{Ellen} In this heartfelt episode, Ellen shares her story of two miscarriages, endometriosis, dealing with miscarriage while raising 2 small children, and the importance of her support system.
## MORE MISCARRIAGE EPISODES! --> [Patreon.com/Miscarriage](http://www.Patreon.com/Miscarriage)
Our culture refuses to talk about miscarriage, so very few women (or doctors!) know what to do or what to really expect when it happens. And it happens a lot- more than current statistics reflect.
Some celebrities have talked briefly about their painful experience, but ultimately it's glossed over outside of hushed message boards. Especially how to get through it and recover at home.
We're changing that.
**Managing Miscarriage** is a new nonprofit initiative to fill the void.
As a nonprofit, we run completely on donations. Our services help thousands of women so please support us by donating through our website, **[ManagingMiscarriage.com](http://managingmiscarriage.com)**
*Managing Miscarriage* 40+ page eGuide is available here: [Free eGuide by Dr. Wittman](http://www.managingmiscarriage.com/eguide.html)