find the show. I will read your review on a future episode of the podcast!
No. 40 | Navigating Adult Friendships In Motherhood
Mar 14, 2019
Adult friendships can be HARD. An unexpected part of the transition into motherhood that no one really talks about. Today, my friend Kaelah and I talk about our adult friendships and how they've affected our motherhood journey.
Happy 1st Birthday to The First Latch Podcast! Thank you to everyone who has shown so much love and support. I so appreciate every mother who is a part of the @firstlatch community on Instagram and those who listen, share episodes and those who have taken the time to leave a review for the podcast. It means the WORLD to me!
Thank you to Kaelah for supporting my mission and ALWAYS listening to me and giving me confidence in continuing this work. She has been a part of this show from the start and it means the world for me.
Thank you to this week’s sponsor Motherlove Herbal Company
For over a generation, Motherlove Herbal Company has supported pregnancy, birth, baby, and breastfeeding, with their line of USDA Certified Organic herbal body care products and lactation supplements to support milk supply. Recommended by IBCLCs and healthcare providers worldwide, Motherlove is the trusted industry leader for safe and effective products, formulated to nurture both body and soul. From the best selling More Milk Plus to their award-winning Nipple Cream, Motherlove is excited to offer listeners 20% off on using code Firstlatch20
Thank you so much for listening today! I would love to hear your feedback on the podcast. Please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts. Giving a 5 star review helps other moms find the podcast!
No. 39 | Breastfeeding In Public Roundtable
Mar 07, 2019
This week, Maria from Little Peach London, and Nat from Nat The Natural Mom join me in an important conversation about breastfeeding in public. I was personally offended when someone close to my family compared breastfeeding in public to a horror movie and to sexual acts. This roundtable is to address the importance of supporting mothers who nurse in public and to help motivate and empower mothers.
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
Thank you so much for listening to this week’s episode! If you’d like to show your support for the podcast, consider becoming a listener supporter on Patreon. 5$ per month donation goes directly back into the production of the podcast. I offer a monthly virtual support group for listener supporters and I’ve loved getting to know the mamas in that group!
No. 38 | Lactation Link with Lindsey Shipley IBCLC
Feb 21, 2019
Lindsey Shipley, founder and CEO of Lactation Link shares her journey today on how she launched her successful business after battling cancer. She also shares her top tips for a good milk supply-you don't want to miss these tips!
Lindsey’s BIO:
Lindsey Shipley is an RN, Childbirth Educator, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, cancer survivor, mom of 2, and founder of Lactation Link! When her second baby was six weeks old, she was diagnosed with cancer and went through two years of treatment. With education and support she was able to reach her own breastfeeding goals despite facing that challenge. That experience made her passionate about creating a breastfeeding resource families knew they could trust when they experienced challenges of their own. Through the Lactation Link online video classes, she has created reliable, research-based information that is also easily accessible. She is based in Utah, but her customer base is everywhere because of her online classes and e-consults. Lactation Link has 25 board-certified lactation consultants in the United States with 1 in CAN.
Lindsey Shipley IBCLC founder and CEO of Lactation Link
To connect with Lindsey, you can find her on her website here and on Instagram @lactationlink
Thank you so much for listening today! Make sure to head on over to @firstlatch to join in the conversation!
Thank you to this week’s sponsor, Motherlove Herbal Company!
To get 20% off of your order, use code FIRSTLATCH20
For over a generation, Motherlove Herbal Company has supported pregnancy, birth, baby, and breastfeeding, with their line of USDA Certified Organic herbal body care products and lactation supplements to support milk supply. Recommended by IBCLCs and healthcare providers worldwide, Motherlove is the trusted industry leader for safe and effective products, formulated to nurture both body and soul. From the best selling More Milk Plus to their award-winning Nipple Cream, Motherlove is excited to offer listeners 20% off on using code Firstlatch20
No. 37 | Weaning
Feb 14, 2019
This week Barb talks about the weaning process and tackles the most common questions when it comes to weaning. There are so many dynamics that are really dependent on developmental age which we discuss at length!
Thank you so much for listening today. I hope you found the information helpful. Weaning is a tough subject to talk about because the experience looks so different for each mother.
Join in the conversation @firstlatch on Instagram!
Please consider leaving a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts! It helps other moms find the show! Use the button below to rate and review!I will read them on an upcoming episode of the show!
No. 36 | Sarah Wells Bags with Sarah Wells
Feb 07, 2019
This week Sarah Wells of Sarah Wells Bags joins the show! From her own breastfeeding journey through the creation of her business, Sarah shares it all! An inspiring episode highlighting how woman entrepreneurs are leading the way in business!
About Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags:
After the birth of her daughter, Sarah had her entrepreneurial “light bulb moment” and launched Sarah Wells Breast Pump Bags, based on a stylish and functional designer handbag that replaces the frustrating tradition of carrying a cheap vinyl breast pump bag or five separate bags for all a mama’s “stuff”. Since that time, Sarah’s business has grown by leaps and bounds, while she speaks with women from across the country about the blessing and challenges of motherhood. Sarah is a mom, an entrepreneur and a women’s health advocate. Prior to starting her business, she spent 15 years running national nonprofit organizations committed to achieving quality healthcare for Americans, with a personal passion to improve policies for girls and women.
Sarah Wells offers handbags that fit all portable (and some hospital grade) breast pumps on the market, in a wide variety of styles, colors and prices. She also designed the popular “Pumparoo” pouch for breast pump parts (wet/dry bag), and “Cold Gold” breastmilk cooler bag.
Thank you so much for listening today and thank you to those who has left a five star rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It means so much to me and also helps other moms find the show! Shout out to Jennabugs for your kind review! Click the button below to leave your rating and review and I will give you a shout out on an episode of the podcast!
Find out how to get a free pump through insurance through Aeroflow Breastpumps!
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
No. 35 | Motherlove Herbal Company with Silencia Cox
Jan 31, 2019
Silencia Cox, CEO of Motherlove Herbal Company joins the podcast today to share the story of Motherlove. How the company was started, and continues to grow today.
Silencia Cox was the inspiration for, and now is the CEO of Motherlove Herbal Company, a family business that began in a Colorado Rockies meadow and has grown into an international leading manufacturer of organic herbal products for pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. Motherlove was started by Silencia’s mother, Kathryn Higgins, an herbalist, when she began incorporating wild plants into her daily life for food and medicine while pregnant with Silencia.
Now, over 30 years later, Motherlove products continue to be made in Fort Collins, Colorado, and can be found in specialty retailers and natural food stores in over 40 countries. The scope of the operation has increased dramatically, but Silencia continues their dedication to producing all-natural products in a sustainable manner. Motherlove uses certified organic herbs, is a zero-waste manufacturing facility, is a Certified B Corporation, and gives 1% of its revenue to local non-profit organizations.
See Video Below to learn more about Motherlove Herbal Company
Motherlove's dedication to consistent quality means crafting only the finest, purest products, and using certified organic ingredients designed to nurture and soothe women on their all-important journey of nurturing life. Video by Aaron Colussi
Thank you so much for listening! DM me on Instagram @firstlatch and tell me what your favorite Motherlove Herbal Company Product is! I’ll be sharing in my Instagram Stories!
No. 34 | All Things Sleep with Alyssa Campbell of Seed and Sew
Jan 17, 2019
This week we are chatting all things sleep! So many moms are worried about sleep, and have so many sleep questions. Sleep Consultant Alyssa Campbell of Seed and Sew joins us to share her expertise!
Alyssa’s BIO:
“As the only girl with four brothers, I grew up in the village in the traditional sense, grandparents down the street, running in and out of neighborhood houses. At age five I could be found walking around with my infant brother in my arms, soothing him to sleep. As the years unfolded this trend continued, caring for multiple children at once in my teen years, supporting single, working moms, and nannying all through college. After getting my bachelors degree I moved to NYC as a live-in nanny to elementary school-aged kiddos and started teaching preschool during the day while they were at school. My heart exploded as I realized my fascination with the tiny human brain and began my master's degree in early childhood education. It was impossible to ignore the role sleep plays in a child's life, as it affects a kiddo's immune function and development. As I dove into research on building emotional intelligence from infancy, sleep science became increasingly more vital, because it's really hard to thrive in this world when exhaustion hits. I began sleep consulting in 2013 after training from a mentor on the components of sleep. Over the years I have had the privilege of serving hundreds of families with sleep support and working with child care centers to guide teachers in the ever-challenging goal of getting tiny humans to sleep in childcare. At the end of 2017, I founded Seed & Sew, the modern parenting village combining experts in the field of early childhood with parents, teachers, and caregivers on the ground. As a teacher I would attend conferences and workshops, had access to specialists in child development, yet parents are often flying solo, tapping into other parents, hoping for some answers. Through consultations, online resources, Voices of Your Village podcast, parent support groups, social media, and so much more, Seed & Sew brings the latest research to folks doing this work with tiny humans every day so they can have the tools necessary to raise emotionally intelligent humans. Ya know what fills my soul? That message from a mama who got quality sleep for the first time in months (...or years) and feels like a whole new woman. The 2 year old who can say, "I feel sad about cleaning up my toys. Can I have a hug?" We believe that no one has all the answers, but together we can thrive, not just survive”
Alyssa will be releasing her sleep course at the end of January which includes lifetime access at You’ll be able to use the code FIRSTLATCH10 for 10% off the purchase of the course!
Thank you so much for listening today! Please consider leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! it helps other moms find the podcast! Also, another great way to support the podcast is by sharing your favorite episode with a friend!
See if you qualify for a free breastpump through Aeroflow Breastpumps!
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
This week I am sharing my own story with postpartum anxiety and the lightbulb moment where I finally realized that I have anxiety. I am sharing today some very intimate details of my experience in hopes that others know they are not alone.
No. 32 | Working and Breastfeeding: Veterinary Technology Instructor
Dec 27, 2018
This Week, mama Sam Geiling shares her experience as a working and breastfeeding mother as a college instructor in Hawaii. Her story is so positive and a great example that going back to work as a breastfeeding mother can be a great experience!
No. 31 | Working and Breastfeeding: Business Traveling
Dec 13, 2018
This week on the podcast, I’m starting a new series for working and breastfeeding mothers. My hope is to highlight different professions and share all the the ways these working moms are making breastfeeding work! This week Shannon Rusher is joining me and she is a mom who is a working and traveling pro. Trains, Planes and Automobiles, she does it all! She shared some excellent air travel tips and information that was new to me! A must listen for mamas who have to do any sort of traveling for work!
Shannon’s Bio:
Shannon serves SSBC as a facilitator and a Summit Salon Consultant. With 15 years of salon experience, including front desk, salon/spa management, and location expansion, Shannon loves to pay it forward by sharing her Summit story and helping salon professionals write their own.
A servant leadership approach, and her experience living the Summit systems, has led her in helping grow salon companies across North America.
Shannon’s BA in Communications from Maryville University assists her in creating strong company strategies for those she serves.
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
Do you like the podcast? There are two big ways you can help support the show! First, please consider rating and reviewing the podcast on Apple Podcasts. This is totally free and just takes a few minutes of your time. It makes a huge difference in who can find the show so that we can reach more mamas!
Another way is to become a First Latch Listener Supporter on Patreon! For a 5$ per month donation you’ll get exclusive content including extra bonus podcast episodes and you’ll be invited to join our monthly virtual meet up! Click the button below to learn more!
Thank you so much for listening today! If you are a working and breastfeeding mother and want to share your best tips and tricks for your profession, please email me! I’d love to have you as a guest on the show!
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Thank you!
No. 30 | Breastfeeding Essentials
Nov 29, 2018
I love a good top 10 List! This week, my friend Kaelah and I are spilling the beans on our breastfeeding favs + the things that are currently giving us life! We had so much fun recording this episode!
No. 29 | Preparing For A VBAC
Nov 15, 2018
This week I talk about my journey through preparing for my first VBAC. I did ALL the things and while this is my personal experience, and not medical advice, my hope is that my journey can help your journey through VBAC.
No. 28 | Breastfeeding Twins with Jennifer Mancuso
Nov 08, 2018
This week we continue the tandem breastfeeding discussion! Jennifer Mancuso joins the podcast to share her journey breastfeeding twins and how sharing the journey on social media has made a huge impact in her life.
No. 27 | Tandem Breastfeeding Journey With Desiree Hernandez
Nov 01, 2018
This week we chat with Desiree Hernandez about her journey tandem breastfeeding her newborn and toddler. Many mothers have questions about what a tandem breastfeeding journey might look like and have questions-Desiree shares it all!
No. 26 | All things Postpartum: SEX!
Oct 25, 2018
This week is a preview of Listener Supporter exclusive content. As we continue to talk about all things postpartum, today we are letting it all out. We tackle the often kept quiet subject of postpartum sex. Warning: Not for the ears of children.
No. 25 | Coping With Loss featuring Jessica Bates
Oct 19, 2018
This week’s episode is a special compilation of the journey of loss. From woman who’s babies are not forgotten.
No. 24 | VBAC Facts With Jenna Bruce CNM
Oct 11, 2018
This week, Certified Nurse Midwife Jenna Bruce is back on the show to share evidence based information on VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). VBAC is still a birth option that has a lot of misinformation floating around. Our goal is for mothers to know their options to be able to make informed decisions and feel confident in their choices surrounding birth and VBAC.
Jenna Bruce CNM:
Jenna Bruce is a wife, mom, and midwife currently residing in the Denver, Colorado area. She has been a registered nurse for 8 years and a certified nurse midwife for 3 years. She absolutely loves helping women and experiencing life journeys with them, specifically pregnancy and birth! She met her wife, Jessica in nursing school and has been married for 5 years. They have two beautiful angel babies which were conceived via reciprocal IVF (her bun, Jenna's oven). Her oldest, Jett, is 2.5 and her youngest, Jude, is 6 months.
Thank you to this week’s sponsor, Aeroflow Breastumps.
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
Thank you so much for listening to this week’s episode of the podcast. As always, I am so happy you are a part of the First Latch Community. Consider rating and leaving a review of the podcast on iTunes. It helps other moms find the podcast! Use the button below!
Consider becoming a listener support of the podcast on Patreon. For 5$ a month, you will help support the production of the podcast and receive exclusive access to fun things like new episodes of the podcast only released to listener supporters and access to the First Latch Mama virtual support group. First support group is happening this month in October!
No. 23 | Inducing Lactation: Glenis and Tiffany had their baby!
Oct 04, 2018
Glennis and Tiffany had their baby! Glennis was on episode 19 of the podcast where she discussed inducing lactation for her expected baby. Baby Orion was born in September and we discuss how things are going and what co-nursing looks like.
No. 22 | Big News!
Sep 27, 2018
I have really big news for the First Latch community! I've been busting at the seams trying to hold this in for weeks! Well, the chance is here to share it with the world. Also, we dive into why an IBCLC is your FRIEND!
Show Notes:
To book your E-Consult, head on over to my booking link HERE. or click the button below!
If you are interested in taking an online breastfeeding class, check out Lactation Link’s E-Courses! They are very comprehensive! I will receive a small commission if you register using my link which I so greatly appreciate!
My most favorite book for new breastfeeding mothers. In fact, I give this book to all my new mama friends!
Thank you to our FIRST listener supporter! If you’d like to become a member on Patreon and join our exclusive First Latch Mama Group click the button below!
Thank you so much for listening today! I can’t wait to share my upcoming interviews with you! Please consider leaving a rating and review on iTunes. It helps others find the podcast!
This week on the podcast Maria Betsworth and I chat about a hard topic that is sure to spark conversation. Our intention is to really tackle the #fedisbest mentality and discuss why use of this hashtag is not really productive.
This week I announced my campaign for listener supporters with Patreon! I am so excited to share this news with my community. Having listener supporters will allow me to continue to create amazing content in a sustainable way. Check out to find out all the perks of becoming a listener supporter!
This week we share bottle feeding tips from a dad's perspective-The First Latch official dad! My husband-Andrew! We share the journey of bottle feeding with our three kids, and share some surprising revelations!
Thank you so much for listening to this week’s episode! Don’t forget to find us on Instagram @firstlatch. It would also be so helpful for you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes. It really does help other moms find the podcast! Also, share your favorite episode with a friend! Spread The First Latch LOVE!
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to do is go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
No. 19 | Inducing Lactation: One Mom's Journey
Aug 30, 2018
This week Glenis Liz-Decuir shares her journey of inducing lactation for the baby her wife will give birth to in September. From the process to the emotional journey, Glenis shares it all. I really enjoyed how candid Glenis was with the entire process and her emotional journey. It really is such an incredible gift to give her and her wife's new baby and it's an absolute honor to share her journey. Stay tuned for updates: this is just the first episode in her journey.
About Glenis:
Glenis Liz-Decuir is a 33 years old and happily married to he wife, Tiffany Decuir. They have 2 beautiful children ages 12 & 10, and are also expecting a little boy due in September 2018! She was born in the Dominican Republic, raised in NYC but recently moved to Atlanta, GA about 4 years ago. She currently works full time, am a student at Herzing University to obtain her degree in Legal Studies and also runs her own small Business! She is passionate about breastfeeding and is a big advocate! She is super excited to share her experience with women everywhere.
Thank you so much for listening to this week's episode of the podcast! I am so excited to share a new journalistic approach to Glenis's story and I hope you enjoyed it. I'd love to hear your feed back. You can leave a message on instagram @firstlatch and also rate and review the podcast on iTunes using the button below.
Disclaimer: The first latch podcast cannot recommend or advise on medical care. Please discuss anything mentioned in this show with your health care provider if you have further questions and are interested in inducing lactation.
No. 18 | All Things Postpartum: The Last Baby
Aug 23, 2018
This week my close friend Kaelah is back to talk all things postpartum and specifically Having Your Last Baby. How do you know you are done having kids? Does everyone experience finality? Will I ever feel done? This has been a struggle for me personally and I know I'm not alone. Some woman feel DONE and so confident about being done having children-I am not one of those woman. I love babies and I love breastfeeding. Making decisions about growing your family, or when to stop growing your family can pull at a lot of heart strings-today we talk about all of them!
Thank you so much for listening to the podcast! I hope you find value in the topics and I'd love to heard feedback from you! Consider leaving a review on iTunes by clicking the button below. It is so helpful and it also helps more mamas find the show!
No. 17 | All About VBAC with Gina O'Brien
Aug 16, 2018
This week we dive into one of my most favorite topics (besides breastfeeding)- VBAC or Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. I talk with Gina O'Brien who is also so passionate about VBAC after her recent VBAC.
Watching The Business of Being Born VBAC episode might also be helpful.
Thank you so much Gina for sharing your story! You are a VBAC warrior!
Thank you so much for listening to the podcast! I so appreciate ALL OF YOU! The best way you can help the podcast is by leaving and rating and review on iTunes. It helps other moms find the podcast! Click the button below to leave a review!
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
No. 16 | Getting A Pump Through Insurance With Aeroflow Breastpumps
Aug 02, 2018
Happy World Breastfeeding Week! This week we celebrate and educate on the importance of breastfeeding worldwide. Also, I chat with Sarah from Aeroflow Breastpumps about insurance coverage and how to get a pump!
Each year the focus of World Breastfeeding Week changes and I talk a bit about this on the podcast today! I challenge you to start a conversation about the importance of breastfeeding worldwide.
Visit for more information and to download the social media graphics for use!
I so enjoyed talking with Sarah from Aeroflow Breastpumps! If you are interested in getting a free breastpump through insurance-visit Aeroflow Breastpumps! Also, Aeroflow is going to be doing a pump room makeover for a company in need! Please use THIS FORM to enter your business or place of employment! HOW FUN!
Thank you so much for listening! Please consider rating and leaving a review on iTunes! It helps other mamas find the podcast which I so so appreciate! Click button below leave a review!
No. 15 | The Art of Midwifery with Jenna Bruce CNM
Jul 26, 2018
My conversation with midwife Jenna Bruce was nothing short of inspirational, and so so fun. We dive deep into the art of midwifery and of course all things breastfeeding!
Jenna Bruce is a wife, mom, and midwife currently residing in the Denver, Colorado area. She has been a registered nurse for 8 years and a certified nurse midwife for 3 years. She absolutely loves helping women and experiencing life journeys with them, specifically pregnancy and birth! She met her wife, Jessica in nursing school and has been married for 5 years. They have two beautiful angel babies which were conceived via reciprocal IVF (her bun, Jenna's oven). Her oldest, Jett, is 2.5 and her youngest, Jude, is 6 months. Combined she has breastfed for a total of 24 months thus far, and plans to continue! She is so excited to share her wealth of knowledge not only from midwifery but from motherhood with all of you mamas.
To Connect with Jenna, find her in Instagram here!
Thank you for listening to this week's episode! It would be wonderful if you could help out the podcast by leaving a rating and review on iTunes. It helps other moms find the show and I love hearing from you! Click the button below to review the podcast!
Thank you to Kindred Bravely for sponsoring this week's episode. I am obsessed with their high waisted panties as mentioned in this week's episode! Use code FIRSTLATCH20 for 20% of your order today!
No. 14 | Working and Breastfeeding with Alison Rodriguez
Jul 19, 2018
This week, my guest Alison Rodriguez shares her journey through breastfeeding as a business owner and entrepreneur. We also answer live view questions during the show! We had such a blast-you don't want to miss this one!
Alison is a busy momma of 2 and a salon business owner. She love all things beauty and earthy! She is always mixing up natural skin care in the kitchen hobby has turned into a new business venture. She loves to craft and play volleyball but between being a mom, running a business, cooking, cleaning, breastfeeding, bath time and being a chauffeur-time is slim! She wouldn’t have it any other way! She loves to stay busy and is thankful this life is filled with craziness 24/7!
Thank you so much for listening today! I would so appreciate you rating and leaving a review on iTunes! It helps moms find the podcast! Also, please share with your friends if you find value in this show!
Thank you to Aeroflow Breastpumps for Sponsoring this week's episode!
Want to learn how to get a free breast pump through insurance? Aeroflow Breastpumps has helped thousands of new and expecting moms find their perfect pump, at no cost under their insurance plan. They offer all major pump brands including Medela, Spectra, and Lansinoh. And the best part, they take care of everything - from getting all required paperwork and dealing with your insurance company to explaining your options and getting your freepump shipped straight to your door. All you have to go to the Aeroflow Breastpumps website and fill out their free and easy Qualify Through Insurance form. Be sure to go to so they will know I sent you!
No. 13 | The Birth Hour and Breastfeeding with Bryn Huntpalmer
Jul 12, 2018
Bryn Huntpalmer from The Birth Hour Podcast joins us today and is spilling the beans on all things breastfeeding, and her podcast The Birth Hour. She also shares all about her birth course! I felt to honored to be able to talk with Bryn. She has been an inspiration to me in the podcasting world and birth world and she really inspires the work that I am doing!
Bryn Huntpalmer is a mother of two young children (with a 3rd on the way!) living in Austin, Texas where she hosts a birth stories podcast called The Birth Hour. Her mission with The Birth Hour is to encourage women to be informed about pregnancy and childbirth and know their options while creating a community for moms to support one another through pregnancy and motherhood. The podcast has grown rapidly since its launch in 2015 with over 4 million downloads and a supportive Instagram community. This year The Birth Hour launched it's first online course that prepares couples for everything from childbirth through newborn care and navigating breastfeeding when going back to work.
No. 12 | Showing Up For Breastfeeding Moms with Amy VanHaren of Pumpspotting
Jul 05, 2018
The Pumpspotting Crew is showing up for moms all across the country. Barb the Breast Express and Amy VanHaren CEO and Founder of Pumpspotting spills the beans on the entire tour...from how it came to fruition to the nuts and bolts of the operation!
I cannot even begin to tell you how amazing it was to do this interview in person. I was able to see Barb the Breast Express in person and it was just such a cool experience. Sitting down and talking with like minded entrepreneurial woman really inspired me and I'm so excited to share with you our conversation!
Show Notes:
Amy VanHaren is an entrepreneur, mother, writer, 2-time breastfeeder and founder of pumpspotting, a social networking app that connects breastfeeding women over milk, motherhood the best places to nurse and pump. She is also the founder of VanHaren Creative and a social media and digital marketing specialist with over 15 years experience. While traveling back and forth from Maine to California for work while breastfeeding, Amy found herself pumping alone in a bathroom and isolated. Determined to find a better way to connect breastfeeding moms, she built pumpspotting and has been passionate ever since about building breastfeeding community.
To stay up to date on the day to day of Barb's travels and behind the scenes follow @pumpspotting on instagram.
Lastly, check out the photos from my tour and time on Barb the Breast Express! (it really was meant to be... I mean we do share the same name! )
Thank you so much for listening to the podcast this week! As always, without you and your support- I could not do this! YOU are amazing mamas! Don't forget to check out the video of our interview on IGTV on the @firstlatch Instagram page!
Also, Please consider rating and leaving a review on iTunes. It helps other moms find the podcast and lets me know how I'm doing! I so appreciate the feedback. Click the button below to leave a review.
No. 11 | Confidence In Breastfeeding And Motherhood with Nat The Natural Mom
Jun 28, 2018
Finding confidence in breastfeeding and motherhood as a first time mom is hard, but Nat from @natthenaturalmom is a beacon of confidence which is both refreshing and inspiring for all mamas out there. You don't want to miss our chat!
Nat's BIO:
I'm a first time mom, obsessed with natural, attachment parenting, breastfeeding and body positivity.
I have always known I would breastfeed my baby as I've been exposed to it for the majority of my adult life (both of my sisters in law breastfed both of their babies and my mother breastfed me and my two brothers) but I didn't realize that I would find my calling while doing so! I have such a strong passion for breastfeeding that I'm working on becoming an IBCLC so I can help as many mamas as possible nurse their babies and feel powerful while doing so.
I also LOVE to help other women and mothers feel empowered! If I could just get one woman a day to say "I love myself AS I AM, I am STRONG and BADASS" then I can go to sleep happy! While I understand that it's very difficult to go against society's standards and accept yourself as you are, once you let go of the pressure and negativity associated with those unrealistic standards your life gets much more enjoyable.
Since I'm all about that #momlife and I started my own little business making my onesies and shirts with a heavy breastfeeding influence. My shop's instagram is @naturalmomdesigns and I can also be found on Etsy by the same name!
Thank you so much for listening to the podcast! As always, without YOU and the whole @firstlatch community-This podcast could not happen! I appreciate all of your kind words and encouragement. Please consider leaving a review on iTunes!
Thank you to llehue for her recent review:
This social media and the amazing momma behind this podcast has saved our breastfeeding journey. We Love you, Queen B! XOXOXOX
— Llehue
To leave a review on iTunes, Click the button below!
No. 10 | Becoming A IBCLC with Barbara Robertson, IBCLC
Jun 21, 2018
Becoming an IBCLC or international board certified lactation consultant and feel daunting. I want to share my mentor's journey in hopes to inspire those who dream of a career in helping breastfeeding mothers. Also, we discuss breastfeeding missions!
Show Notes:
IBLCE information on how to become and IBCLC. (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant).
Send us your ideas! We want to hear from you! Email Barbara at the Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor:
Email Barb: OR direct message me on instagram @firstlatch
Barbara Robertson, IBCLC an Barb Demske at The Milky Way Screening!
Thank you so much for listening today! If you'd be so kind to rate and review the podcast, I would so appreciate it! Click on the iTunes button below and make sure you are subscribed to the podcast in whichever app you use to listen!
No. 9 | Breastmilk Donation with Kim Updegrove
Jun 07, 2018
There are over 60,000 preterm births in the United States each year. Breastmilk can be medicine for these babies which makes breastmilk donation so important. Kim Updegrove, executive director of the Mothers Milk Bank at Austin is our guest today. Kim is dedicated to helping save babies lives and her passion comes across in the work that she does at the Mothers Milk Bank at Austin. Listen today for information regarding the importance of milk donation, how to donate breastmilk, and current research.
As a pediatric nurse myself, I take care of babies whos lives are saved by using breastmilk only feedings and I also see the tragic complications such as NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis) when babies don't get the opportunity to have human milk feedings. Please consider sharing this episode with a friend and consider becoming a milk donor yourself! See show notes below for more information!
The process of milk donation laid out above is fairly straightforward, and Kim did an excellent job explaining the steps in our interview together.
Your donation can help save a baby! Please consider becoming a milk donor!
Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to the podcast! It means so much to me to have such a connected community on @firstlatch Your reviews on iTunes have meant the world. If you haven't sent one in yet, please consider it! Having positive reviews on the podcast will help other moms find the podcast!
No. 8 | Lactating After A Loss With Heidi Kim
May 31, 2018
A topic not often discussed especially among health care providers is how to help moms with lactation after loss of a baby or a stillbirth. Heidi Kim shares her personal experience in a effort to educate providers and also help moms who've had a loss. Heidi's story may help nurses, midwives, OB's, and other birth workers when they are helping a mother with a loss. It may also be beneficial for friends of mothers with a loss and moms experiencing a loss themselves.
Show Notes:
You can find Heidi on her youtube channels below! Also her More Than Milk facebook group.
Thank you so much for listening to to the show today! It would so appreciate a rating and review on iTunes. This will help other moms find this podcast more easily! If you would like to be on the podcast and share your story, please email me at
This weeks episode is sponsored by Kindred Bravely! From adorable maternity wear to comfortable nursing bras, this mom-owned company has you covered. Use the coupon code FIRSTLATCH20 for 20% off at
This is a real as it gets. The most honest, raw conversation with two friends you will hear on the fourth trimester. What it's really like in the immediate postpartum period, and how to survive. Kaelah is a stay at home mom to 4 beautiful boys and has the most postpartum experience of any mama that I know! She has all the tips, and all the advice while she's in the thick of the fourth trimester.
Thank you so much for listening to The First Latch Podcast! If you find value in our show and want to help, please rate and review the podcast in iTunes. It will help other mamas find the podcast! Also Share, Share, share! If there is a specific episode you think a friend will like, share that episode.
Don't forget to subscribe in whatever app you use to listen to podcasts so that you get notifications when a new episode goes live!
Thank you so much for all your love and support! This community is amazing!
No. 6 | Mother's Day Special
May 13, 2018
A celebration of Mothers on Mother’s Day! Share in the mama wisdom from First Latch community members from all over the world!
No. 5 | Hello My Tribe with Alex Winkelman
May 03, 2018
No. 4 | BirthTUBE and Breastfeeding with Paige LoPinto
Apr 19, 2018
I'm so excited to share my conversation with founder of BirthTUBE, Paige LoPinto. Paige started BirthTUBE after streaming her birth LIVE on facebook. It quickly grew into a community with members from all over the world. She is real, and honest which is something that I know so many of you mamas will appreciate!
To be a part of the BirthTUBE movement, request to join the Facebook Group
Thank you so much for listening! If you love the podcast,I would so appreciate a 5 star rating on iTunes and a review. This will help mamas find the podcast! Click the button below to review!
No. 3 | Two Breastfeeding Journeys with Maria Betsworth
Apr 05, 2018
This week on the podcast, Maria Betsworth from Little Peach London and Milk Making Mama joins to tell us about her two breastfeeding journeys. She ended up exclusively pumping with her first, and then went on to exclusively breastfeed with her second. She has an amazing perspective and her outlook is beautiful and refreshing!
To Find Maria you can visit her at her website here
As always THANK YOU so much for listening! All of your love and support has meant the world to me. The most helpful thing you can do to support this podcast is the share it and to also rate and review it on iTunes!
YOU ARE AMAZING MAMAS! Don't forget it!
No. 2 | Poems On Motherhood with Jessica Bates
Mar 22, 2018
This week is the podcast's very first Interview and it's a good one! You will laugh, you might cry-either way its one you don't want to miss! Jessica Bates, a Nashville Native and talented writer shares her experience writing her first book on motherhood.Her words are a thing of beauty and I feel very honored to share her poems with you today.
No. 1 | We All Start Somewhere
Mar 08, 2018
The First Latch podcast is here and we are starting out with a bit of history about it's origins, why it was created, and how you can get involved!
The First Latch Podcast Trailer
Feb 26, 2018
It's here! The long awaited launch of The First Latch Podcast. This is a podcast for mothers, by mothers. It is my privilege to share these stories with you I'm so excited to connect, inspire, and empower mothers all over the world.