I pitch you an idea, you give me feedback, and I try to address your concerns. Together we’ll improve some good ideas, kill some bad ideas, and find out how big of an idiot I am.
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I pitch you an idea, you give me feedback, and I try to address your concerns. Together we’ll improve some good ideas, kill some bad ideas, and find out how big of an idiot I am.
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We recap the idea to make politicians better and address objections from our listeners.
Objections start at 2:18
Racism is a thing. This can be seen in the wealth, unemployment, and income gaps.
How do we fix it?
We all agree people should be paid a fair wage, but how much is fair? Let's figure it out.
Politicians are pretty shitty regardless of your political affiliation. How can we get smart, nearly altruistic people into office?
Lets figure it out together.