A few years ago, Dr. Coral Hull contacted me to say, that having read my books, she would like to offer me permission to write about her story and her insights into the cases and causes of missing people. “In 2003, I suddenly became very ill, with chronic fatigue syndrome, which left me bedridden. I was diagnosed with Autism. I was experiencing RSPK – Recurring spontaneous psychokinesis. I had suspected for a long time that the phenomenon was coming from an outside source – and a two-way communication was established between them and myself in 2004, through telepathy and channelling. Being into New Age philosophy and a shamanic pagan, I referred to this source as ‘angelic beings and guides,’ but this MK Ultra was designed and maintained by “The Dragon.” Coral’s story is strange, frightening and very curious. “After being saved in 2009, I was to gradually discover I had been raised and groomed by a spiritual non-human entity, a Fallen Angel, leviathan, serpent, part of Satan’s hierarchy, who had demons under his command. I refer to him as ‘The Dragon.’ Selected children, or chosen ones are repeatedly tested and programmed throughout childhood, to ascertain the best way they can be utilized. Unbeknownst to me, my purpose became to promote an anti-Christian agenda through arts and poetry. This was all controlled and monitored by my spiritual handler. As an infant, I was subjected to MK Ultra Monarch programming – including Alpha, Beta, Theta, Omega, Gamma and Marrionette (Doll) Programming. A number of ‘selves’ were created to cope with and to potentially fulfil this programming. My situation was different to the ‘super-soldier’ programs or children who suffer SRA – Satanic Ritual Abuse at the hands of human beings, since my handler and minders were inter-dimensional non-human entities – Fallen Angels and demons with The Dragon impersonating the spirit of God. Under The Dragon, I am probably best known as a published poet, writer and director of the Thylazine Foundation. She has a BA, MA, and a Doctorate of Creative Arts. She has been published by Penguin Books and won prizes for her poetry. She had the world at her feet, but “After failing to pass a series of ‘tests,’ my career was terminated.” The tests were set by the spiritual ‘powers that be;’ her handler, the Fallen Angel; The Dragon. “The Dragon then appears to have gained permission to use me as a personal plaything, referring to me as his ‘pet Doll.’ During these enchanted years, I went away on a supernatural adventure.” At the time, I had no idea I was in communication with The Dragon and his demons. From 1999 – 2009, are periods of time that I cannot be fully accounted for. The supernatural phenomenon increased and during this time, a number of deaths occurred in my family and several acquaintances. Grief stricken and needing answers, I became increasingly involved in mediumship and the occult.’ After becoming more involved and immersed in the esoteric world of spirit channelling and mediumship and the occult arts, The Dragon made his presence felt.’ She became stalked and controlled, for many years, by this inter-dimensional entity called ‘The Dragon,’ who entered both her mind, and her physical world. “He began to show me many images of women being taken or abducted, by other-worldly beings, who were in love with them. In The Dragon’s dimension or ‘The Second Heavenlies,’ he may look like a cherubic, serpent, or dragon. But in this dimension, he was a spirit, a bright orb, or a light source possessing a powerful sub-conscious in this world; physical, and operating within a 3-D reality. I would see him as a ball of light.” Coral’s life, for years, was besieged by this Dragon, this inter-dimensional entity, and her life was infiltrated in an attempt to get her to represent them and their dark agenda – these negative entities, the Fallen Angels. “Fallen Angels; manifesting in orbs, demonic cryptids, and fake UFO’s,” she quotes from the Bible as to their motives; ‘...