A childhood program is a series of painful emotions, subsequent emotional reactions, thoughts, beliefs and narratives that run automatically when activated. These programs are powerful, much more powerful than our conscious awareness and influence our lives in every capacity.
In today's episode I discuss the way these programs influence our relationships. In addition, I discuss how to identity, dismantle and shift out of these childhood programs and replace them healthier, more sustainable one's.
In today's episode, we discuss pitfalls on the road to enlightenment and offer tips on how to live in a world that may not support your growth.
View The Map of Consciousness Explained by Dr David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D. here.
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Below are some free resources to help you on your healing journey.
Website | The Magnolia Healing Center is constantly growing and evolving. Come here to learn more about our center. (p.s. Blog is coming soon!)
Social Media | Stay in touch through all of our social platforms, where we offer updates on our center and post daily quotes and videos!
If you are interested in working with me one-on-one and go on a Healing Journey together with me, feel free to set up a time to talk with me below.
Much love,