Welcome to our inaugural “Podfluencer Report”, where TopPodcast.com brings you a weekly feature of podcasters or industry influencers making a difference!
The definition for your edification:
What is a Podfluencer?

Our Podfluencers will not just share intimate details about themselves, but they’ll disclose their 3 favorite episodes of their podcast, as well as provide insight on the podcasts they love to listen to!
Our First Podfluencer: Taz from The Taz Show on play.it!
Our first Podfluencer is a larger than life figure from the wrestling world that needs no introduction: TAZ!! You can find the the legend delivering ‘no-holds barred’ commentary on the hottest topics…from wrestling, to sports, to entertainment…and better yet, he does his show live from New York City and delivers it across the CBS Radio play.it network.

In addition to his live daily weekday show, you can watch his show via VIDEO ON DEMAND! How cool is that? Talk about a multi-media powerhouse delivering engaging commentary to a hooked audience…look no further than TAZ. What the below episode to see for yourself the brilliance of TAZ!
A podcasters social reach should not be underestimated when it comes to brand alignment. Because TAZ has become a social media maven, his sponsors reap the reward of not just a captivated listening audience but a massive social media reach. His numbers are no joke:
Can you say a Half-Million?? Yup, when it comes to the powerful multi-touch point advertising strategy, TAZ is an advertisers dream.
What Is TAZ Best Know For Besides His Podcast?

Before his podcast, Taz is best know for:
- Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW), where he was a two-time World Heavyweight Champion
- A two-time World Television Champion
- Three-time World Tag Team Champion
- The inaugural FTW Heavyweight Champion
- The final ECW Triple Crown Champion.
Our Interview With TAZ
1. What Has Surprised You Most About Having A Podcast?
The tremendous growth of my social platforms. I never expected to see the huge growth that I’ve experienced
2. What Are Your 3 Favorite Episodes on your Show? (Listen Here)
- Kenny Omega: January 18, 2017
- Broken Matt Hardy: December 15th, 2016
- Post Survivors Series Special: November 20th, 2016
3. What Drives You Professionally?
I’m ultra-competitive & I want to continue to be innovative and driven to provide the BEST content everday that I can for my audience.
Test drive his show by clicking on the thumb:

4. If You Could Choose To Have Dinner With 1 Person, Dead or Alive, Who Would it Be?
I’d love to have dinner with Howard Stern. He is at the TOP when it comes to providing original entertaining content, everyday, for decades, without hacking any other show.
Subscribe to his RSS Feed here:

5. What Was The Most Satisfying Moment In Your Life?
It’s a DEAD-HEAD…marrying my wife & the birth of my son
6. Are there any Advertisers You Want to Give a Shout Out to?
Absolutley, want to thank Blue Apron, for sure. And also Harry’s Razors, Casper, and Dollar Shave Club
7. What 3 Podcasts Do You Also Listen To?
- Inside Lacrosse Podcast (In The Crease)
- Ross Report
- Joe Benigno & Evan Roberts
If you need any information on advertising on TAZ’s program, don’t hesitate to contact us within our Podcast Advertising Center. We can help connect you to play.it, taking the heavy lifting off of you!
Make sure you LISTEN to The Taz Show daily! CLICK HERE TO SEE HIS PODFLUENCER PAGE with direct links to his favorite episodes & favorite podcasts that he listens too! Subscribe to his RSS Feed here!
Visit his Homepage Here: TheTazShow.com!!