Training Cave is an amateur boxing club based in Birstall, West Yorkshire.
We use this podcast to talk about our boxers, training, health, fitness, community, business and life.
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Training Cave is an amateur boxing club based in Birstall, West Yorkshire.
We use this podcast to talk about our boxers, training, health, fitness, community, business and life.
Adam talks about his sport and coaching background. From football to boxing, university, running a boxing club while also working with England Boxing and their DISE, talent pathway and education programmes.
Adam also talks about the coaches he looks up to, who he learns from and his coaching philosophy, values and approach.
Youth offending, life in prison, mentors, turning his life around, mindset, business, family and boxing. Bens been there, lived it and has an unbelievable story to tell.
I know Ben because of him being a member of the Training Cave, but I didn’t know him as well as what I do now after recording this podcast.
He’s the first to admit that he hasn’t been an angel, but Bens turned things around massively. He’s a loving dad and is now running his own business, he’s the perfect example for people out there who might find themselves on the wrong path. You can always change.
Tasha runs her personal training business out of the Training Cave and has a huge online following because of her gluten free and vegan recipes.
We talk about the effects of the recent pandemic, her work and how she dropped what she was doing in life to pursue a career in health and fitness.
We also discuss her experiences of training and competing as a bodybuilder, the dedication and the sacrifices you need to make as well as dieting, nutrition and how we have both found our own ways of managing our training and nutrition.
Training Cave podcast episode number 16!
Training Caves Jack has a discussion about recent times with Chris and Joe from Trident Fitness.
- Gym closure
- Lack of communication from the government
- Guidelines
- Re-opening
- Whats annoying us
- What are we looking forward to
#15 Jade Ashmore - Elite amateur boxer, experiences, obstacles fighting for titles and life!
When, where and why did Jade start boxing.
Women's boxing.
College, business and training.
Finding balance.
Circumstances that have shaped her as a person.
The future.
#14 Sean 'Short Fuse' Hughes! Ex pro boxer and title challenger
Ex professional boxer, title challenger and now boxing gym owner Sean Hughes discusses:
Amateur career.
Professional career.
Work/training life as a pro.
Big fights, titles and TV!
Retirements and comebacks.
Funny gym stories.
Life now.
PT business and boxing gym.
Whats next??
#13 Josh Gudgeon of Get Your Media.
A good friend of mine, Josh talks about:
What he's up to during isolation.
What he does for a living including work he's done for the Training Cave.
Business, how he's adapting to these times.
Training, sports and how coaches have influenced him for life.
Being around MMA and bareknuckle fighters.
Whats next for Josh and Get Your Media?
#12 Our apprentice… Brandon, his future, boxing, working life and what we should do to keep young people engaged.
What’s he been up to?
His apprenticeship
The different types of people he’s already worked with through the gym
His future
Where do young people spend all their time now?!
Just before I was about to record episode number 10 Lucy came into the kitchen and suggested I do a podcast with her!
We talk about what she first thought of the unit that would eventually become the Training Cave, what she likes most and hates a bout the place, what she would change anything what would it be?, out of the boxing team who does she think is the one to watch, who’s her favourite and what she thinks the future holds for the Training Cave!
Its been months since I have done a Training Cave podcast so I thought it would be best to update people on what’s been going on with the gym.
From boxing to business, the gym and isolation.
Podcast #9 - David Lythe
Dave is a member of the Training Cave and trained with me long before the gym existed. We recorded this months ago but for various reasons (one being my laptop breaking) I didn’t have the chance to put this one out. BUT I managed to recover the file and publish.
I love listening to the guy and I hope you all enjoy!
We talk about:
- Upbringing
- Rugby
- Thai boxing
- Running
- Working on the markets to then being in the police
- Mental journeys he’s been through and the victories
- Sport, the social side and the respect it teaches you
- Dave’s training experiences including trips to Thailand.
Training Cave podcast episode #8 with the monster David Sa
In this episode Jack has a chat with an old friend David Sa. Ex Thai fighter now coach David talks about:
- His early life
- Moving countries
- Thai boxing and how he stumbled into the sport
- Fight for Peace
- His coaches and mentors
- Training UFC fighter Mark Diakese
- What advice would he give to kids now
- What advice would he give to other coaches
- Whats next for the monster?
Training Cave podcast episode #6 boxer interview with Brandon Brearley.
In this episode Jack interviews Training Caves amateur boxer Brandon Brearley.
The 16 year old talks about:
- Why he started boxing
- What the sport has done for him
- His favourite part about boxing
- What he hates about boxing
- His fights
- What its like working part time at the gym.
Training Cave podcast episode #4 Every kid deserves a chance.
In this episode Jack talks about:
- How the Training Cave deals with such a different range of kids
- Realising the 'troubled' ones tend to have a reason for acting the way they do
- Discipline
- How parents sometimes use sport as a way to punish
- How sports coaches can benefit young people and that parents shouldn't take that opportunity away
Training Cave podcast episode #4 PARENT interview (Chris Walsh)
In this episode Jack talks with a parent of two children that attend the Training Cave.
Chris talks about:
-The challenges that both his son and daughter have had to overcome in life and how sport has helped them.
-Cerebral Palsy
-The benefits of sport; physically and mentally.
-How the lessons Chris learnt playing sport have carried over into his adult life.
-Chris also gives a strong message out to all parents that might be worried about their children participating in a combat sport.
Training Cave podcast episode number 3!
In this podcast Jack explains what you need to know if you want to compete in amateur boxing.
There is a lot to learn! nothing comes quick in this sport.
The fundamentals that you need to grasp.
How coaches will asses Everything that you do in and around your training.
He explains how long it may take to reach a level of competition.
In this episode Jack talks about how coaching isn't just about teaching the sport.
Three things that young boxers need to understand and how they apply to life.
How a film influenced Jack to make this podcast.
How we can use sport to give young people a direction and how coaches can help mould the athletes to be the adults that they will become.
How coaches make kids wonder, question, criticize, apologise, cooperate and believe in themselves.
Training Cave is an amateur boxing club that is based in Birstall, West Yorkshire.
This episode is an introduction to the podcast which will be used to tell our story along the way. From the work we currently do in the gym to the activities that we are providing within our community and what we plan to do in the near future.
The gym was founded over two years ago, during that time we have developed a boxing team and built a great group of coaches. In 2019 we have started to work externally and are providing activities to young people in Birstall and Batley.
Five other episode have been pre recorded and will be released weekly. These include:
- Coaches and the impact they have on young peoples lives.
- What you need to know if you wish to compete in amateur boxing
- A parent interview! We talk about his son and daughter that both train with us, the challenges they have faced and how sport has helped them.
- How every kid deserves a chance, regardless of background or where they come from.
- Girls boxing and what we are doing to increase participation.