The Dream of You Podcast with Jo Saxton is based on her book by the same title. In this show, Jo dives deeper into her story and invites some of her friends along to share their experience.
Join us, and may you discover The Dream of You.
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The Dream of You Podcast with Jo Saxton is based on her book by the same title. In this show, Jo dives deeper into her story and invites some of her friends along to share their experience.
Join us, and may you discover The Dream of You.
Dream of You Chapter 13 "Pick Up Your Keys"
We could say we saved the best for last, but every special Dream of You Podcast has been powerful in its own way. That includes this episode when Jo and guest Bianca Olthoff talk about how identity gives rise to purpose for your life and how a healthy identity is the foundation of a dynamic purpose. Jo uses the image of leaving the house and picking up your keys before you get moving.
Bianca Olthoff - Writer, Church Planter, Passionate Cook, Wife and Smom (her new term for stepmom) to two boys
More Information about Bianca and her book "Play With Fire" can be found at
Follow @bianzaolthoff on Twitter, Instagram, You Tube and Facebook
Dream of You Chapter 10 "Breaking Up with Perfection"
Author and speaker, Dorcas Cheng-Tozun speaks with Jo in this episode about overcoming perfectionism and avoiding the lack of freedom and grace that result from trying to be perfect.
Get more information about Dorcas at and follow @dorcas_ct on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.
Her book is "Start, Love, Repeat: How to Stay in Love with your Entrepreneur in a Crazy Start Up World"
Dream of You Chapter 7 "Slay Your Giants"
In this episode, Jo talks with Alli Worthington about identifying and slaying your giants. They'll offer encouragement and inspiration to do battle in the war on fear and anxiety.
Alli also shares what she call her 4-part mantra:
Show Up (no matter how afraid I am)
Be Real (be authentically me)
Love Others
Don't Quit
More on Alli Worthington - Business Coach, Author and Speaker - can be found at Look for free offers for devotionals, educational materials and more.
Alli's book is "Fierce Faith: A woman's guide to fighting fear, wrestling worry and overcoming anxiety"
Dream of You Chapter 7 "Slay Your Giants"
Today Jo interviews author and blogger, Kia Stephens. They'll engage in a moving conversation about being known and loved by God the Father and talk about the wounds we carry and lies we believe around our identities. What do you see when you look in the mirror??
Kia's blog, "The Father Swap" can be found at:
A free copy of Kia's book "Hope for the Woman with Father Wounds" is available HERE
Dream of You Chapter 4 "The Day I Lost My Voice"
Jo speaks today with Tina Constable, Senior Vice President for the Crown and Christian division of Penquin Random House Publishing. The area of publishing is in many ways the quintessential arena for helping people to find and share their voice. Jo and Tina ask the question: When we lose our voice or the sense of courage or contribution to a situation – how do we get it back? Tina speaks from her experience in what this looks like in everyday life.
“How Remarkable Women Lead: The Breakthrough Model for Work and Life” by Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranstonn LINK
Dream of You Chapter 3 "The Talk"
In this episode, Jo speaks with her publicist, Zakiya Larry in a conversation that is powerful and profound. Listen in as they recall their stories of growing up and share the ongoing challenges they face as strong women. Their experiences will surely resonate with all listeners.
Zakiya Larry - Celebrity Media Coach and Elevation Strategist
information at:
Follow @zakiyalarry on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and You Tube