This week we review a recent report that focuses on the question of whether the direct thrombin inhibitor, bivalirudin is superior to heparin for the small patient with a paracorporeal device both from a medical and financial perspective. Bivalirudin is 40x the cost of heparin but does that capture all of the costs and how does overall cost differ between patients treated with one versus the other agent? We speak with Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at University of Vermont, Dr. Danielle Burstein about a large PHIS database study she recently published on this topic.
10.1016/j.healun.2022.10.006Also joining us this week is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Dr. David Ezon to share with us the exciting news about our upcoming, in person, imaging course entitled: The Right Heart - Conversations In Care. The list of speakers is dizzying and come from the worlds of imaging but also interventions - both surgical and cardiac catheterization. Amongst a cast of many world authorities in the worlds of surgery, intervention and imaging, also joining the fun will be two true giants of cardiology and cardiac pathology, namely Dr. Ira Parness and Dr. Richard Van Praagh.
For those interested, take a look at the website to learn more at: