Plow Boy is driving the program today, is Jennings great, Jay gives a take on the Fox Sports Midwest fill-in sideline reporter, running down Sea Monster's big Captain's Log, KMOX henchman Ben Boyd is driving by the program today, who doesn't enjoy a nice petting zoo, swapping our dog stories, does The Cat really have a 6 year-old Goldfish, should Iggy go fishing, Doug once had a slimy crab at home, Plow Boy enjoys turtles, discussing if Iggy needs a pet, more Goldfish and animal talk, Daddy Padre phones in, debating if chimps or horses are more dangerous to humans, Plowsy purchased a cake specifically for his dogs, Iggy likes petting dolphins, Tucker calls into the presentation, Jennings talks about his TV and movie viewing habits, The Dotem is only 1 week away, Iggy is awaiting Lisa Ann's Fleshlights in the mail, Jay Jr. wants a product review, flat breaking down Alex Reyes' final rehab appearance, The Cat was later than usual after forgetting his computer bag, Doug remembers carrying a comb, talking handkerchiefs, Jennings doesn't like paper receipts, Iggy got a patio umbrella at Walmart yesterday, discussing shoplifters and Hedy Lamarr.
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