"I am just going to write a book and it's going to be called: the first 3 months are really f-ing hard." That is the real talk we got from our pediatrician after asking her about Colic and why we haven't slept in 6 weeks. We talk about that, progress at the Baby Chiropractor, all of the ridiculous things we're buying right now to try and get some sleep, finding clothes & getting your body back after kids, and a little throwback to AIM screen names.
PS. We're doing a fun giveaway with our friends at Little Beats (littlebeatstda.com) and giving a FREE birthday party for up to 50 people ($425 value). To enter, all you need to do is take a SCREENSHOT on your phone while listening to the podcast and post it on Instagram and tag @lyagilmore and @davegerhardt - we'll pick one winner in the next 3 weeks. So go. Go go.
Email: daveandlya@gmail.com
Instagram: @davegerhardt @lyagilmore
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Website: daveandlya.com
Cover Art designed by Algert: www.algertsula.com