Vida James reads short stories by fellow writers of color with occasional interviews and lofi hip hop beats. Literary fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, and occasional creative non-fiction.
Not the worst thing you’ll hear all day.*
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Vida James reads short stories by fellow writers of color with occasional interviews and lofi hip hop beats. Literary fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, and occasional creative non-fiction.
Not the worst thing you’ll hear all day.*
Copyright: © Vida James
Vida James reads her short story, Storm King, published in the winter 2020 issue of New England Review.
Vida James reads a short story about the other side, by Yvette Lisa Ndlovu.
Yvette Lisa Ndlovu is a Zimbabwean sarungano (storyteller). She is pursuing her MFA at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where she teaches in the Writing Program and the Juniper Institute for Young Writers. She is the co-founder of the Voodnoonauts Workshop for Black SFF Writers, and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Columbia Journal,, FIYAH, the Huffington Post, Jellyfish Review, and Kalahari Review. You can find her on twitter @lisa_teabag
Music by Prod. Riddiman.
Vida James reads Ani Sison Cooney's award-winning debut short story.
A VONA / Voices alum, Ani Cooney is the winner of a 2020 PEN America /Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize and a Manuel G. Flores Prize from the Philippine American Writers and Artists (PAWA). His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and can be found in Epiphany, LikeWise Fiction, and Best Debut Short Stories: The PEN America Dau Prize.
Music by Midsummer.