A print interview I did about the show. I figured I'd post it here.
The link no longer works, but here it is for you, to read.
Please check it out.
New episode coming in a day or two. Always. Or a week or two.
When did you first start listening to podcasts and what was/were the first podcast(s) that you listened to?
In 2005, I heard about podcasts. I discovered a show called Fanboy Radio and it piqued my interest. The first podcast I actually listened to was Comic Geek Speak.
I had heard about Ricky Gervais, and about podcasts but did not know where to find them. I downloaded the Yahoo Podcatcher, which was a big unwieldy thing that took over my computer. Once I learned how I-tunes worked, I was hooked.
What are some of your current favorite podcasts that you listen to and why?
I am a huge comedy nerd, as well as an Anglophile. So I listen to tons of comedy, plus a bunch of soccer shows from the UK. I listen to most of the Earwolf shows. Comedy Bang Bang, etc. Kevin Smith’s Smodcast is great. It’s usually a sort of fluid list. I’m always looking for something new to check out, but I’m kind of picky.
Since it is soccer season currently, I listen to the football shows from the UK first. BBC 606 is the best, it is a phone in show with opinions from fans instead of pundits. The BBC shows, most British shows, are the only ones that originate as radio shows first. Mostly I stick with strictly podcasts.
Here’s my list:
Uhh Yeah Dude, The Dollop, Doug Loves Movies, Football Weekly, I Was There Too, Greg Proops Film Club, 5 live World Football Phone-in, Hollywood Babylon, Monday Morning Podcast, 606 Football Phone in, Spontaneanation, 5 live Football Daily, Mysteries Abound, Improv4Humans, Stuff You Should Know, Who Charted, Second Captains, WTF, Danny Baker Show, Smodcast, Dead Authors, How Did This Get Made, The Bugle, Comedy Bang Bang, 7 Day Saturday, Steve Austin Show, The Smartest Man in the World, Useless Information Podcast.
On what device(s) and app(s) do you listen to podcasts and why do you choose that/those device(s) and app(s)?
I download them on I-Tunes and listen on my I-phone. It used to be my I-pod shuffle, but since I got the phone, it’s all in one. I host my podcast on Podomatic.com which has a great free hosting service. Although, I am reaching my storage and bandwidth limits and will have to pay the Pro fee soon. I hear you can host free on Libsyn, or Google Drive, but I haven’t looked into any of that yet. I kind of podcast in a vacuum in that I don’t know anyone else who does it or could offer tips, so I plug along as I can.
When and why did you decide to become a podcaster?
I did my first podcast in late 2005. It was called Gabe’s Superhero Show, then my wife and I did Comics and More with Gabe and Mandy. Superhero Show went 13 episodes and then my daughter was born and I had no time to podcast. Comics and More was just a couple of episodes, my wife wasn’t really into it. It took several years to get into it again with Hollywood Scandals of Yesteryear, and I’m at episode 16, trying to stay on a regular schedule.
I was just captivated by the medium, and felt the need to broadcast about something. Anything.
As a podcaster, do you have any influences (they don't have to be from the podcasting world)?
Kevin Smith was and is a huge influence. He is always professing his love of podcasting and suggesting people record their own shows about the things that they are passionate about.
Beyond that, all of the podcasters that I listen to influence me in various ways, to try to be funny, or interesting, or keep it short, etc. The guys who do solo podcasts, like Bill Burr, Greg Proops, etc. I am not comparing myself to either of these great talents, but I aspire to do an interesting show on my own. No one wants to listen to me blather on for an hour or more, but these guys can do a stream of consciousness show that is entertaining, interesting, and informative as well.
The Danny Baker Show from England is inspirational to me, just from Danny’s delivery and turn of phrase. He is a professional broadcaster with years of experience and his call in show is about random slice of life things.
I would like to say that when Tig Notaro discussed her various illnesses and issues on her podcast, Professor Blastoff, I felt like my friend was sick and I cried like a baby. Conversely, when Kevin Smith read his old journal entries in the Emo Kev episodes of Smodcast, I had to pull the car over because I was laughing so hard, tears literally streaming down my face. These two examples show the power of podcasts, to touch people and to entertain people in a very personal way, and that’s what I love so much about the medium.
Discuss your podcast, Hollywood Scandals Of Yesteryear.
My show Hollywood Scandals of Yesteryear started out as just what it sounds. Scandals from the early days of Hollywood; sex, drugs, sex. But after a couple of episodes that started to feel a little, I don’t know, like I wasn’t giving these people their due. I would not want to be remembered for the one time I did such and such with so and so.
So I changed tack and started profiling the people overall. I still start with or try to find some “scandalous” or juicy bit of information. But it is basically profiles of the Silent Era Celebrities in around 15 minutes. Eventually, I’ll get into the Talkies, but I’m not sure when.
How much preparation and what kind of preparation, if any, goes into each episode of Hollywood Scandals Of Yesteryear?
Initially, I found a list of celebrities from the 10’s and 20’s who had famous or infamous issues. Then I thought of famous firsts. First overdose, first murder, etc.
I’ll hear a name of an early Hollywood star and look them up, see if there’s anything that stands out.
As far as research, I look on Wikipedia. Sometimes I’ll check the IMDB, but mostly I just keep it to Wikipedia. It’s all the research I need. On the specials, like the Lost Films, Rediscovered Films, or the upcoming Hayes Code Special, I’ll look a little deeper but I don’t like to get too bogged down. Keep it light.
What criteria, if any, do you use to decide who to ask to be a guest on Hollywood Scandals Of Yesteryear?
I’m going to keep it guest free, unless someone really wants to do the show with me. I had a bad experience last year with a potential guest. I approached an author who works in the same genre as my podcast. He responded with a laundry list of reasons why he would not appear on my “little show”, not professional, etc.
It really sent me into a tail-spin. I did not record a podcast for almost 6 months because of this one person’s opinion. It is absolutely ridiculous to let someone affect you like that, but it just got to me. Not anymore.
If someone were to approach me and ask to co-host or be a guest, I would definitely agree. But my show is a very niche show and most people are not that interested.
Don’t let people put you off. Just record.
Do you have a favorite episode(s) of Hollywood Scandals Of Yesteryear If so, which episode(s) and why?
I would have said Fatty Arbuckle, because he got railroaded and people should hear about it. But Douglas Fairbanks stands out now that I think about it. He was just an amazing guy. How amazing? You’ll have to listen to the podcast. Ha!
Are you at liberty to discuss any of the Hollywood scandals of yesteryear that you will be discussing on upcoming episodes?
The Hays Code is coming up in an episode sometime soon, I think. I think it is Will Hays, not sure of the first name, I’ll check Wikipedia before I record. Anyway, Mr. Hays was a colossal douche who thought films were too racy and enacted, somehow, a code of conduct for the film industry. This was 1930.
What are some of your favorite Hollywood scandals of yesteryear and why?
I guess I’ll go with the fact that most of the silent films have been lost. That to me is a scandal. Some of these people were big stars and ALL of their films have been lost. We have production stills and whatnot, but they have been erased from the history of their profession.
Feel free to shamelessly plug any of your other current or upcoming endeavors here.
Just livin’ the dream. When I started podcasting, in the back of my mind, I secretly wanted someone to interview me about podcasting. Now that has happened.
Thank you.