I'm all for a self-guided, DIY it till something changes kind of approach to finding your way out of the dark. I did exactly that for the first 3.5 to 4 years years of my recovery. Actually, a friend recently pointed out that my MSc I'm doing is kind of like my version of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - she's not wrong. But one day, by chance, I find myself in a conversation with someone who clearly articulted the pathway out of the dark for folks like me, inside 12 weeks.
I don't know if I believed her. I definitely wanted to and some part of me recognised it as true but my mind raced wondering how could it have taken me the guts of 4 years to do what she faciliates in 12 weeks. It would be months before I could get my head around the fact that intelligence has little to do with recovery.
Roseanne Reilly, Nervous System Restoration Practitioner has signed up for a 6 part series sharing her framework to shifting your life in pretty significant ways inside 12 weeks. We're taking it slow, keeping it small, and doing our best to ensure that Roseanne's Nervous System Informed Approach to finding your way out of the dark lands. It won't surprise you to hear I interject, interrupt and shimmy questions as I get really present to what exactly would I have needed to hear to just get me to pause long enough to hear her out. I've not quite found that magic place yet, but if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Hah!
Here's the overview we're mapping out over these 6 episodes:
A Nervous System Informed Approach has 6 dynamic parts: We are going to present all 6 parts of this framework starting what the Nervous System Continuum so that by the end, you will feel like you have a really solid introduction and a good idea of what to do next.
The 6 dynamic parts in Roseanne's Framework:
Nervous System Continuum: Survival Mode Lock In, Survival Mode when you are just visting, Dysregualtion, Coregulation.
Inner State - what is going on inside the brain body for each state along that continuum.
OuterState - what, how and why that expresses in your day-to-day the way it does.
Environment - it plays a big role. We explain why and how. And then what we do to manage our own respective spaces.
Knowing the approach - REcap wtih highlights, cheatsheets and a copy of Roseanne's FRamework as a PDF to download and keep.
Living the approach - Why this is so different to just knowing this material. How to change your life significantly in about 12 weeks, rather than the nearly 4 years it took me.
Roseanne Reilly LinkedIn >
R.I.S.E. by Roseanne: her Flagship Self-Directed Program for $97 USD >
Shannon Eastman on LinkedIn >
Life after Complex-PTSD, and just beyond those first stages of recovery, is a lot like having someone turn the lights on after years navigating in the dark.
On this side of it, I reckon a lot more can be done to improve the sign posts that mark the way out. This podcast exists to discuss life in the dark, compare notes on mapping the way out, and explore what life is like with the lights on.
Who Turned On The Lights is the evolution of Trauma Informed Growth. All 27 episodes from Trauma Informed Growth, Season 2 will remain available on this channel.
Follow the WTTLO? LinkedIn Page >
Subscribe to the #WTTLO? newsletter if you want details on impromptu live classes, industry reports, and exclusives. www.whoturnedthelightson.com -
#WTTLO #WhoTurnedTheLightsOn #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #Anxiety #CPTSD
An important disclaimer
Your mental health, wellbeing and felt senses of safety is really important. Working with a trauma-informed practitioner can make all the difference. We (myself, the host of this show, and the guests) have many qualified health practitioners that we can recommend - many of whom will be on this show.
And should you need one now, we have a Directory on our website www.whoturnedthelightson.com for you to peruse. We tend to attract Trauma Informed Psycholgists, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists who have a specific interest in the 40+ professional and/or work well with organisations.
So the information provided across "Who Turned The Lights On?" is for informational and edutainment purposes and not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
#CPTSD, #mental health, #40+ Professionals
#Wellbeing, #Mental Health, #Nervous System, #Wellbeing At Work, #Nervous System Regulation, #C-PTSD, #Nervous System Basics, #Nervous System Informed Approach