When Lindsay Ip’s son was just three years old, a nagging feeling told her something wasn’t right. Trusting her instincts, she arranged for a sleep study to be done, hoping for answers. To her dismay, the results revealed a diagnosis that would shake their world: sleep apnea. It was every parent’s worst nightmare.
Join us in this episode of Dentistry Disrupted, where Dr. Clayton sits down with Lindsey, co-creator of VO2 Mouth tape to discuss her and her husband’s transformative journey, born out of a personal quest to help their son.
Their discussion highlights the importance of early intervention, the benefits and risks of mouth taping, and the need for collaborative care in addressing airway health.
With a shared mission to spread awareness, Dr. Clayton and Lindsey delve into the overlooked importance of airway health, highlighting the importance of early intervention, the benefits of mouth taping, and the need for collaborative care in addressing airway health.
Also, tune in to hear the top symptoms of mouth-breathing to watch out for in kids and adults! If you suspect you or your child have issues with airway health, you will NOT want to miss this episode!
Want to start breathing easier? Grab your VIO2 Tape here!
Epworth Sleepiness Scale is linked here.
To learn more about addressing mouth breathing for you or your child and finding supportive providers, check out the Functional Dentistry Roadmap.