OK, I think I already know the answer to that question, but it’s worth asking out loud.
Of course you want your students to succeed! It’s likely one of the main reasons you became a teacher (that and to have holidays and summers off, if we’re being honest)
But actually GETTING our students to be successful is certainly a challenge.
Well, I’ve actually been doing a lot of research lately on the causes of student success and what actually helps students to be successful.
And what I’m finding is that, although there are some tried-and-true teaching methods that stand the test of time, there is cause for some true reflection on best teaching practices.
What’s working right now in the classroom?
What are the needs of today’s students? And how have these need changed over the past 5, 10 or even 15 years.
The needs have definitely changed (and our awareness of these needs has certainly been elevated), but our ways of teaching practices may have not caught up to these changes.
So, I actually wanted to invite you along on this journey of researching and studying so that we can all become better educators and supporter of our students.
Here on the podcast I’m going to begin exploring what is means to be a 21st century classroom. I’m seeking out new ways that we can help our students succeed in a changing world.
In this week’s episode, I’ll start by sharing 3 tips for increasing student success (all based on current research findings and best teaching practices)
But don’t worry - I’m not just gonna throw out a bunch of research data at you, because that would be boring…
I’m going to give you some actionable strategies for your classroom so that we can take what we are learning and apply it directly to the students you are teaching.
EPISODE 91: The TRUTH About Learning Styles
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