RETAILBOSS® Podcast is an online radio for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and owners in the retail industry. Hosted by Jeanel Alvarado, sharing her extensive knowledge in retail to help you scale!
RETAILBOSS® Founder & CEO, Jeanel Alvarado has been featured in CTV, CBC, Alberta PrimeTime, LazyFaire, CVM, SHEEN, The Gleaner, IntelliRetail, Seaside Retailer, Retail Insider, Industry Rules and more! Jeanel has spoken at industry events, universities, government agencies and medium-large retail businesses. A few notable events she has spoken at include, Startup Week, LuxePack, White Label Expo, FashionGo Week, Private Label Expo, Smart Retail Expo, and Fashionpreneur Retreat.
Jeanel’s extensive knowledge comes from over 10 years in the retail industry, managing consultants at the School of Retailing, and working for clients in retail, retail real estate and beauty including Cushman & Wakefield, Ivanhoe and Cambridge, NYX Cosmetics, Victoria Secret, Tulip Retail, City of St.Albert, Government of Alberta and more.
Jeanel also works with major artists in the entertainment industry and not only consults but develops brand partnerships and brand development with artists to leverage their influence and generate retail sales.
RETAILBOSS® is an independent media publisher and the largest platform connecting the retail community for professionals and entrepreneurs. We cover retail Industry topics in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. With over 11k+ mentions, 60k followed and over 100k video views on Instagram alone.
For 1-on-1 consulting, speaker engagements and workshop bookings with Jeanel Alvarado, visit:
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Facebook: Jeanel Alvarado
Instagram @jeanelalvarado
Twitter: @jeanelalvarado
Linkedin: Jeanel Alvarado