Are you waiting until you have all of your ducks in a row before you start your private practice?
I hear this a lot because many SLPs are concerned about timing especially if they are in the middle of moving. I totally get that, but there are definitely things you can do to get started whether you are physically moving or just moving into private practice.
In this episode, I am joined by Nicole Donnelly, and we are talking about her journey into private practice which actually began when she moved to a new city!
Nicole Donnelly is the owner of Sunflower Speech Therapy, LLC located in New Buffalo, MI. She has always had a dream of opening her own practice but never truly believed it was more than a dream. She is pleased to announce that she decided to take a leap in July 2020, join Start Your Private Practice, and not look back. Her dream is finally her reality and she feels so blessed to have the opportunity to change the lives of children and families in her community through her private practice, Sunflower Speech Therapy, LLC.
At Sunflower Speech Therapy, LLC, her mission is to better the lives of children and their families by providing high-quality speech-language therapy services in a private practice setting. A sunflower typically produces greater than 1,000 seeds. Just as a sunflower produces seeds, a Speech-Language Pathologist produces seeds of knowledge, advice, and guidance so that together, as a team, they can help children reach their full potential. Throughout the life of a sunflower, it grows toward the sun. The goal of her practice is to provide children with the nurture and nutrients needed to become successful communicators as they, too, grow toward the sun.
In Today's Episode, We Discuss:
- Advice for those that want to open a private practice but are moving
- Getting clients in a new city
- How to create flexibility in your private practice
- Responding to the need of the community
- Making sure your needs are being met
- Believing in yourself and your ability to open a private practice
When Nicole moved to a new city, she decided to create a new job for herself instead of looking for a new job. With the help of my Start Your Private Practice program, she is now very happy and her clients are too!
Nicole is proof that you can get up and running quickly and fill a void in your community.
I hope you learn a lot from this episode especially if you find yourself in a similar season. Even if you are not in the middle of moving, Nicole has such great advice for those starting a private practice!
We are re-opening enrollment for Start Your Private Practice this week! Click here to join us:!
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