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Tullian Tchividjian is a name that elicits strong reactions from people, some positive and some negative. As the grandson of Billy Graham, he grew up in a family that was very familiar with public ministry. For years he has been a provocative voice in evangelical Christianity, writing books, preaching sermons, and using social media to promote a consistent and loud message of grace.
Then, in 2015, his life blew up. Revelations of an affair, the loss of his pastoral ministry, and a divorce added up to an extreme public humbling. And by Tullian's own admission, he did not handle it well. From a place of hurt, anger, and fear, he lashed out and received widespread criticism and condemnation within the Christian community.
At the same time, a few friends who were not willing to throw stones came around Tullian, loved him, spoke grace and truth into his life, and were instrumental in his repentance and healing. In 2019 Tullian returned to pastoral ministry as part of the founding of The Sanctuary, a church in Jupiter FL, where he hosts an annual conference called Fallen & Free.
We talked about his story, his fall, the "infamous" Washington Post statement from 2015, his healing & recovery, mixed motives, what recovery communities offer that the church is missing, and how the church could move toward becoming a safer and more gracious place for broken people.
Tullian's latest book, a memoir called Carnage and Grace: Confessions of an Adulterous Heart, was released in March 2024.
Check out Tullian's links below, and PLEASE give us 5-stars and write a positive review wherever you get your podcasts!
Tullian's website
Tullian's books on Amazon
Fallen & Free conference info
The Sanctuary (church) website
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