In today's episode, we are celebrating my 25th birthday by talking about 25 things that I have learned in 25 years! I have not done one of these since my 23rd birthday, so I am so excited to share with you all today. Sending love <3
3:23 - (#1) The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you will ever have
4:05 - (#2) Learn to enjoy alone time
4:55 - (#3) Confidence is just an energy game
5:18 - (#4) Do not force anything in your life
5:55 - (#5) Diets do not work
6:04 - (#6) Rejection is just redirection
6:41 - (#7) No one really knows what they're doing
7:09 - (#8) Excessive coffee/alcohol can make you feel like you have really bad anxiety
7:58 - (#9) Invest time into your friendships
8:30 - (#10) Do not neglect your friendships once you get into a relationship
9:09 - (#11) Doing more does not mean you are more productive
9:35 - (#12) Call your parents
10:02 - (#13) No amount of supplements/healthy food/exercise will fix anything if you have a toxic relationship with yourself
10:59 - (#14) Things do turn out better than you ever would have imagined
11:40 - (#15) Weightlifting does not make you bulky
11:54 - (#16) Do not take things too personally
12:42 - (#17) Please do not take advice from anyone who is not where you want to be
13:52 - (#18) Travel as much as you can
14:34 - (#19) Things change quickly, so enjoy where you're at now
15:39 - (#20) Always listen to your intuition
17:00 - (#21) Your body will change
17:52 - (#22) When dating, start looking at things objectively
19:02 - (#23) Find 1-2 healthy rituals you want to incorporate daily
19:52 - (#24) Listen to podcast, read, and keep learning
20:12 - (#25) Have fun
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