Social media is everywhere. Even if you wanted to, it seems you cannot escape its influence. This is just as true for the financial markets. Today’s investors and traders are looking for an edge, and the smart ones are turning to social media to gain that advantage. But it’s not in the way you might think.
In this week’s episode, we introduce you to two professionals who are looking at social media in a whole new way. These pioneers are trying to figure out how to leverage the intelligence within social media platforms to understand how the markets will react and move. The question is: Can platforms like Twitter and Facebook predict the markets?
Listen to Stocktwits co-founder & CEO Howard Lindzen opine about all things social and Estimize CEO Leigh Drogan discuss how high-flying institutions are looking to mine social media for insight. TABB Group analyst Valerie Bogard, who has been following Wall Street and social media for several years, places everything into its proper perspective.