It's time for another installment of a popular show topic, Defend Your Choice! And this time we're talking about everyones favorite...FOOD!! Come take a seat at the table where we talk about our favorite table service food item, it might be an Entree, Appetizer, or Toast! We're talking Pizza, Hibatchi, Avacado's, Bread, and Africa inspired dishes. We even throw it back to our favorite menu items that are no longer with us (but if you ask nicely maybe they can make it for you..i'm talking about you Citrico's). So take a trip around the 'World with us as we discover our favorite Table Service Food Item (and yes we understand one of the items isn't Table Service work with us). So if you like food, be sure to listen but not on an empty stomach. If you like the show, please subscribe to us on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean and anywhere you listen to Podcasts! You can always find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at The Mouse and More Podcast! And IF you REALLY like us, please give us a review on iTunes, we love Good Reviews! Hope you enjoy this episode, talk to you soon!!