Sleep... important, health giving and yet it can so often elude us especially in early sobriety. For some they plunge into the depths of sober sleep easily and for others they struggle more without their nightcap to send them off into the land of nod. The thing is, although alcohol may have given the impression it's helping with sleep, it really isn't. Louisa looks at other ways you can help yourself fall to sleep and stay asleep without the artificial aid of a drink.
This series has been written and created to support you in your first month of sobriety, whatever the time of year. There will be one episode released every day covering key topics in sobriety but also other areas of mental health using Louisa's knowledge as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Hypnotherapist who helps people with habit change.
Head to Amazon and Audible for Louisa's audiobook 'Becoming a Sober Rebel' if you would like to find out more about her pathway to sobriety and to learn the tools and techniques she teaches her clients.
Head to to find out more about Louisa's story, her work as a therapist and you'll also find links and self hypnosis downloads on all subjects including ones to help you in your sobriety journey. Use code SOBERREBEL to buy one get one free on all hypnosis recordings as a sober rebel listener. the science of gratitude. When we express gratitude and receive the same, our brain releases dopamine and serotonin, the two crucial neurotransmitters responsible for our emotions, and they make us feel 'good'. They enhance our mood immediately, making us feel happy from the inside which is a key ingredient in enjoying a happy and healthy sobriety. In this episode Louisa looks into ways you can incorporate a gratitude practice into your daily routine.
This series has been written and created to support you in your first month of sobriety, whatever the time of year. There will be one episode released every day covering key topics in sobriety but also other areas of mental health using Louisa's knowledge as a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Hypnotherapist who helps people with habit change.
Head to Amazon and Audible for Louisa's audiobook 'Becoming a Sober Rebel' if you would like to find out more about her pathway to sobriety and to learn the tools and techniques she teaches her clients.
Head to to find out more about Louisa's story, her work as a therapist and you'll also find links and self hypnosis downloads on all subjects including ones to help you in your sobriety journey. Use code SOBERREBEL to buy one get one free on all hypnosis recordings as a sober rebel listener.