029: How To Grow A YouTube Channel From The Ground Up
In this episode, I take time to talk about how you can grow a fresh/small YouTube channel. Here are the notes I took while making this episode.
How To Grow A Brand New YouTube Channel:
First, understand why people watch youtube
Recommended Video
To Be Educated (Searching Out Information)
Research — Don’t just put up random videos
What is your channel really about?
What is your target audience?
Where is your audience hanging outside of YouTube
How can you get the Viewer to subscribe and share?
Spy on Your People (Recon)
Search Forums, Facebook, Twitter, and Everywhere.
Find your own — Don’t copy someone else’s exactly BUT here is a template to go by
Hook the viewer in the first few seconds 3-7
Show a bumper - not necessary BUT does help with branding!
Main Content — Engage User - and Fun outro that entices the viewer to engage!
All different types of channels will have different formulas and structure
Once you have done all of this UPLOAD AND OPTIMIZE
Make sure you are utilizing your video tags and titles appropriately and make sure you include a Thumbnail that stands out!
Share that video!!
Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, MAKE GOOD QUALITY POSTS — DONT SPAM
Engage and Interact with your audience… How can you grow if you don’t interact with your community
Engaged Viewers will equal to MAJOR GROWTH
Collaborate When Possible — This takes advantage of both people’s audience
Having a game plan for your channel from the beginning is so important and will help you in the long run.
Putting the time, in the beginning, to get to know your audience and other relevant information will pay off BIG in the long term.
Also, remember how valuable watch time is.
YouTube ranks videos primarily off of Watch Time.
Links Discussed In This Episode
Canon 70D – The camera that I use in my videos.
TubeBuddy – A tool that makes your YouTube Life EASIER and Helps grow your channel.
AudioBlocks – A Fantastic Resource for royalty free music.
Adobe Premiere – The video editing software that Vinny uses for all of his videos.
Screenflow — A fantastic Screen Recording software for mac to create beautiful screencast videos.
Adobe Audition — Audio editing software.
Connect With Me Here!
Social: YouTube — Twitter — Facebook
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TubeBuddy – A tool that makes your YouTube Life EASIER and Helps grow your channel.
Patreon – Get Your Channel Featured On The Show AND Acess to an exclusive YouTube Creators Facebook Group
Audio Blocks – Sign up for $99 PER YEAR for great audio to use in your content.
Bluehost – If you need a website use this link to get a free Domain Name and a great deal on hosting.