Top Science Podcasts


Audio Podcasts

NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope is a space-based infrared observatory, part of NASA's Great Observatories program (which also includes Hubble, Chandra, and Compton). These podcasts offer information about the science discoveries, astronomy, and more. Read More
NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope is a space-based infrared observatory, part Read More

Sociology – Plymouth University

Sociology provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the rapidly changing nature of contemporary society. With a core theme studied at Plymouth of inequalities, difference and diversity, students gain a critical perspective on a variety of social issues. Read More
Sociology provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the rapidly changin Read More

A Quantum Field Flow With Lord Ganesh & Team Diving Into Infinite Vibrational Streaming.

Become a Paid Subscriber: > We are 'Simply blooming' a collaboration of people in many forms sharing co-creatively infinite soundless to sound frequencies of vibrational adventures. Always open in expansion, shifting, oscillating but most of all ‘being’ exhilarated in a life that shares infinity, immersing into infinite sound waves connected to conscious growth always. Our podcasts are bi-monthly with a new season commencing 4th June 2022 Read More
Become a Paid Subscriber: We are R Read More

Centre international de criminologie comparée – Université de Montréal

Le Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) est un regroupement de chercheurs québécois , canadiens et internationaux travaillant sur les phénomènes criminels, leur contrôle et les différentes modalités d'intervention déployées par les institutions publiques, privées et communautaires pour y faire face. Le CICC constitue le plus important centre de recherche en criminologie dans l’espace francophone et un des principaux centres dans son domaine au niveau international. Dans le cadre de ses activités scientifiques, le CICC organise des conférences périodiques présentées par des chercheurs, des professionnels et des spécialistes en criminologie en provenance des quatre coins du monde. Read More
Le Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) est un regroupement de Read More

Child Welfare Spring Forum

New Directions for Child Welfare in the Coming Decade: Messages from Policy and Practice June 9, 2010 9:00am - 12:30pm Hubert H. Humphrey Center Cowles Auditorium, First Floor University of Minnesota 301 19th Ave S, Minneapolis MN 55455 Read More
New Directions for Child Welfare in the Coming Decade: Messages from Policy and Read More

The History of Physics

Not just what we know. How we know it. And who figured it out. This is the story of physics from primitive man to the Higgs particle. Made for normal people, without all the math. Read More
Not just what we know. How we know it. And who figured it out. This is the story Read More

Administración inteligente en municipios y ciudades (smart cities)

Esta colección reúne grabaciones realizadas desde las Aulas AVIP pertenecientes al I Congreso Territorial del Noroeste Ibérico. Read More
Esta colección reúne grabaciones realizadas desde las Aulas AVIP perteneciente Read More

Self-Compassionate Parenting Audio Files – Adryon Burton Denmark, Ph.D.

These audio tracks are the property of Dr. Adryon Burton Denmark, developer of the Self-Compassionate Parenting series.
These audio tracks are the property of Dr. Adryon Burton Denmark, developer of t Read More

Granite Geek

Musings and stories by the Concord Monitor's Granite Geek, reporter David Brooks.
Musings and stories by the Concord Monitor’s Granite Geek, reporter David Read More

The Human Origin Project

The Human Origin Project (HOP) is an independent media company launched to enhance public understanding on the biggest questions on humanity. Fundamentally, every person on planet earth wants and needs to know where they come from. Our goal is to illuminate that true story of humanity. Our writers focus on developments across a broad range of topics to enhance public understanding on the progressive topic of Human Origins. We cover areas such as prehistory, anthropology, evolutionary biology, archaeology, ancient cultures, physics, the universe, and consciousness. It’s our belief that no scientific endeavor should be performed in isolation. We believe in the cross-pollination of ideas and techniques to enhance an evidence based foundation for progressing our thoughts. With techniques some would compare to alchemy, we bring together art with science, history with technology, and philosophy with evidence. At The Human Origin Project, scientific accuracy is every bit important as telling the true story. We check and meticulously reference our material, so you can be rest assured in reliability of content. We are independent an impartial, however we are also open-minded and aim to push the envelope when exploring non-conventional wisdom. We share our content for free to our mailing list, website, and social media platforms, while assimilating a global team to help bring our message to the widest audience as possible. It’s our pleasure to bring you the most progressive conversation on planet earth. Read More
The Human Origin Project (HOP) is an independent media company launched to enhan Read More

Emotional Memory in People with Dementia – Aileen Wiglesworth, PhD, of UC Irvine Program in Geriatrics interviewed by Mary S. Twomey, MSW of National Center on Elder Abuse

University of California, Irvine study explores the characteristics of people with dementia and their retention of autobiographical, emotional memories. By interviewing people with dementia and family members who could corroborate memories, researchers explored two questions: - Do people with dementia have emotionally influenced memory? - If some do and some don’t, how do we identify the ones that do? Guest Speaker is Aileen Wiglesworth, Ph.D., Director of Research, Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect and Associate Clinical Professor, Family Medicine, at UC Irvine School of Medicine. Read More
University of California, Irvine study explores the characteristics of people wi Read More

Urban Education Institute – Urban Education Institute

The University of Chicago Urban Education Institute (UEI) serves the South Side of Chicago and is dedicated to creating knowledge to produce reliably excellent schooling for children growing up in urban America. UEI operates the four campuses of the University of Chicago Charter School; prepares outstanding urban teachers and leaders through the University of Chicago Urban Teacher Education Program; undertakes rigorous research to improve policy and practice, anchored by the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research; and provides tools, analytics and training to improve schools nationwide, primarily through UChicago Impact. Read More
The University of Chicago Urban Education Institute (UEI) serves the South Side Read More

Experimental Cognitive Psychology

Stanislas Dehaene received his training in mathematics at the École normale supérieure in Paris, then completed a PhD in cognitive psychology with Jacques Mehler, post-doctoral studies with Michael Posner, as well as neuronal modelling studies with Jean-Pierre Changeux. He has been working since 1997 at the Orsay brain imaging center near Paris (Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot of the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique), where he directs the Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit since 2001. In September 2005 he was elected as a full professor on the newly created chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology at the Collège de France in Paris. Stanislas Dehaene's interests concern the cerebral bases of specifically human cognitive functions such as language, calculation, and reasoning. The team uses a variety of experimental methods, including mental chronometry in normal subjects, cognitive analyses of brain-lesioned patients, and brain-imaging studies with positron emission tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and high-density recordings of event-related potentials. Formal models of minimal neuronal networks are also devised and simulated in an attempt to throw some links between molecular, physiological, imaging, and behavioral data. Stanislas Dehaene's main scientific contributions include the study of the organization of the cerebral system for number processing. Using converging evidence from PET, ERPs, fMRI, and brain lesions, Stanislas Dehaene demonstrated the central role played by a region of the intraparietal sulcus in understanding quantities and arithmetic (the number sense). He was also the first to demonstrate that subliminal presentations of words can yield detectable cortical activations in fMRI, and has used these data to support an original theory of conscious and nonconscious processing in the human brain. With neurologist Laurent Cohen, he also studied the neural networks of reading and demonstrated the crucial role of the left occipito-temporal region in word recognition (the visual word form area). Stanislas Dehaene is the author of over 100 scientific publications in major international journals. He has received several international prizes including the McDonnell Centennial Fellowship and the Louis D. prize of the French Academy of Sciences (with D. Lebihan). He has published an acclaimed book (The Number Sense), which has been translated in eight languages. He has also edited three books on brain imaging, consciousness, and brain evolution, and has authored two general-audience films on the human brain. He is the associate editor of Cognition, an international journal of Cognitive Science. Read More
Stanislas Dehaene received his training in mathematics at the École normale sup Read More

OmniTalk Radio – The Podcast Hub

OmniTalk Radio - The Podcast Hub - is the place where we currently feature 3 shows: UFORadio-International = Investigative show about UFO phenomena. Researchers = Show with various researchers and ideas. Inspirations = Show about inspiring achievements. Read More
OmniTalk Radio ̵1; The Podcast Hub – is the place where we currently f Read More

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe – Smithsonian Institution

June's theme is "Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe." See how humans have explored the building blocks of the universe through Native American folktales, Korean Jazz fusion, and space x-ray observations. Witness an astronaut postmark an envelope on the moon, and delve into the stories of Venus’ transit across the sky. Seven Smithsonian museums and centers have contributed material to provide multiple perspectives on this theme. Read More
June’s theme is “Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe.” See Read More

Improve Your World – SUNY-ESF

Interviewers Don Torrance and David White interview experts at ESF on ways to 'green' the world. Issues include turning a vacant lot into an urban park, restoring a salt marsh as part of a larger lake-basin restoration effort, and the development of shrub willow as a source of renewable energy, and much more. Read More
Interviewers Don Torrance and David White interview experts at ESF on ways to &# Read More

Xeriscape of the Southwest – New Mexico State University, Media Productions

Southwest Yard and Garden proudly presents Xeriscapes of the Southwest, showcasing appropriate gardening techniques in the challenging environment of the American Southwest. Join host Curtis Smith as he discusses the Seven Principles of Xeriscape while he tours exemplary gardens of the region. This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, “Efficient Irrigation for Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin’ agreement No. 2001-45049-01149 Read More
Southwest Yard and Garden proudly presents Xeriscapes of the Southwest, showcasi Read More

Wild Flower (Half) Hour – #wildflowerhour

The #wildflowerhour podcast: tales from the botanists bringing the internet into bloom every Sunday night between 8-9pm. Half an hour of wild plants from Britain and Ireland. Read More
The #wildflowerhour podcast: tales from the botanists bringing the internet into Read More

UT Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Seminar – Spring 2012 – Dr. Matt Gray

UT Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Seminar - Spring 2012
UT Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Seminar – Spring 2012 Read More

Psychologie cognitive expérimentale

La mission de ce laboratoire est d'analyser les bases cérébrales des fonctions cognitives, chez l'homme normal et chez certains patients neurologiques, en développant et en exploitant les méthodes modernes de la neuro-imagerie conjointement à l'utilisation de paradigmes expérimentaux issus de la psychologie cognitive. Les enseignements sont diffusés avec le soutien de la Fondation Bettencourt Schueller Read More
La mission de ce laboratoire est d’analyser les bases cérébrales des fon Read More

Savoirs contre pauvreté

Née en 1972, à Paris, Esther Duflo est professeur d'économie au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) et membre fondateur du Laboratoire d'Action contre la Pauvreté, Abdul Latif Jameel (J-PAL), institution spécialisée dans la méthode de l'évaluation aléatoire des programmes de lutte contre la pauvreté. Elle a fait ses études à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure et au DELTA (Paris) ainsi qu'au MIT. Ses recherches portent sur le comportement des ménages, les choix éducatifs, la scolarisation, l'évaluation des politiques, la décentralisation et la microfinance. Elle a a reçu plusieurs prix, dont le Elaine Bennett Prize for Research (2003), le Cercle des Economistes (Le Monde, 2005), Médaille de Bronze (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Département de Sciences de l'homme et de la société, 2005), et le Prix Luc Durand-Reville (Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, 2008). Read More
Née en 1972, à Paris, Esther Duflo est professeur d’économie au Massach Read More