Welcome to the RAW Experience — the podcast de-stigmatizing women’s passion, anger, and rage, where we real talk our way through the modern experiences we face and the feelings we have about them.
Birthed from the the gritty, intense & hilarious conversational flames about life I have with the people closest to me every day (and with myself in my own head).
Hosted by me, your girl Alexandra Schueler, and published every Thursday — you’re invited to join me in these savage, transparent, intimate & literally unedited dialogues with the people closest to me in my life, where we peer into the chaos and messiness of what it means to be a modern woman living totally as herself in a world that would have her doing otherwise.
THE RAW EXPERIENCE is a weekly truth-telling session, keeping it uncomfortably real in a world often lacking substance, that constantly sets us up for unrealistic expectations in life and navigates us away from the truth of who we are.
It’s like, the talks you’d have in privacy or behind closed doors with your best friend or lover — except instead it’s me putting myself on blast and being the scapegoat for all y’all by publishing my strong opinions and insane experiences for your listening pleasure. This won’t be pretty, polished or nice — everything will be 100% uncensored, unapologetic & untamed.
It’s sex, drugs, rock and roll type of conversation, feminism style — with your friendly interweb real-talker.
This podcast isn’t a popularity contest, where the purpose is to get all the most socially prized and famous guests on — it’s actually the antithesis of that.
Instead, I sit down to riff with real people from my life or people that I meet along my adventures, to share the conversations I have behind closed doors with those I love the most.
The RAW Experience consists of both these deep dialogues with friends, as well as solo episodes of me going off about my personal experiences, ranting on things I’m passionate about, or poetically musing on the the mystical nature of life.
None of that surface level ish and bypassing — all fun and keeping it really real.
Music by: LOUPO