This week we’re rebroadcasting an interview featuring Bärí Williams on the Greater Than Code podcast!
About Greater Than Code (GTC): For a long time, tech culture has focused too narrowly on technical skills; this has resulted in a tech community that too often puts companies and code over people. Greater Than Code is a podcast that invites the voices of people who are not heard from enough in tech: women, people of color, trans and/or queer folks, to talk about the human side of software development and technology. Greater Than Code is providing a vital platform for these conversations, and developing new ideas of what it means to be a technologist beyond just the code.
In this special episode we discuss:
01:48 - Bärí’s Superpower: Being a Black Woman
05:20/22:50 - Admitting and Knowing What You Don’t Know
- Intersectionality and Culture
10:00 - Born and Raised in Oakland
- Gentrification
- Being Connected to Your Roots
19:30 - Unintended Consequences
- Tutorial to Boy Scouts About Getting Stopped by Police
- Keeping the Kids Alive
33:15 - Where is the Light (In the Technology)
- Technology is the Mirror of the People Creating It
- Creating an Open Space
42:34 - Getting Organizations to Buy Into the Open Space Concept
48:50 - Who’s Job is it to Educate the Children About Bias
58:47 - Diversity or Inclusion
- Lagging Metric or Leading Metric
- Draw People In With Inclusion
01:03:59 - Taking Space and Making Space
Arty: Multigenerational roots, becoming your own being, being raised to be proud of yourself and say what you think. Be the roots for the people around you. There has been a loss of grounding.
Chanté: Bärí is the real deal. It takes only a few to change history. Being real is valuable.
Jacob: Wants his son to know that he won’t have to worry when being pulled over, and he should be troubled by that fact.
Bärí: What do you connect to, who do you connect to? What and who are you thankful for? Think about that.
Learn more about Greater Than Code here
Twitter: @GreaterThanCode
Patreon: GreaterThanCode
Follow Bärí: @BariAWilliams
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter/Instagram: @TDHCast | Facebook: @TheDarkestHorseCast 🦄🌟
Co-founders + Co-hosts: Chanté Thurmond & Rada Yovovich
Editor: Zaiden Sowle
Instrumental: "Get Rich" By NorfStar