You don’t have to carry it all.
Personal choices, responsibilities, crisis situations, legalism, sexism, incorrect teaching, and misunderstanding of biblical roles, along with knowing and following your God-given purpose and calling can all result in shame, guilt, judgment, isolation, condemnation, and the idea that you have to carry it all. But Jesus says, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29). While every responsibility may not always be fun, our lives are supposed to be manageable and redeemable through God’s calling, not debilitating.
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged” (Matthew 7: 1-2). Moms get judged a lot—by the church, by one another, by employers, and by themselves. On this episode of Unapologetic Julia explains the difference between guilt and shame, how to know if mom guilt is real guilt, and how to take corrective action. She’s joined by former ABC anchor and best-selling author Paula Faris to discuss mom guilt, mom shame, freedom in Christ, being a working mom, and why families are essential in the workplace. Paula and Julia enthusiastically share encouragement, insight, stories, Scripture, and tips for thriving as a working mom outside the home.
All throughout this episode Paula and Julia share personal stories of raising kids in the middle of pursuing their God-given gifts and callings. They wrap up their conversation by calling out the church, the workplace, and culture on legalism, sexism, and how expectations can get in the way of women thriving and fulfilling their God-given calling.
Paula’s new book, You Don’t Have to Carry it All is out now! Check out her new media company for working moms, Carry Media, or follow her on Instagram!