This week on We've Got Ward it’s finally time to wrap up Arc 5: Shadow as we discuss 5.y, Jonathan’s interlude. Then, after taking a bit of time to discuss Arc 5 as a whole we move right on into Arc 6: Pitch with Chapter 6.1. Yes, the title of this episode says Arc 5 (Final) It’s still technically true. Be nice to us.
And the winner of the 3rd Quarterly Worm Fanart contest is...
We’ve been asking plot- and character-centric questions so far, but this week we would like to shift the focus to the prose. This is something we had always hoped to do with We’ve Got Ward, spend more time on word choice, style, symbolism, examples of one piece of text serving multiple functions. So, the question: What’s your favorite short piece of prose from this week’s reading, and why?
If you have any questions, comments or feedback feel free to reach out to us. Also, always make sure you check out the Parahumans Reddit thread: for lots of great Ward related discussion.
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We've Got Ward Cover Image Art created by Lonsheep
Community Spotlight - 7:11
Chapter 5.y - 20:52
Arc 5 Overall Analysis - 1:02:36
Chapter 6.1 - 1:12:57