With the banning of financial accounts in Canada this week it became clear that America and the broader crypto market was next up. I invited on three of the smartest people I know in the crypto world to help me sort this all out and to discover how we might triumph in the face of it. Layah is a brilliant author and YouTube star, Amaury was the creator of BCH and eCash, Tobias was the programmer on the Lotus and Stamp teams. You can't do much better than these three to discuss this stuff. Follow Layah Heilpern here: https://twitter.com/LayahHeilpern Subscribe to her YouTube @Layah Heilpern Pickup her book here: https://www.amazon.com/Undressing-Bitcoin-Revealing-Worlds-Revolutionary/dp/B09FS5CTXK/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1E17HGG621KMV&dchild=1&keywords=undressingbitcoin&qid=1631706368&sprefix=undressing,aps,240&sr=8-3 Follow Amaury Sechet, he was the founder of BCH and now eCash, here: https://twitter.com/deadalnix eCash website: https://e.cash Follow Tobias Ruck here: https://twitter.com/TobiasRuck Lotus website: https://givelotus.org eCash wallet+messenger: https://cashtab.com/#/wallet Stamp TG group: https://t.me/stampchat Support our sponsors! If you are a fan of LL and not using a VPN get it together, TODAY. Use the best in the business, IP Vanish, and get 70% off their yearly plan by using the code "Clint" at checkout. That's just $3.20/month to reclaim your privacy online. What are you waiting for? https://www.ipvanish.com/clint/ Looking to change career paths, start a business, free yourself from the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle? Start here by signing up for The Daily Job Hunt, it's free!: http://crash.co/daily Become a supporting member of Liberty Lockdown here!: https://libertylockdown.locals.com/ This is where I do monthly AMA's for supporting members only Super valuable stuff! Make sure to sign up over at Odysee so you can watch the video version of this show and not worry about censorship! It's free too! https://odysee.com/$/invite/@LibertyLockdown:8 Please follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/libertylockdown/?hl=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/LibertyLockPod Pickup LL shirts over at https://www.toplobsta.com/pages/liberty-lockdown Podcast subscriptions are the best way to never miss an episode: Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/liberty-lockdown/id1138657182 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/47zBxoqrvRr8Fxn87DlIUh VIDEO VERSION, sub the YT bruh! t.co/s4MO6TtOzu?amp=1 All links: https://www.libertylockdownpodcast.com/ As always, if you leave a five star review on Apple Podcasts with your social media handle I'll read it on next week’s show (audio version only)! Love you long time