We’re back with the Bevere’s! This time, author and speaker, John Bevere joins Allie Schnacky and Austin Armstrong in a powerful episode that unpacks what the fear of God looks like in your everyday life!
Tune in as they tackle the misconceptions and share real talk about how an awe and healthy fear of God can add a fresh spark to your faith and bring you closer to Him.
So, grab your coffee and get ready to deepen your connection with God. John’s life stories and wisdom will change your perspective and your life!
“Fear the Lord, you His holy people, for those who fear Him lack nothing.” -Psalm 34:9
Get your copy of John’s Book! ⬇️
The Awe of God
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Allie Schnacky - https://www.instagram.com/allieschnacky/
Austin Armstrong- https://www.instagram.com/austinarmstrong/
John Bevere - https://www.instagram.com/johnbevere/
0:00 Intro
4:08 The Key To Life Is Fearing God
8:25 The Biggest Lie Young People Are Believing & The Importance Of Your "Sowing" Years
10:38 John Stopped Dating For OVER TWO YEARS!
18:50 The Holy Spirit Gave Mrs. Lisa A Message
23:14 Having A Desire For What God Has For You
37:31 Deception Is Deceiving
38:48 Being Apart Of The Body Of Christ & Doing What God Wants
46:44 Don't Put Limits On God
58:15 The Awe Of God
1:11:52 How Do I Start Fearing The Lord?!