Grizzly Bear researcher and Wet Mountain Valley native son Vic Barnes has learned a thing or two about noticing the details.
Credits and Program Notes
Theme Music
Song: Good For Her (by Bruce Roper)
Band: Sons of the Never Wrong
Album: Nuthatch Suite
BMI/Waterbug Records/Faintly Spoken Music
Other Music in this Episode
"Avec Soin" by Kevin MacLeod (
"Biplane" from
Other Sounds in this Episode:
Quote from the poem "Yes! No!" by Mary Oliver is found in Owls and Other Fantasies: Poems and Essays, Beacon Press, Boston, 2003, p. 27.
How necessary it is to have opinions! I think the spotted trout lilies are satisfied, standing a few inches above the earth. I think serenity is not something you just find in the world, like a plum tree, holding up its white petals.
The violets, along the river, are opening their blue faces, like small dark lanterns.
The green mosses, being so many, are as good as brawny.
How important it is to walk along, not in haste but slowly, looking at everything and calling out
Yes! No! The
swan, for all his pomp, his robes of grass and petals, wants only to be allowed to live on the nameless pond. The catbrier is without fault. The water thrushes, down among the sloppy rocks, are going crazy with happiness. Imagination is better than a sharp instrument. To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.