This week we take a break from the D&D news to answer YOUR questions about TTRPGs, 3rd party publishing, game mechanics and power rangers!
Email your questions to
Ben: @TheBenByrne
Dael: @DailyDael
James: @jamesjhaeck
Shawn: @shawnmerwin
Editor: ZsDante
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Our named wizards spells
04:37 - Our power ranger colors!
06:11 - Hopes for the next 100 episodes
07:32 - Balancing companion NPCs
13:38 - Art inspiration for RPGs
21:28 - Future of 3rd party publishing
26:05 - Best idea you've never run
32:12 - Indie mechanics for D&D
37:14 - What's your favorite color?
39:50 - TTRPG industry networking
43:45 - Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood?
45:48 - What are witches hats?
46:37 - A house rule you can't live without
49:54 - When does 5e become a new game?
53:00 - Names the Lorecast almost had