[00:00:00] Molly: All right, coaches. I'm so thrilled to have one of my master coaches in training here and also advanced certified coach Midore Midore. Welcome. Thanks for being here.
[00:00:14] Midore: Thank you for letting me be here. I'm so excited to share my experience with you and your program.
[00:00:23] Molly: I know. I'm so glad to have you here because we've, we've worked together for a while now, and it's just been really fun to watch you.
Grow and evolve as a coach and just your expanded abilities. And of course, we'll talk about this more and get you all up to speed on what we're talking about. But, you know, Midore, as we're diving into this conversation, I'm thinking about some of our recent case study calls where. You're bringing a client situation and you're asking questions.
And it's just been so fun to see how, um, the way that you are understanding your clients and navigating the challenges that come up with them. It's almost like there is not only is there a greater skill level for you. But you have that confidence right alongside it, and you're able to see more things going on with your client more easily and more quickly, which is just really fun to have seen that all I'll come to light.
So, yeah, so glad to have you here. So tell, tell my audience, um, who are you as a coach? What do you do? Who do you focus on?
[00:01:38] Midore: Yeah, I am a holistic life coach, and I dedicated to empower purpose driven individual to expand their vision and achieve meaningful goals. And my focus is on helping clients deepen their self connection, manage their time and energy and establish boundaries that align with their core values.
So that it transform their obstacles into opportunities for lasting change.
[00:02:17] Molly: Yes. I love it. And I think, you know, as you were, as you were talking Midore, and I'm thinking about, I think this idea of being a holistic coach, a lot of people hear that word. And sometimes they think about holistic physical health.
They're thinking about supplements. And I think that, That's why it's really important, I think, as we're using this word to talk about what that means. And for you, it means this whole person approach, right? That we study and master coach training. And, um, and as I was listening to, to you share what you do and thinking about some of your clients that you are working with to achieve goals, it's so evident that.
You are taking the time to create that self connection with them. And you're really taking a, a big picture, look at what's lacking for them. And then you're really able to help them fill the gaps in all of those areas, which is much different than just having kind of one approach and one tool only that you can use with a client.
[00:03:19] Midore: I, um, myself being in your program and really understanding what my values are. And then when I really dialed in what they are, that decision making became so Much easier than ever before and ever since I have that tool I am able to Make a decision quickly. I am able to set the boundaries better and Communicate with the loved ones so much more effectively.
[00:04:02] Molly: Yeah. I love that you brought that up because, um, and in just a minute, I need to make sure to flag this in my mind as I'm, as I'm talking with all of you and having this conversation with Midore, because I want to tell you a little bit about how Midore, uh, first came to master coach training, but. You know, as you were talking Midore, I love that you brought up this key element of the self work in master coach training, because I talk a lot about the four components, which is safe and effective thought work, emotion focused work, the nervous system and action focused strategies.
And those are for sure, those four fundamental pieces. And underneath all of that in the work we do is, are some of these core concepts in master coach training. And one of them first and foremost is really a deeper understanding of self and connection with self. And, um, and what I love that, that you just highlighted Midore is that.
For you, as we have done that deeper work, that self work, all those things that, that people come to a coach for help with, right. Making a decision, setting boundaries, managing their time, all of those things become easier because of that strength of foundation. And then, as you were talking about your clients as well, um, You know that what an amazing tool to not only be able to speak to thoughts, emotions, nervous system and actions, but to be able to have a process that is so profound that your clients are able to.
Really just be more clear on what they want and therefore make decisions much more easily.
[00:05:55] Midore: Yeah, I do help them clarify that at the beginning of my relationship with my client and that has been, um, um, significantly, um, a game changer. Um, In my relationship with my clients and their relationship with themselves.
[00:06:18] Molly: Yes, yes. Oh my gosh. That relationship is such a big deal. I want to come back to that. So I'm going to back up just a minute for all of you. So when Midore first, when you first came to me, you were, you came for advanced certification in motherhood and family life coaching in part, because you felt Lacking in the, the knowledge of the motherhood space, right.
And wanting to, to be available for your clients in that way.
[00:06:46] Midore: I. I never, um, uh, biologically have any child and, but I have clients who are mothers and grandmothers. I always felt this feeling of, I don't deserve to, or I'm not. Good enough to teach or coach them.
[00:07:13] Molly: And
[00:07:13] Midore: then even though I power through the, with the thought work,
[00:07:18] Molly: I can
[00:07:18] Midore: do this, but deep down there was that hidden emotion sometimes that peeks through.
I wanted to be able to coach anybody with more confidence.
[00:07:34] Molly: Yeah. And I think what's so relevant that Midore is bringing up, all of you listening, thinking about. I think sometimes we can think that the answer is just to have more, maybe knowledge about motherhood or more knowledge about goal setting or more knowledge about whatever it is we're helping our clients with.
And then also we can have like the flip side of this where we think, Oh, well, we don't really need to know more. We just, we need to close that gap on our confidence on our, you know, trust the tools that we have and trust what we know. And what I think is much more accurate to say is that for, for all of us, me included, there are going to be knowledge and skill gaps forever, right?
For the rest of our career. And so I think it's more helpful to, to look at and think about what are the things I need to know and learn? What are the skills and how can I also understand and get support in Closing my own confidence gap and, and really having some attention to and resolution of, um, those emotions, right.
That are keeping me from feeling fully capable. So I think it's important to look at both and that's really what we do in, well, in advanced certification and master coach training as well.
[00:08:54] Midore: Yeah. One of the things that really helped. Helps me, um, all the time that you ask me or you say things like, find a way to support you.
What do you need to support? You doing this and that and so forth and that gives me a permission to Care for myself as a result. I'm able to find the solution faster
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