Is the name of a Harry Chapin album... It also is the title of this post because I'm here to apologize without giving all of the above. Sonic Society has been woefully neglected. Huey is weak and needing food. Jack and David are scattered among the podverse ether.
Not going to go into the details, but let's just say the old Chinese curse about "Interesting Times" continues to be a factor. Or well, it did. I'm finding after a near 20 week absence, like the protagonist in Bioshock, I've pushed my head above water to gasp and see the flaming wreckage around me.
Now the challenge comes of trying to pull back from the brink and get caught up.
It's going to take a while, but I'm committed. I love this medium. I love the Society, and I love every one of the fans out there who have walked this road with us for eight years. Thanks so much for your concerned letters, messages, and the like. I'm sorry if some of them weren't returned, life just gets a feller all bunkered down sometimes.
If you are: -An old friend of the Society and want to see your new work put on, give me a shout. -A new friend who would like to grace us with the opportunity to showcase your work, give me a whistle. - Someone who wants to showcase one of your shows in our annual "Sonic Summerstock" where we feature old time radio scripts remounted by your cast, light up a flare! - Someone who has no idea about any of the above but wants to give me a notification anyway. Let me know!
Thanks, and keep listening... please... :) Jack