Top Science Podcasts



nick hinton and comrade consider the quantum capabilities of human potential
nick hinton and comrade consider the quantum capabilities of human potential Read More

The Brain Health Revolution Podcast

Join award-winning neurologists and researchers, Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, for a fun, innovative and inspirational approach to brain health and all matters concerning the remarkable human mind. This is the century of the brain, a time when our insights into this incredible organ are exploding at an unprecedented pace. Explore ways to take control of your own brain health, avoid chronic diseases that are devastating communities worldwide, and expand your mind's capacity beyond anything you can imagine. Read More
Join award-winning neurologists and researchers, Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, f Read More

The Science Revolution with Thom Hartmann

The Science Revolution is about science that matters and brings revolutionary ways of thinking about science. We cover the science important to the world as well as to our everyday lives. You will learn how an entire spectrum of scientific disciplines meaningfully impacts your life and our world. From climate change to neuroscience to physics and medicine - and sometimes the politics & religion that tie them to us all - this podcast will entertain and deeply inform you. Science comes alive in The Science Revolution with Thom Hartmann.

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The Science Revolution is about science that matters and brings revolutionary wa Read More

Functional Relations

An ABA podcast where Dr. Zachary Bird and Caleb Davis set aside time to have engaging conversation with experts in the field of behavior analysis to explore topics like ethics of functional analysis, punishment, social media, and others. BCBAs can earn CEs for each episode. To purchase, visit To deliver social praise or aversive stimulation, you can email us at Read More
An ABA podcast where Dr. Zachary Bird and Caleb Davis set aside time to have eng Read More

Speaking of Racism

A podcast celebrating everyday activists who are disrupting, deconstructing, and dismantling racism.
A podcast celebrating everyday activists who are disrupting, deconstructing, and Read More

COMPLEXITY: Physics of Life

Are there universal laws of life and can we find them? Is there a physics of society, of ecology, of evolution? Join us for six episodes of thought-provoking insights on the physics of life and its profound implications on our understanding of the universe. In this season of the Santa Fe Institute’s Complexity podcast’s relaunch, we talk to researchers who have been exploring these questions and more through the lens of complexity science. Subscribe now and be part of the exploration! Read More
Are there universal laws of life and can we find them? Is there a physics of soc Read More


All the Randall you can handle
All the Randall you can handle Read More

شاي حبق مع مرام

أشارككم فيه وقفات مع الذات في طريقي للحياة الطيبه في هذا البودكات اشاركك فكره ممكن ان تغير حياتك للأفضل كما غيرت حياتي اما عن الشاي بالحبق ، فهو بكل بساطه مشروبي المفضل في لحظات التأمل و الصفاء حضر كوب الشاي وتعال إبدأ رحلتك حسابات البودكاست اسعدوني بآرائكم واقتراحاتكم Read More
أشارككم في وقفات مع الذات في طريقي للحياة ا Read More

Short Wave – NPR

New discoveries, everyday mysteries, and the science behind the headlines — in just under 15 minutes. It's science for everyone, using a lot of creativity and a little humor. Join hosts Emily Kwong and Regina Barber for science on a different wavelength.If you're hooked, try Short Wave Plus. Your subscription supports the show and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at Read More
New discoveries, everyday mysteries, and the science behind the headlines — in Read More

Theory and Practice

Season 4 will explore one of humanity's most rapidly advancing and impactful changes: what does it mean to be human in the age of AI when computers and robots are accomplishing more human functions? How will AI with human-level skills influence us and enhance the world around us? How will we change AI, and how will it change us?

Theory and Practice opens the doors to the cutting edge of biology and computer science through conversations with leaders in the field. The podcast is hosted by Anthony Philippakis (a cardiologist, genomicist, and Venture Partner at GV) and Alex Wiltschko (neuroscientist, AI researcher, CEO of Osmo, and Entrepreneur in Residence at GV).

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Season 4 will explore one of humanity’s most rapidly advancing and impactf Read More

Brad & Will Made a Tech Pod.

Each Sunday, Brad Shoemaker and Will Smith discuss a new technology topic. Come for the long-form conversations about virtual reality, space travel, electric cars, refresh rates, and a whole lot more. Support the pod on Patreon: Read More
Each Sunday, Brad Shoemaker and Will Smith discuss a new technology topic. Come Read More

Las fronteras del género

Marta Lamas (Ciudad de México, 1947). Etnóloga por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia y doctora en Antropología por el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la UNAM. Es profesora e investigadora de la Coordinación de Humanidades de la UNAM y está adscrita al Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Género. Es Integrante del Comité Editorial de Antropología del Fondo de Cultura Económica, de la Junta de Gobierno del Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, del Consejo Económico y Social de la Ciudad de México y de la Asamblea Consultiva del Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación. También es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del CONACYT y ha publicado diversos ensayos y libros como Cuerpo, sexo y política y El largo camino hacia la interrupción legal del embarazo. Mi versión de los hechos. En esta charla, Marta Lamas ahonda en el concepto de género como simbolización que se ejerce para reconocer lo propio de los hombres y lo propio de las mujeres. Esta simbolización cambia según el lugar y también ha ido modificándose a lo largo del tiempo. Para Lamas, estas transformaciones históricas han significado un cruce de fronteras, pues lo que antes era raro o incluso ilegal para una mujer, ahora no lo es; aunque todavía hay camino por recorrer para que esos símbolos con los que identificamos lo femenino y lo masculino dejen de implicar algún tipo de discriminación. Esta presentación formó parte de la cuarta edición de Conecta. Campus del pensamiento, dedicada a las fronteras y realizada en octubre de 2016, en la Sala Carlos Chávez del Centro Cultural Universitario. D.R. © UNAM 2017 Read More
Marta Lamas (Ciudad de México, 1947). Etnóloga por la Escuela Nacional de Antr Read More

Pragmatic Approaches to the Problems of the Homeless – Making Things Better – Audio

Free Lecture and Seminar series held at the British Museum, Thursdays 4pm - 5.30pm in the Stevenson/BP Lecture Theater. A Beacon Programme for public engagement. Sponsored by the office of the UCL Vice-Provost, UCL Grand Challenges, Novartis, Wellcome Trust and UCL Migration Network. Read More
Free Lecture and Seminar series held at the British Museum, Thursdays 4pm – Read More

Conservation Today

We interview people in Oregon about our environment. Interviews are played every other Saturday and Sunday morning on the Umpqua Watersheds community radio, KQUA. Read More
We interview people in Oregon about our environment. Interviews are played every Read More

Conférences ACNU – Grand Montréal

Un recueil des conférences organisées par l'Association canadienne pour les Nations unies (ACNU) - Grand Montréal, dont la captation est assurée par le CCDMD. Ces vidéos sont aussi disponibles sur le site Web Les conférences numériques et sur iTunes U. Read More
Un recueil des confrences organisées par l’Association canadienne pour Read More

The Black Vault Radio – Hosted by John Greenewald, Jr.

The Black Vault Radio with John Greenewald, Jr. dives deep into the world of secret U.S. Government and Military History spanning more than a half century. Using an archive of more than 3,000,000 declassified government documents as a starting point, Greenewald speaks to some of the most brilliant minds on the planet trying to get to the truth. Read More
The Black Vault Radio with John Greenewald, Jr. dives deep into the world of sec Read More

When The Scientist Presents

Resources for the presenter scientist
Resources for the presenter scientist Read More

多極的世界観の構築と外国語教育 — 多様な言語文化への挑戦

世界の政治、経済、文化はグローバリゼーションの進展に伴いアメリカに一極集中する一方で、BRICsの台頭に認められるように多極化へと向かいつつある。今、かつてないほどに多文化理解を通じて、多様な価値基準を身につけることが求められている。そこで、国際社会において多極的世界の構築を提唱したフランス共和国元首相・外務大臣ドミニク・ドヴィルパン氏、並びに評論家加藤周一氏、京都大学教授佐伯啓思氏を交え、多極的世界観を構築することの重要性について考える。はたして外国語教育・学習は多極的世界観の構築にどのように資するのか。 Read More
世界の政治、済、文化はグローバリゼーションの進展に Read More

[International Conference] Development of multipolar outlook on the world

The relationship between multilingual education, world situation, and recognition of a person is explained in this collection. Read More
The relationship between multilingual education, world situation, and recognitio Read More

Methoden en Technieken, Sociale Wetenschappen, Vrije Universiteit, SPSS kennisclips

Reeks 'kennisclips' over SPSS, in aansluiting op Methoden en Technieken weblectures van Micha Keijer, docent Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Read More
Reeks ‘kennisclips’ over SPSS, in aansluiting op Methoden en Technie Read More

Helping Haiti – Audio

Dr Rossetto describes her work on the Virtual Disaster Viewer, which is being used to direct the aid effort in the earthquake-stricken Caribbean island of Haiti Read More
Dr Rossetto describes her work on the Virtual Disaster Viewer, which is being us Read More

Piaget Jean

Flux RSS de la Médiathéque de Paris Descartes
Flux RSS de la Médiathéque de Paris Descartes Read More

I Jornada de Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo UNED

La I Jornada de Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo, que organiza el Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Cooperación de la UNED, pretende informar sobre algunas de las acciones ya realizadas y las propuestas que contempla para el futuro, así como analizar las posibles fuentes de financiación en la actualidad. Read More
La I Jornada de Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo, que organiza el Vicerr Read More

《靈丹妙藥的同類療法》- 源網台

《靈丹妙藥的類療法》 Read More