OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
Environmentalists in Germany takes a page out of Festivus. Grievances everywhere, but this time the radicals who call themselves "Last Generation" get played — BIG TIME
Chinese home churches are NOT your "ice cream social" version of Christianity. A look at Chinese Communist Party’s “anti-religious” agenda for a real war on not just Christmas but any and all religions - coming to a country YOU live in
Joe Biden delivers a Christmas message without saying the word “Jesus” — you know, the thing
NORAD tracked Santa again this year. Did you know the North Pole had a role to play in 9/11?
CLIP: Grumpy sportscaster forced to do "Man in the Sleet" report goes viral
Fed Dept of Energy graciously grants an "indulgence" to Texas to turn on reliable power stations so 200 people don't die, again
The new German euphemism for forced austerity — “comfort restrictions”.
Europe goes dark like North Korea or East Germany — City officials across Australia, Denmark, Germany, and the UK have imposed limitations on how long lights can stay on and whether taxpayers will be forced to
Fusion doesn’t have any unicorn farts
Daily Mail promotes the idea of a sixth mass extinction, a scare many experts rightly call junk science.
Hydrogen from Alaska can provide solutions to the world’s energy and climate needs for decades but will the eco-dictators ever allow it?
George Santos is just the gift that keeps giving — now we find out he's a closet HETEROSEXUAL. Oh my!
Occasional Cortex is the only Democrat to vote against the $1.7 TRILLION boondoggle pork. What's funny about this is that even though she voted against the bill, she is taking credit for pork barrel spending that is coming to her district
A judge ruled that movie fans can sue over misleading movie trailers. Does this have application to Warp Speed Covid jab ads? Trump spent record $250 MILLION with Ad Council alone — all of it lies and propaganda
NYC Mayor Eric Adams says "Big Brother is protecting you" as he goes all in on MORE surveillance and gun control.
In Las Vegas, victim of "no-bail" fund created by celebrities narrowly survives attempted murder from a criminal released — now sues the fund
US Military Academy West Point Superintendent cancels "offensive" Abraham Lincoln mural. It's heritage they hate.
Tesla owner stranded at supercharger station on Christmas Eve as supercharger is unable to charge battery in 19F weather
Driver that caused 8 car pile-up in San Francisco Bay Area claims it was due to Tesla’s "self-driving" program.
Study: vaccines damage the heart of ALL vaccine recipients and cause myocarditis, up to one out of every 27
UFC Stefan Bonner dies suddenly at age 45 with presumed heart complications while at work.
Are masks still a tried-and-true way to help keep yourself and others safe? Mainstream media, still selling the lie
'Twas the Vax Before Christmas - poem
Who were the first people to publicly demand a halt to the vaccine program?
Listener: Why DeSantis needs FL Supreme Court to OK a state-wide grand jury
Hate crimes are thought crimes — as thought police arrest woman for silently praying
Abortionist's memoir — furious that woman changed her mind after seeing a beating heart — admits she would've seen it differently if the woman was not poor and black, but white and rich like her
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