Some children are fearful about going to the doctor’s office or painful procedures such as routine immunizations or stitches. We discuss several conventional as well as alternative techniques to help minimize pain as well as lessen fear and anxiety in children. Our guest, pediatrician Dr. Cherie Ginwalla who specializes in pediatric pain medicine, lets us know about practical methods for parents to help their children. Child Life Specialists are great with assisting children with procedures, and there are other available options depending on the child’s age including breastfeeding, sucrose, breathing techniques and meditation.
This episode written by Drs. Cherie Ginwalla, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We thank Dr. Cherie Ginwalla, a Pediatric Hospitalist who specializes in palliative care at UC Davis Children's Hospital, for joining us for this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Most children will experience nightmares, and other sleep disorders such as night terrors and sleepwalking occur less frequently. Parents can comfort their children after a nightmare and keep their children out of harm’s way during episodes of night terrors or sleepwalking. But what can parents do when these sleep disorders are severe? What are the consequences of frequently disturbing sleep? What causes nightmares? When is it appropriate to see a specialist for these problems? We discuss these issues and more in this nightmarish episode.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
Thank you to neighbor Violet for suggesting this episode topic. We also thank Dr. Kiran Nandalike, a pediatric pulmonologist and sleep medicine specialist at UC Davis Children’s Hospital, and Dr. Tom Anders, a child psychiatrist and specialist in pediatric sleep disorders at Brown University for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Dean and Lena take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Coronavirus–Focus on Vaccine–Special Update Edition 9 December 2020
Dec 12, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about vaccines developed for the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss the speed of COVID-19 vaccine development, how vaccines work in general, and pay particular attention to the novel mRNA vaccines. Is it possible to get COVID from the vaccine? What about side effects, is the follow up period from studies long enough? Who will be prioritized to receive vaccine first in the US, and why? Why are 2 vaccine doses needed? Will those vaccinated be able to throw away their masks? How far along are COVID-19 vaccine studies in children? We discuss these questions and more in this episode.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, and that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
Puberty is a time of significant changes in adolescence, both physically and emotionally. In this episode we discuss the physiology and hormonal triggers for puberty. We review normal pubertal development, some normal variations, as well as when to be concerned about early and delayed puberty. We also review resources that can be used to talk to your child and prepare them for the changes they can expect during this time.
This episode written by Drs. Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We thank Dr. Stephanie Crossen, a Pediatric Endocrinologist at UC Davis Children's Hospital, for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Pets can be great additions to families, but when is the right time to introduce a pet to children? Dogs and cats are popular choices, but what about hamsters, fish, birds or reptiles? Are there better pet choices if family members have allergies? What can you do to decrease exposure to pet allergens? What infection risks from pets should parents know about? How can we teach children to avoid getting bitten by pets, and what should you do if they do get bit? We discuss these issues and more as we explore the world of children and their beloved animals in this episode.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
We also thank Dr. Victoria Dimitriades, a Pediatric Allergist and Immunologist at UC Davis Children's Hospital, for reviewing pet allergies, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Breastfeeding is mutually beneficial for both moms and children. Despite its known benefits, many women struggle with initiating and maintaining breastfeeding. In this 2-part series we chat with Dr. Adrienne Hoyt-Austin, a pediatrician who specializes in breast feeding medicine. In part 2 we discuss how to prepare for separation from the baby, pumping and weaning your child.
We thank Dr. Adrienne Hoyt-Austin, an academic pediatric fellow in the newborn nursery at UC Davis Children's Hospital, for joining us for this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Breastfeeding is mutually beneficial for both moms and children. Despite its known benefits, many women struggle with initiating and maintaining breastfeeding. In this 2-part series we chat with Dr. Adrienne Hoyt-Austin, a pediatrician who specializes in breast feeding medicine. Part 1 discusses how to prepare for delivery, tips to increase supply and ensure effective latch, as well as some common challenges that may arise while breastfeeding.
We thank Dr. Adrienne Hoyt-Austin, an academic pediatric fellow in the newborn nursery at UC Davis Children's Hospital, for joining us for this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
It's common for children to have their ears pierced. In this episode, we discuss some options for where to get ears pierced, some common complications of ear piercing and how to avoid them, and cultural expectations related to ear piercing.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
Influenza and Children: Prevent the Flu
Sep 28, 2020
It's very common for children to get influenza. And although most children recover, it may occasionally result in serious illness. In this episode we discuss the typical symptoms of influenza in children, considerations for treatment, and how to prevent influenza. At what age should children receive influenza vaccine? When? Which vaccine is best? Why does the vaccine need to be given every year? We answer these questions and more.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder diagnosed in childhood. And there are many different types of anxiety disorders. In this podcast we discuss generalized anxiety and panic disorder in teens. Including what behaviors are suggestive of anxiety, how its diagnosed, and why cognitive behavioral therapy is so effective for re-framing anxious feelings and behaviors.
This episode written by Drs. Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
Depression is very common in teens, with just over 1 in 10 teens experiencing a major depressive episode during this time. Sadly, suicide is now the 2nd leading cause of death in this age group. In this podcast we discuss the importance of identifying depression in teens. What signs to look out for and the steps to receiving a diagnosis. We review treatment options including therapy and medications and how to respond if your teen is having thoughts or feelings of suicide.
This episode written by Drs. Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We would like to thank Dr. Melissa Hopkins, child psychiatrist at UC Davis Children’s Hospital for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Dean and Lena take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Fever is an extremely common concern that presents to the pediatricians office. In this episode, we discuss the reasons why fevers occur so commonly in kids. We will debunk some of the common myths about fever, discuss treatments as well as when to be concerned.
This episode written by Drs. Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
Nosebleeds are very common during childhood, especially for children less than 10 years of age. The vast majority of nosebleeds are mild and resolve on their own or with a little help. In this episode we discuss what parents can do to help stop the bleeding, and also what to do if the nosebleed doesn't stop and when to seek medical attention. What about children who have lots of nosebleeds? We talk about some preventative measures to consider, and also when to think about seeing a specialist.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
We often think of racism as a societal issue. In addition, racism directly negatively impacts children's health. How can we talk about racism with children? What about structural or institutional racism? What is the best approach to discuss racial protests with children at different ages? In this second of two episodes we welcome guest Dr. Mikah Owen to explore these issues and more.
This episode written by Drs. Mikah Owen, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We thank Mikah Owen, MD, a general pediatrician at UC Davis Children's Hospital focusing on Health Equity, Population Health, and Primary Care and Behavioral Health Integration, for joining us in this episode.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 15 July 2020
Jul 16, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about disease due to the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss major recent developments and focus on how to plan on opening schools, the risk of transmission from children, what parents may consider when thinking about sending their children to school and more.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, and that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
We often think of racism as a societal issue. In addition, racism directly negatively impacts children’s health. How can we talk about racism with children? What about structural or institutional racism? What is the best approach to discuss racial protests with children at different ages? In this episode we welcome guest Dr. Mikah Owen to explore these issues and more.
This episode written by Drs. Mikah Owen, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We thank Mikah Owen, MD, a general pediatrician at UC Davis Children's Hospital focusing on Health Equity, Population Health, and Primary Care and Behavioral Health Integration, for joining us in this episode.
Throwing Some Shade: A Discussion of Sun Safety
Jun 22, 2020
Sun exposure and sunburns increase the risk of skin cancer. That’s why it’s important to protect the skin of children from harmful UV rays. In this episode we discuss choosing the right sunscreen, how to apply it effectively, why to avoid tanning beds, the importance of sunglasses, how to treat sunburn and some ways to limit overall sun exposure. What about the “base tan” or the use of sunless tanners? We discuss this too. Don’t get burned, listen to this episode instead.
This episode written by Drs. Samantha Goggin, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 17 June 2020
Jun 17, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about disease due to the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss major developments this week including the current status of the pandemic, how easing social distancing has impacted cases, how Black Americans are disproportionately affected, and the surprising new evidence about the effectiveness of masks in reducing transmission.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
Photo of Figure 4 from The Proceedings of the Royal Society Stutt article showing the effect on Re of the proportion of the population wearing a facemask. The solid line is the mean and the shaded area shows the 95% confidence interval. By the public wearing an effective facemask all of the time (rather than just starting when COVID-19 symptoms appear), the Re can be brought below 1, leading to the pandemic dying out.
Soothing Your Fussy Baby
Jun 08, 2020
Crying is an important form of communication by babies, and babies can cry as soon as they are born. The crying generally peaks at about 6 weeks of age, then usually decreases to about an hour a day at about 3 months of age. This can be very distressing to parents. If the underlying cause isn't obvious, such as hunger or a diaper that needs to be changed, then how can parents approach a crying baby? In this episode we welcome Psychotherapist Nicole Wiggins to discuss approaches to soothing a crying baby, getting in touch with different regulatory states, strengthening the parent-baby relationship, when the caretaker needs to take care of themselves, how to get support for parents who are stressed or overwhelmed, and more.
This episode written by Nicole Wiggins, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We thank Nicole Wiggins MA, LHMC, Psychotherapist and Associate Clinical Director at Cooper House in Seattle, for joining us in this episode.
Adverse Childhood Experiences Explained
May 25, 2020
Adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress are extremely common. Two out of every three people experience one or more traumatic early life event. These events have been shown to increase the risk of many medical conditions including cancer, heart disease and early death. By identifying risk early, and working to build strategies for mitigating adverse childhood experiences, we can work together to build a healthier future for our children.
This episode written by Drs. Vidhi Jhaveri, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
We thank Dr. Marcia Unger, a psychiatrist at UC Davis Medical Center for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Vidhi, Lena and Dean take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
The National Domestic Violence hotline 800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Sexual Assault hotline 800-656-HOPE (4673)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis text line text HOME to 741-741
Photo from WAIMH Perspectives in Infant Mental Health
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 21 May 2020
May 22, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about disease due to the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss major developments this week including whether the stay at home social distancing has had much effect, is it safe to open up and will this result in a 2nd wave of infections, the early results of vaccine trials, a study that looked at whether infection with SARS-CoV-2 results in immunity, recent changes on the emphasis on how COVID-19 transmission occurs, and the benefits of being outside.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Dean Blumberg and Lena van der List.
Photo from the National Institutes of Health. This transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab.
Teen Driver Safety
May 11, 2020
Driving safely is a matter of life and death. In fact, car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens and young adults. In this episode, we address what teens and parents can do so that teens can become safe drivers. We discuss how important it is to gain driving experience, provide some tips for how parents to approach teaching their teens how to drive, how state graduated drivers license laws work, some common sense safety rules, and what to do if a teen breaks safe driving rules. We also cover how to choose a safe car for your teen. So come along for the ride, and look forward (or not) to our song wrapping up this episode!
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
We thank Dr. Laura Kester Pediatric Adolescent Medicine specialist at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Dean and Lena take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 6 May 2020
May 06, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about disease due to the novel coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss major developments this week including new research in the news reporting viral mutations and the implications for immunity and vaccine development, what to expect when schools reopen, reports revealing the significant inflammatory syndrome Kawasaki disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, and discuss the importance of well child care during this time including routine immunizations.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Dr. Lena van der List, Christopher Ward and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
We thank Christopher Ward of FORGE Architects for developing the reopening schools discussion.
Seizures are the most common brain disorder seen in children. In this podcast, we discuss epilepsy, febrile seizures and seizure mimics. We explore what causes seizures, how seizures are evaluated and treated, and what we can do to ensure the safety and optimal development of all kids with seizures.
This episode written by Drs. Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 22 April 2020
Apr 23, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. We discuss major developments this week including the effects of re-opening businesses and lifting some of the social distancing measures, why there might be a severe second wave of illness in the coming Fall and Winter, recent studies that show 2-5% of the US population have already been infected and may be immune, and expected progress with vaccine development. We also respond to listener questions about the potential roll back of social distancing, gastrointestinal symptoms of COVID-19, the most important warning sign indicating that you should seek medical care for your child, other manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection such as involvement of the heart or brain, and how to balance potential exposure in public places like grocery stores vs leaving kids in the car when the weather is warm or hot (spoiler alert: don’t leave kids in the car!). We welcome guest pediatrician Dr. Ellen McCleery to further explore how social distancing has affected home life and parenting including challenges with screen time, relaxing limits, enhancing interactive and educational activities, knowing when it’s time for a break from screen time, and some healthy alternative activities.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Ellen McCleery, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 15 April 2020
Apr 16, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. We discuss new research that listeners may have seen in the news that suggests easier and more widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2, possible easing of social distancing restrictions in communities, racial disparities resulting in more severe disease in minorities, the roll-out of antibody testing, alternatives to disinfectant wipes, and why children <2 years of age should not wear a mask. And what about transmission from cats or other pets? We also welcome guest pediatrician Dr. Ellen McCleery to talk about strategies with children being at home all the time including how to talk to kids about coronavirus, managing their anxieties and practicing positive parenting. And where does meditation fit in? We discuss this too.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Ellen McCleery, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
Firearm safety remains a pressing issue as everyday 78 children, teens, and young adults are injured or killed by guns in the United States. Regardless if we choose to have or not have firearms in our homes, there are steps we can all take as parents to prevent these tragedies. In this episode, we discuss the impact of firearm safety and gun violence on children, best storage and use methods, and how to add firearm safety questions to your playdate checklist.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 8 April 2020
Apr 08, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. We discuss the current state of transmission in the US and worldwide, some of the modelling that we commonly hear about that predicts when the peak number of cases will occur in different communities, and masking recommendations in the community. We also welcome guest pediatrician Dr. Ellen McCleery to talk about strategies with children being at home all the time including the importance of routine and how parents can facilitate distance learning.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Drs. Ellen McCleery, Lena van der List and Dean Blumberg.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 1 April 2020
Apr 02, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. We discuss continuing recommendations for social distancing, expected severity of disease in children, homeopathic remedies for prevention or treatment, possible co-infections with COVID-19, possible transmission by groceries or mail or contaminated clothing, the shift from in-person healthcare visits to telemedicine, and more.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
It is not uncommon for children to struggle with school. This could occur with one particular subject or school in general. There are many possible reasons for children to have trouble learning. In this episode, we discuss when parents need to be concerned about their children's academic progress, how to get the best evaluation for their child, different services that may be available to help, and common underlying disorders that may cause school struggles, such as learning disorders. Is repeating a grade a good idea? —we have that covered too.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 24 March 2020
Mar 25, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. We discuss the availability of diagnostic testing, recommendations for who should get tested, the “doubling time” and how that relates to surges in cases, appropriate products for handwashing including soaps and hand gels, how to choose an effective disinfectant for household use, and more.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 18 March 2020
Mar 19, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. We discuss the dramatic public health responses to community transmission now ongoing in the US and much of the world. Why is “flattening the curve” so important? What are the risks to pregnant women and their offspring? And what are the ins and outs about social distancing?
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
Illustration by Dean Blumberg (with approval by Dr. Lena)
Hard Times–Constipation in Children
Mar 16, 2020
Constipation is extremely common in children. In fact, it is one of the top 10 concerns brought up in the pediatric office. In this episode, we talk to pediatric gastroenterologist Dr. Daphne Say about constipation. We discuss at what ages constipation usually develops, how to prevent constipation and some of the lifestyle, dietary and medical management strategies for treating constipation—because it doesn’t have to be a pain in the butt!
This episode written by Dr. Daphne Say, Dr. Lena van der List and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
We thank Pediatric Gastroenterologist Dr. Daphne Say at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 11 March 2020
Mar 11, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena interviews Dr. Dean about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. We discuss the latest on worldwide and US cases, community transmission now ongoing in the US, availability of testing for infection, who is at high risk for severe disease, and new recommendations for “social distancing”.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 4 March 2020
Mar 04, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena interviews Dr. Dean about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, that originated in China and is now being reported worldwide. We discuss the latest on community transmission, the death rate from infection, current risk of infection for children compared to adults, and the current state of diagnosing this infection. We also readdress the issue of wearing a mask to prevent infection.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
Image from NIAID RML. This is a scanning electron microscope image of the yellow SARS-CoV-2 virus (the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19) isolated from a US patient. The virus is emerging from the surface of blue/pink cells grown in the laboratory.
Artificial Sweeteners: Risky or Beneficial?
Mar 02, 2020
Artificial sweeteners (sugar substitutes or non-nutritive sweeteners) are in so many food products these days, and children may be exposed to them in a variety of processed foods. Are they useful by limiting sugar consumption? Do they result in weight loss? Are there any health risks to using artificial sweeteners? You might be surprised at the answers to these questions and more discussed in this episode. Take a listen to find out how artificial sweeteners may affect taste preferences and weight gain.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
We thank Senior Outpatient Dietitian Staci Collins, RD, CNSC, Clinical Nutrition Services at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Coronavirus–Special Update Edition 26 February 2020
Feb 27, 2020
In this special episode, Dr. Lena interviews Dr. Dean about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, that originated in China and is now being reported worldwide. We discuss how the infection is transmitted, who is at risk for severe disease, how to avoid infection and more.
Note that the information provided was accurate at the time this episode was recorded, but that this is a rapidly changing situation.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
Image from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is an illustration of the ultrastructural morphology of coronavirus. The red spikes are on the outer surface of the virus, and give the appearance of a corona (or crown) when seen on electron microscopy. The spikes are important for attaching to receptors on the surface of respiratory tract cells at the time of infection.
Pediatric Complementary & Alternative Medicine (Part 2)
Feb 17, 2020
Complementary and alternative medicines such as supplements, chiropractic manipulation, massage and acupuncture are becoming more popular with adults and children world-wide. How safe are these practices when being used in children? Are these therapies helpful or can they be potentially harmful? The risks and benefits of complementary and alternative medicine are reviewed during our discussion on this topic. In this second episode on this subject, we discuss chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation, massage, acupuncture and their potential benefits and risks.
This episode written by Dr. Lena van der List and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
We thank Maxine L. Barish-Wreden, M.D., ABIHM, Holistic and Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in Sacramento; Dr. Jennifer A. Griffin, Holistic/Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in Roseville CA; Dr. Akilesh Palanisamy, Holistic/Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in San Francisco; Marc D. Velez, L.Ac., Acupuncture practitioner at Sutter Health in Sacramento; and Eric I. Hassid, M.D., Holistic/Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in Sacramento for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Pediatric Complementary & Alternative Medicine (Part 1)
Feb 03, 2020
Complementary and alternative medicines such as supplements, chiropractic manipulation, acupuncture and massage are becoming more popular with adults and children world-wide. But how safe are these practices when being used in children? Does the research show it can be helpful or is it potentially harmful? The risks and benefits of complementary and alternative medicine are reviewed during our discussion on this topic. In this first episode on this subject, we discuss the popularity of non-vitamin, non-mineral supplements and natural products and their potential benefits and risks.
This episode written by Dr. Lena van der List and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
We thank Maxine L. Barish-Wreden, M.D., ABIHM, Holistic and Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in Sacramento; Dr. Jennifer A. Griffin, Holistic/Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in Roseville CA; Dr. Akilesh Palanisamy, Holistic/Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in San Francisco; Marc D. Velez, L.Ac., Acupuncture practitioner at Sutter Health in Sacramento; and Eric I. Hassid, M.D., Holistic/Integrative Medicine at Sutter Health in Sacramento for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Riding in Cars With Kids–Car Seats, Boosters and Riding Shotgun
Jan 20, 2020
Car seats have been one of the biggest victories in child safety in our lifetime. However, many still find the laws and recommendations around car seats confusing. This podcast discusses why rear-facing is best, when to turn to front facing and ultimately transition to a booster seat. We also review tips installing and ensuring you have the safest driving situation for your family.
This episode written by Dr. Lena van der List and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
Disciplining children is one of the most difficult parts of parenting. This podcast discusses reinforcing positive behaviors and working to extinguish negative behaviors across childhood. From ignoring and redirecting to time-outs and grounding, we discuss what strategies work, and why physical punishments can have long term detrimental effects.
This episode written by Dr. Lena van der List and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
We thank Dr. Dawn Blacker Pediatric Clinical Psychologist at the UC Davis CAARE Center for reviewing this episode, although Drs. Lena and Dean take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Children Really Can Love To Eat Their Veggies
Dec 23, 2019
So your school-age child just won’t eat any vegetables. No broccoli, no carrots, no squash, no, no, no, no, that’s all you ever hear. You’re concerned that their diet is not healthy, maybe they are missing some essential vitamins or nutrients, maybe this will affect their growth. Not to worry, because in this episode we interview special guest and Food Genius Amber Stott! Learn about Broccoli Boundries and Radish Routines, why offering a variety of healthy options is important, the value in getting children involved in shopping for vegetables and much more in this episode.
This episode written by Amber K. Stott, Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena van der List.
We thank Amber K. Stott, Chief Food Genius and Founding Executive Director at the Food Literacy Center in Sacramento, California, for joining us for this episode.
Toddlers and preschoolers often go through a picky eating phase. Although most children grow out of it, picky eating may be associated with adverse consequences for children's health, and it's important for them to have a healthy and nutritious diet to optimize growth and development. In this episode, we discuss the origins of picky eating and strategies to deal with it. We explore positive approaches such as sharing meals, offering healthy choices, making food fun, involving children in food preparation and more. We also discuss strategies that are not likely to work including punishment and bribes. Hungry for more? Then listen to this episode!
This episode written by Dr. Mary Beth Steinfeld, Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Understanding money and finance is crucial in today's society. However, most children are not receiving formal training in money management in school. There are many ways parents can increase their children's financial literacy and help set them up for success as they navigate the world of earning and budgeting later in life. In this podcast, we discuss recommendations surrounding allowances, saving and checking accounts, budgeting, charitable giving and promoting work in teens.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
The Worst Cut is the Deepest—Does Your Child Need Stitches?
Nov 11, 2019
Scrapes, cuts and lacerations inevitably occur in virtually all active children. What's the best way to treat these? How can you stop the bleeding? How do you know when you need to take your child to get stitches? We discuss these issues, including alternatives to stitches, how to minimize scarring, and how to best help your child during a procedure such as getting stitches.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
We thank Dr. Emily Andrada, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist at UC Davis Children’s Hospital, for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Advice On How To Deal With Unsolicited Parenting Advice
Oct 28, 2019
Have you ever been given unsolicited parenting advice? We know you have, it's so common. And it can be so annoying. Sometimes it feels like people are judging you. What is the best way to respond to unwanted advice? In this episode, we discuss several strategies to deal with unsolicited parenting advice, while at the same time doing what's best for your children. We also talk about the specific challenges that come with unwanted advice from grandparents, because we all want to maintain positive relationships within the family. Want some unsolicited good advice? Then listen to this episode!
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
The Writing Is On The Wall: Reading With Children Is Great!
Oct 14, 2019
Early literacy exposure and reading aloud to children is a critical step in making sure a child is ready to enter Kindergarten. In this episode, we discuss early literacy–what that means and why it's important, what books are appropriate for what age groups and additional resources for parents and caregivers to make sure their infant is school ready and develops a love for reading and learning early on!
This episode written by Drs. Jess Huang, Lena Rothstein and Dean Blumberg.
Dental Health in Young Children: Keep Tiny Teeth Healthy
Sep 30, 2019
Tooth decay is the number one dental problem for preschool children, and 10% of 2 year-olds already have cavities. Cavities in baby teeth can lead to serious dental problems for permanent teeth. In this episode, we explore plaque and how sugar impacts tooth decay. We discuss the importance of good dental hygiene, when to start brushing teeth, and tips on helping children brush their teeth. How much toothpaste should children be using, how do you choose an appropriate toothbrush for kids? We talk about these issues, fluoride, sealants, varnish and more in this minty fresh and sparkling episode!
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
We thank Dr. Gila C. Dorostkar, Pediatric Dentistry in Marin County California, for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Cut Your Child's Risk of Cancer With HPV Vaccine
Sep 16, 2019
HPV, or human papillomavirus, causes many cancers, and HPV vaccine can prevent these infections and the later development of cancer. How well does the vaccine work? What about side effects? What is the best age for children to receive this vaccine? Should boys get the vaccine as well as girls? And what about sex–is there a link between the vaccine and children having sex? We discuss these issues and more, demystifying some of the rumors and other popular media chatter about HPV vaccine so that parents will be armed with the facts.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
One Fish, Two Fish, Children Need More Fish!
Sep 02, 2019
Seafood provides high quality protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats such as DHA which are important for a child’s developing brain, vision and nervous system. In addition, eating seafood early in life decreases the risk of developing allergic diseases such as asthma and eczema. So why is seafood consumption by children in the US decreasing? The main concern is contamination of seafood with mercury which can be toxic for children and harm their developing brains, but there are also concerns with environmental pollutants including PCBs and dioxin. In this episode, we review how to make sure that children are eating enough fish for nutritional benefits, and how to make healthy fish choices. We’re aiming for children to get all the benefits of seafood while minimizing any risks. We also discuss sushi, eating fish during pregnancy, overfishing and more.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
We thank dietitian Staci Collins at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Bedwetting or “nocturnal enuresis” is extremely common in kids, with up to 15% of kids still having night time accidents at age 6. This podcast discusses what causes kids to wet the bed more frequently, and when bedwetting may be due to an underlying medical condition. We also discuss evidence based strategies to help combat bedwetting including alarms, night time routines and medications, all with the hope of helping parents and children move towards more dry nights!
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
Identifying as gender non-binary or transgender is becoming more frequent among young people. In this podcast we delve into the topic of gender identity and children. This episode discusses how and when gender identity develops. We will explain the process of gender affirming care for transgender youth, including gender expression, pronouns, hormone blockers and hormone therapy. In addition, we discuss some of the social barriers these kids face and how we as pediatricians, parents and community members can help.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
We thank Dr. Laura Kester at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Lena and Dean take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Travel With Children–With Less Stress (Part 2)
Jul 22, 2019
Traveling with children can be stressful, but we have some ideas to make it easier. We continue our discussion from our last episode (Part 1), and start off with how to make things easier at the airport with stroller advice or wearing your baby. Parents can also make the flight more comfortable for children, including helping them avoid ear pain that is often associated with air pressure changes during flights. Many parents worry about their baby crying uncontrollably on the plane. There are also challenges with accommodations, staying with extended family, renting a house or apartment, or hotel room–what works best for the family? We have advice on this, on how to plan activities with children, what to do when your child gets sick when out of town, and the challenges of adjusting to new foods and new time zones. Plus we’ll mention travelling by train or car. Have a great trip with your kids!
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Shivani Vora New York Times article How to Travel With Children (includes a nice list of what to pack for each child, and what should be in every parents' first aid kit)
Travel With Children–With Less Stress (Part 1)
Jul 08, 2019
Traveling is stressful enough, but it’s even more stressful when traveling with young children. But don’t fret, we have a whole bunch of tips to make the trip easier for parents and more comfortable for children. In this episode, we’ll talk about the basics, starting with how best to plan your travel, and engaging your children in the process. From babies to toddlers to school-age children to teens, we have ideas about how to choose your destination so that your vacation is great for the whole family, and where to stay to maximize comfort and flexibility. Plus how best to schedule your flights. We’ll also discuss the importance of preparing children for travel, and how to take your children through security screening with less hassle.
We’ll continue this discussion in our next episode, part 2, including addressing the dreaded nightmare scenario: your child crying on the plane.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Shivani Vora New York Times article How to Travel With Children (includes a nice list of what to pack for each child, and what should be in every parents' first aid kit)
Swimming and water sports are summer favorites for many kids and families. However, drowning is a leading cause of death in pediatrics leading many parents to be justifiably worried about the risks associated with water play. What are strategies that families can implement to prevent pediatric drowning? What age groups are most at risk for drowning related injury and why? When should you start your child in swim lessons and what should you look for in a swim program? All of these topics and more discussed in this episode discussing water safety.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
Divorce is not uncommon in the US. It is difficult and stressful for the parents, and it may also be hard on the children. Divorce may result in long-term health, academic, emotional and behavioral problems for children. However, in some cases, the parents separation decreases stress and children may experience relief from reduced tensions. What can parents do to mitigate some of the potential harmful consequences for children during and after divorce? What is the best way for parents to talk to their children about divorce? How long does it usually take for children to rebound from the initial pain of separating parents? What is the best approach when responding to children’s difficult questions? We discuss these issues and more in this episode.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
We thank Licensed Clinical Social Worker Angelus Dupree at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
School Lunches: Are They Important or Nutritious?
May 27, 2019
We know that a healthy diet is important for the health of children and to address the childhood obesity epidemic. Children consume more than one-third of their daily calories at school, but how nutritious are these meals? What sort of guidance do schools follow when preparing lunches? Does this result in healthier meals? What about sodas? Is chocolate milk okay? And snacks and vending machines? Is if fair to ban cupcakes at school? What about banning selling sweets for fundraisers? We discuss these issues and more in this episode.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
We thank dietitian Staci Collins at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Safe Sleep for Baby = Sweet Dreams for Mom & Dad
May 13, 2019
Sleep is important for new parents and their newborns. But what about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death? How worried should parents be about this potential tragedy? How common is it? Is there anything that parents can do to minimize the risk of SIDS? We discuss infant sleep issues including the importance of “back to sleep”, cosleeping, toys/pillows/blankets/bumpers in the crib, appropriate infant bedding and sleepwear, the risks of smoke exposure, and the benefits of pacifiers and breastfeeding. We’re aiming for a better night’s sleep for all.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Heads In The Clouds–The Epidemic Of Teen Vaping
Apr 29, 2019
Vaping and the use of electronic cigarettes has become an epidemic among teenagers. What factors have caused these devices to increase in popularity and how can we best educate our teenagers to avoid them? We are joined this episode by Dr. Tiffany Heckendorn who helps us dive into the world of e-cigarettes, the risks associated with early and frequent use, as well as how society can work to curb the recent increase in teen use.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein, Dr. Tiffany Heckendorn and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
Everyone knows that fruit is good for you, so fruit juice must be too . . . right? Is fruit juice made out of pure fruit, or are there other ingredients of concern? Can too much fruit juice lead to health problems for children? What health conditions may be worsened by fruit juice? Does fruit juice consumption affect dental health? Are there benefits to eating whole fruit compared to fruit juice? How much fruit juice is too much? We discuss fruit juice, the whole fruit and nothing but the truth about fruit juice (plus sippy cups), in this episode.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
We thank dietitian Staci Collins at UC Davis Children's Hospital for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena are responsible for any errors or misinformation.
Is That A Concussion?–Sports Participation For Kids
Apr 01, 2019
With all the recent media attention surrounding the dangers of concussions in professional athletes, parents are appropriately reluctant to let their children play contact sports. Is playing a sport as a child more likely to make you remain active into adulthood? What are the most common sports injuries? Are concussions common and how will you know if your child has one? What are the appropriate steps to take before returning to play? Learn all this and more in this episode, covering the topic of youth sports and the associated injuries, with an emphasis on concussions.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
More Than The Baby Blues: Perinatal Depression
Mar 18, 2019
Pregnancy and new motherhood/fatherhood is expected to be an exciting and joyful time. But what is the impact of perinatal or postpartum depression? Perinatal depression may start before or after birth, and is the most common obstetric complication in the US, yet half the time it's not recognized or treated. This may cause problems with breastfeeding, attachment and bonding. This depression is more intense and lasts longer than the “baby blues,” which refers to the common sadness, tiredness and worry that many women feel after having a baby, and resolves on its own in a few days. In this episode, we discuss the severity of perinatal depression, the signs and symptoms, and diagnosis and treatment.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Mar 04, 2019
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in childhood. Since children with ADHD have trouble paying attention, they may have trouble learning and have difficulty with schoolwork. Almost all children have times when their behavior is out of control or they don’t pay attention. So how can you tell if your child has ADHD? What are the specific symptoms of ADHD? What are the different types of ADHD? How can you tell if your child should be tested for ADHD? How is this testing done? What are the best treatments? Is behavioral therapy best or medication, or both? What are some of the side effects of medication therapy for ADHD? These issues and more are discussed in this episode of the podcast.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Child's Play For Healthy Brains & Social Skills
Feb 18, 2019
Play is vital to a child’s development and promotes stable and nurturing relationships. The benefits of play also include practice at problem solving, collaboration and creativity. Drs. Lena and Dean also discuss how play results in positive brain changes and prepares children for school. So why is there a crisis in playtime? And what can parents do to increase beneficial play opportunities for children? Appropriate activities are discussed starting from the first few months of life and for older children. In addition, tips for choosing toys for different ages might be surprising comparing old-fashioned toys to the latest modern gadgets.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Driveway Dinner mentioned by Dr. Dean (photo courtesy John Banchero).
The authors thank Dr. Rachel Talamantez who is a Marriage Family Therapist in private practice in San Jose California for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Organic food is increasingly popular, but is it healthier? It’s generally more expensive, and sometimes harder to find. Is it worth the extra cost and effort to eat organics? What are the advantages of organic foods? Are there real benefits? Does eating organic protect against cancer? And what about ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and autism spectrum disorder? Are organics more important for some foods than others? Where can parents find the most up to date information on prioritizing organics? Drs. Lena and Dean discuss these issues and more, including organic shopping tips, in this episode. Plus take a look at the (mostly) organic winter garden of Dr. Dean.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Have you ever noticed how touch alone can instantly calm your baby? What are the known medical benefits of skin to skin contact in babies? Is it recommended that all newborns are placed skin to skin with their caregiver? Is there a role for premature babies to experience this benefit as well? And what is with this new fad of “wearing your baby”? Are slings, wraps and carriers recommended for infants and how can it be done safely… All of these questions and more answered in todays discussion of skin to skin. Plus Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean talk about Gabrielle Union and her daughter.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
The authors thank Dr. Catherine Rottkamp from UC Davis Children’s Hospital for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Screen Time–Growing Up in a Digital World
Jan 07, 2019
Kids may spend a lot of time on their smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. How much is too much for children looking at screens? Is an hour or two (or four or more) per day normal? Could it be harmful? Are there medical or other side effects from teens and other children spending so much time with media, broadcast as well as social media? Could screen time actually change brain anatomy? What are the benefits of online social activities? Should parents limit screen time? Is this even possible? How can parents start to address this issue? These topics and more are covered in this podcast as Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean explore this contemporary issue.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
The authors thank Dr. Laura Kester from UC Davis Children’s Hospital for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
Temper tantrums are stressful for children (and their parents). How common are tantrums? Are they normal? What sets them off? What can parents do during a tantrum? What can be done to prevent tantrums? Are there any positives that parents can take from tantrums? Dr. Dean and Dr. Lena discuss these issues and more. Bonus: Dr. Lena sings! (And find out if Dr. Lena or Dr. Dean ever have tantrums.)
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Are vegetarian diets healthy and safe for children? What are the risks? Which nutrients and vitamins do vegetarian children need to pay extra attention to? Should they be taking supplements? Why do children choose to be vegetarian? Are there any benefits to a vegetarian diet? What about vegans? What does Dr. Dean’s dog have to do with this subject? Listen as Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean discuss these issues and more in this episode.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
The authors thank dietitian Staci Collins for reviewing this topic, although Drs. Dean and Lena take responsibility for any errors or misinformation.
When can parents expect infants to sleep through the night? How can parents help infants to go to sleep on their own? Is it healthy for parents to allow their children to cry themselves to sleep? What to do with the toddler who wants “just one more” bedtime story before going to sleep? Listen to this episode as Dr. Dean and Dr. Lena consider normal sleep development for infants and toddlers, challenging sleep issues at these ages, and some tips solving sleep problems that young children may have. Listen as Dr. Lena and Dr. Dean discuss optimizing the sleep environment, sleep hygiene, and sleep training.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
With many states legalizing the use of recreational and medical marijuana more and more parents are raising concerns about the risk it poses to their children. What are the long and short-term effects of marijuana exposure on development? How common is accidental ingestion? How have these policies changed the way teens view the dangers of marijuana? How do parents talk about this difficult topic with their teen? Tune in to this episode for an in-depth discussion on kids and cannabis.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.
Should you be concerned about food additives? What is the significance of nitrates, nitrites, BPA, phthalates and PFCs? What is endocrine disruption and could this significantly impact your children? Do food additives really cause cancer? What about plastic containers? Can Dr. Lena convince a skeptical Dr. Dean that parents need to pay attention to food additives? Listen for practical advice on what parents can do now to keep their children healthy, what foods are of concern, which food containers to avoid and which are safe. See Dr. Lena's plastic food container cover.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Parents may be perplexed that their teenagers always seem to be sleepy in the morning. Why don't they go to sleep earlier so that they can wake up well rested in time for school? Are they lazy, maybe they just can't plan ahead, or are there biologic factors at play? What are the consequences of sleep-deprived teens? Would later school start times be beneficial for teens, or would teens just stay up later? What are the financial implications of changing to later school start times? These questions and more are discussed by Dr. Dean and Dr. Lena.
This episode written by Dr. Dean Blumberg and Dr. Lena Rothstein.
Separation anxiety is extremely common in infants and young children. With separation anxiety comes significant distress for parents and caregivers. Is there anything parents can do to help reduce their child’s distress when separating? Will a child grow out of this behavior? How long does it typically last? When should a parent get worried if their child’s anxiety seems unrelenting? All of these issues and more are discussed during this episode.
This episode written by Dr. Lena Rothstein and Dr. Dean Blumberg.