In this episode of Young People to the Front, the hosts, Tonny, Laura, Fatine, and Robin, discuss the findings of the annual youth count, a project that estimates the number of homeless youth in Los Angeles.
Here are the key points covered in the episode:
- The youth count takes place over the last ten days of January and aims to estimate the number of unsheltered and sheltered youth in Los Angeles.
- This year, there was a 17% decrease in the overall number of youth counted compared to the previous year, reflecting a shift towards more young people being housed.
- The count revealed that 20% of the youth estimated had experienced chronic homelessness for over two years.
- Significant percentages of youth were identified as having serious mental illness (22%), substance use disorder (15%), and developmental disabilities (11%).
- The count also highlighted the disproportionate impact of youth homelessness on young people of color, with 40% being Black/African American and 41% being Hispanic/Latino.
Tonny, Robin, Fatine and Laura also discussed the challenges of conducting the youth count, including the large area to cover, the timing of the count in January, and the difficulty in accurately capturing the hidden nature of youth homelessness. They emphasized the importance of community support and engagement in addressing youth homelessness and using the count's findings for advocacy and resource allocation.