Drop your #StepCheck in the comments!
In this episode of the podcast, I answer questions from my private community members and share my answers with you all. The questions answered are as follows:
1. "I think hearing your perspective on good habit building and bad habit breaking and more of a personal take on how you actively changed your habits over time. And the affect it’s had on you’re development throughout all aspects of your life."
2. "
Fighting being a perfectionist about health and fitness. Avoiding the negative self talk/ not letting one mistake turn into two etc… shedding light on some of the unhealthy parts of fitness/nutrition… calorie counting obsession , body dismorphia, etc."
3. "The importance of having fitness be a life-long journey and not stressing over missing your protein for one day, or not hitting your steps one day won’t kill you.. on the flip side, when you don’t hit your protein, steps, or other big rocks, how to have the discipline to get back on track and maybe do more on the next day, not to make up, but get back in the groove."
4. "How goals play into your fitness journey. There's the aspect of building healthy habits just to live a better life. Then on the flipside, there's the aspect of working towards specific goals. I've always used goals to maintain & improve the habits, but curious on your thoughts of doing it just because it's the right thing to do."
5. "Tips for decision making without perfect information, learning how to “operate in the gray”. What steps did you go through when making the decision to leave your corporate job to take on HU full time? What to do if you find yourself having paralysis by analysis (consciously incompetent)"?