Vanessa Feils is back with a quick-and-dirty mini episode to announce our first HEALERS event in NYC! Even if you can’t attend, don’t miss V’s views on living with fear, facing our truth, and the reason her phone has been ringing off the hook (hint: your moment of courage is coming, too).
MindTravel + Guided Meditation
Saturday, April 14, 2-4pm
Jill Lindsey, Brooklyn
Ring in spring by going on a true healing journey to your soul. The advancement that is available on the planet right now may have you desiring to tap into your inner TRUTH deeper than ever. Using the MindTravel ‘silent’ headphone system, spiritual life stylist Vanessa Feils will guide you into a deep healing meditation, incorporating Murray Hidary’s piano compositions + healing binaural beats in the background of the experience. Get ready to get fast tracked into a space where you can design your life from a pure state of bliss.
Please bring a mat or cushion to sit on, a journal and your favorite pen.