While Aimee spent her first two years out of college building a career in corporate Manhattan, it quickly became clear to her that her passion was wilder than that. She packed her apartment and shipped herself all the way across the country to Los Angeles, where everything in her life as she knew it made a complete 180… except her love life.
Without a job or an income, she found a home with her friends, hired her first Life Coach, and started building her own business. On paper, her life was shaping up, but she found she was still struggling to feel good in her skin and find romance. When a friend invited her to a transformational course about intimacy and orgasm, she was terrified. But she knew it was the next step for her – she was desperate to learn anything that could turn things around for her sex life.
Within six months, her entire life was unrecognizable. Learning to live from her desire absolutely changed her experience of herself. For the first time, she was finally loving her body, living less in her head and feeling more connected to her intuition. She started meeting great men, and having deep, meaningful relationships, AND connected, pleasurable sex. She had to share what she’d learned, and before long, she was sharing the work with all her friends and clients. She learned that her new commitment to living life pleasurably was a professional passion too.
In the years since she moved here, she’s coached successful women from entrepreneurs to mothers, artists, C-Suite executives and even other coaches across the country. she’s given talks to major organizations, led retreats internationally, and she’s only just begun. In saying yes, she finally discovered self-development work that wasn’t only focused on her career or other relationships (I had that stuff mastered); there was a whole world to explore around her desire, intimacy, and connection with others. After that initial course, she fully immersed herself in trainings and retreats all centred around sexuality, eroticism, relationships and desire.
Today, she wants to find out how she can help you fall in love with yourself and your life as much as she has. Don’t waste another day feeling uncomfortable in your skin, feeling disconnected in your romantic life, or having unfulfilling sex!
4:53 – Her journey
6:56 – Not trusting men
9:59 – Weakened sexuality
12:22 – Being conscious on dating apps
15:25 – Pleasure is not just sex
18:17 – Self-pleasure as a practice
21:59 – Sexual experiences and processing resentment to men
28:20 – Breaking out of the loop of unconscious dating and sexuality
32:14 – Techniques for finding pleasure in everyday life
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