PODCAST Ep26 - Full version of conversation with super well-researched Australian doctor Paul Mason @DrPaulMason - recorded in Boulder, Colorado.
We covered: LDL-P, ApoB, Lipoprotein(a) / Lp(a), Oxidized LDL, Omega 6 Seed Oils, Gilbert's Syndrome, Antioxidants, Bilirubin, Glutathione, Carnitine versus Carnosine, Wheat Germ Agglutanin, GGT, CIMT, CAC, Glycation, Lectins, FODMAP, Magnesium, Selenium, CGM Continuous Glucose Monitors, Parkinson's Disease, and more!
YOUTUBE VIDEO PODCAST HERE: https://youtu.be/pKtRa3JG-Gg
TRANSCRIPT: https://thefatemperor.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Dr.-Paul-Mason-Advanced-Cholesterol-Chat-and-Much-Much-More.pdf
00:00:23 Some insights on the new cholesterol risk factor – Lipoprotein(a) or Lp(a)
00:05:10 Discussion of the role which Oxidised LDL or oxLDL has in heart disease
00:08:32 Glycation damage to LDL – a crucial part of the heart disease problem?
00:09:52 Omega 6 vegetable or seed oils add to the inflammatory cascade of destruction
00:11:17 Oxidized LDL receptors and their place in the system
00:12:33 Gilbert’s Syndrome, Bilirubin and greatly reduced heart attack rates
00:14:50 Glycation, Antioxidants – Carnitine and Carnosine Distinction
00:18:27 The body’s master antioxidant – Glutathione – and the Importance of GGT
00:22:08 Medical school training in nutrition – sadly lacking for doctors?
00:24:23 LDL-P, ApoB100, LDL Receptor activity – the bottom lines
00:29:24 Coronary Artery Calcification (CAC) versus Intimal Media Thickness (CIMT)
00:36:08 HbA1c and Fructosamine as risk factors 00:39:26 Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and blood glucose fluctuations
00:42:05 Insulin measurements, HOMA IR and post-prandial spikes
00:45:58 CGM and problematic medications – rather fix root cause?
00:50:16 Let’s look at Lectins – the taxing toxins from plant world foods
00:56:21 Parkinson’s Disease and the Lectin Connection
00:59:46 Dr. Steven Gundry, poisonous beans, more lectins and the toxic ricin
01:04:27 FODMAP foods, GMO fun, WGA from wheats, lots of bad actors
01:08:07 Nuts! (and Magnesium, Selenium etc.)
01:11:20 Moving forward and emphasizing the core – Pareto-style