From Christmas 2009: The day after Christmas means more shopping for many Americans. But for those who celebrate Boxing Day…okay, it means more shopping for them, too. But there’s even more to it! Have a suggestion for the ChristmasStocking? Go to, click the Call Me button and enter your phone number. My voicemail will call you for free; and you can mark your number private so nobody will know where the call came from. Or get in touch on, Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Or Facebook.
Representing 69 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Dec 26, 2024
From Christmas 2011: Merry Christmas! We know Rudolph’s story, more or less, but how did his story come to light? We’re here all year on Facebook,, and Google+. Email: TopElf at and keep coming back to whenever you need some Christmas.
Representing 52 “A Charlie Brown Christmas”
Dec 23, 2024
From Christmas 2010: I love the dancing twins, the pink aluminum Christmas tree, and everything else about A Charlie Brown Christmas. We go behind the scenes. Many ways to get involved. I post a ton of Christmas info on, and will reply if you message me. The Facebook page is hopping, too. Email TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. And what do you want for Christmas? Go to, click the Call Me button and enter your phone number. My voicemail will call you privately and for free.
Representing 29 “Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry
Dec 22, 2024
From Christmas 2008: In this super-stuffed Christmas Stocking episode, one of my favorite Christmas stories. I hope you enjoy it. Find info at If you have any stories or poems you would like to be shared on The Christmas Stocking, you can email me: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Also follow me on And join us on Facebook. And talk to me be on, click the Call Me button, and my voicemail will call you.
From Christmas 2009: A Mini Irish Christmas Music Spectacular! Info, music and Christmas traditions from a listener who emailed TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. You can be on the Christmas Stocking. Just go to, click the Call Me button and enter your phone number. My voicemail will call you for free, and you can mark your number private. Follow us on And join us on Facebook.
Representing 32 Christmas in the Early 20th Century
Dec 20, 2024
All of the represented episodes (will probably) have intros.
This one is from Christmas 2008: A lot happened in the first half of the 20th century, and we look at how Christmas was affected. More at Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Follow me on And join us on Facebook. And talk to me be on, click the Call Me button, and my voicemail will call you.
“Noel Nouvelet/Patapan Medley” by Sarah Whitely (I found it on I’m unable to find any information on this song. If you have a location for it, I’d love to send folks there!
Representing 19 Santa’s Letter to Suzy Clemens
Dec 18, 2024
From Christmas ’07: A change of pace this episode. Suzy Clemens, the daughter of Mark Twain, received at least one letter from Santa Claus. Can you imagine? That would be so cool! We will look over her shoulder and read it. Let me know what you think of this special episode at Or email me: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET.
“O Little Town Of Bethlehem” by The Columba Minstrels (from “Christmas On The Back Porch- 20 Treasured Songs of the Season performed in Simple Folk styles”)
“It Came Upon the Midnight Clear”by Eric Wyse (from “Christmas Angels- 20 Treasured Songs of the Season Performed In Peaceful Styles”) (Classic Fox Records) Buy on Amazon
“We Three Kings Of Orient Are”by London Fox Players & Tim Mather (from “20 Christmas Party Favorites”) (Classic Fox Records) Buy on Amazon
From the original post, the official web site of the British monarchy had an excellent history, but unfortunately the webpage seems to no longer exist.
Also unfortunately, Stuart Buchanan MacWatt wrote about the personal side of Victoria and her family’s approach to Christmas, which is also gone.
A link to the holiday store windows of the past from is no longer available.
Ah! But a nice overview of Christmas in Victorian times is still there for you to enjoy, and perhaps learn a bit more.
Representing 3 O, Christmas Tree
Dec 14, 2024
You’ll find a little introduction before the episode.
From Christmas ’06: The centerpiece of holiday decorating is the Christmas tree. Why do we bring a tree inside the house and put pretty baubles on it? Where did that tradition come from? We’ll answer those questions and more on the Christmas Stocking. Comment Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET.
The story of “O Come, All Ye Faithful” is a bit fuzzy. We’ll see if we can focus it a little. Just a little. Plus bonus songs you’ll love! I do. Email me at TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Call (323) 487-12-25. Follow the Christmas Stocking on Facebook and Twitter @XmasStocking. Thanks to the generous souls who have given to the show at Find videos and all the episodes at
It’s not Christmas without Christmas lights. Well, at least these days. How did the electric ones develop and get popular? We’ll talk about that and more. Every episode is at, along with a lot more, including video and some pictures. Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Call (323) 487-12-25. Find the Christmas Stocking on Twitter @XmasStocking and Facebook. Thanks to everyone who’s given to the show at
Re-re-representing Episode Number 8: A Middle Ages Christmas
Dec 10, 2018
Rereleasing the show again! Another episode from the first season back in 2006. I wrote, “How was a Middle Ages Christmas different? For one thing, no one got an iPod.” I guess our Christmases have more in common with the Middle Ages now than when I first presented it. Find out how they celebrated way back when on this edition of the Christmas Stocking. The Christmas Stocking is on Facebook and on Twitter (@XmasStocking). And call (323) 487-12-25. Find every episode, including the unaltered version of this episode at Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET.
“Jingle Bells” by The R&R Project (it was on
Representing Episode Number 1: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade
Nov 22, 2018
From all the way back in 2006! Back then I started the season the day before Thanksgiving, so I assumed, correctly, I’m sure, that everyone listening had already seen the parade. Well, I’m even later this year. And the info is 12 years old. I don’t know how many episodes I’ll be able to get out this year, but I hope to have a few new ones. I’ll also sprinkle in some of these chestnuts that have dropped off the feed. I hope you enjoy it. There are old ways to get ahold of me and to find the show. All the episodes are at Email: TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Find the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking) and Facebook. Call (323) 487-12-25.
Learn more about the parade from Macy’s. And I talked about them streaming it later, and I think you may be able to stream it later on the NBC app or Oh–and the Verizon 360 view.
139 The Christmas Stocking Summer Music Spectacular! Seriously!
Sep 01, 2018
Happy Labor Day weekend! Still summer! (At least when I’m posting.) It’s been a crazy year. It’s a mostly-favorites (mine) spectacular this year, with a couple of special previously unplayed songs I think you’ll like. Thank you for your gifts to the Christmas Stocking. They mean a lot. The Christmas Stocking is on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Pinterest (not enough, I know) and Facebook. Email The phone number is (323) 487-12-25, open any time.
“Christmas Valentine (With You)” by Kimly Music and lyrics by Kimly Hoang Arranged by Jerry Andrews and Kimly Hoang Produced by Jerry Andrews Originally titled “Mine This Christmas.” On YouTube. Find more Kimly on SoundCloud and Facebook.
“It’s Christmas” by Cleveland DERUE Cathnott (from
Upcoming Christmas albums: “Shatner Claus” by William Shatner (preorder the CD); “Happy Xmas” by Eric Clapton (preorder the CD and vinyl!); Brett Eldredge’s new Christmas album, still a mystery at release time; “It’s the Holiday Season” by Martina McBride (plus a tour!)–okay, okay, I said she hadn’t released a Christmas album in 20 years, giving Brett Eldredge a hard time. EXCEPT YOU DIDN’T HEAR THAT! Due to an editing mistake by my editor (aka me), I cut out info on Brett Eldredge’s Christmas album, which will come out this year. He last had a Christmas album two years ago, and he’s the one I was referring to when I talked about that. Not Eric Clapton, who’s never released a Christmas album (although he has performed a few recorded songs for compilations). I apologize to you, Brett Eldredge and Eric Clapton. And Martina McBride released “The Classic Christmas Album” in 2017. Oops.
Thanks to a suggestion Vivian made on Facebook, we learn a bit about the Three Wise Men, Three Kings, Three Magi–all the same people and all more characters than verifiable real people. Call (323) 487-12-25 any time and share whatever you’d like. Get in on next season or summer early, or just say hi. Email I so appreciate the gifts to the Christmas Stocking. They make a huge difference. Besides Facebook, find the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking) and on Pinterest.
137 “Keeping Christmas” by Henry van Dyke
Dec 21, 2017
Not a story this time. More like a sermon/essay. I hope you like it. Please join us on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Facebook and on Pinterest (where I realize I’m not active enough). Call (323) 487-12-25 and share what Christmas is to you or wish Merry Christmas. Or you can email Thank you so much for the gifts to the Christmas Stocking. They mean a lot.
Read along with me and read the rest of _The Spirit of Christmas” on Project Gutenberg.
136 “Home Alone”
Dec 18, 2017
Some things you probably didn’t know about a holiday favorite. Thank you for the gifts to the Christmas Stocking at I feel a little like Sally Brown in “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” but it really does help. Stop by the Christmas Stocking Facebook page (and Like and Follow us, too!), and Follow on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and on Pinterest (where I realize I’m not active enough). The phone’s always open, any time, (323) 487-12-25. Don’t wait if you want to share on the show. What is Christmas to you? Or email
It’s not about Advent, really, but it’s kind of about Advent. If you want to be on the show, call (323) 487-12-25 now. We’re getting kind of close to the day. What is Christmas to you? You can also email Thank you for giving to the Christmas Stocking at It’s huge to me. Keep in touch on Twitter (@XmasStocking), or Facebook, or Pinterest.
While we’re at it, I talked about Advent in 2009, and played a great rendition of “People Look East.” It’s at
134 Christmas Toys 1990-1999
Dec 11, 2017
If you grew up in the ’90s, or had kids who grew up in the ’90s, you will remember these classics. Let me know if you loved any of these on Facebook, or on Twitter (@XmasStocking), or Pinterest. Make a phone call to the Christmas Stocking! (323) 487-12-25. Tell me what Christmas is to you. Or write (or send an audio file) to Thanks for the gifts to the Christmas Stocking at!
Hear episodes about toys from all of the other decades of the 20th century, and find other episodes where I talk about toys, at
133 The First Noel
Dec 07, 2017
It’s a great story, beautifully told in this old, old carol. How old? Not sure. Thank you for giving to the Christmas Stocking at! Call me at (323) 487-12-25 and tell me what_is_ Christmas to you. Or write (or send an audio file) to Join the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Facebook and Pinterest.
Learn more about “The First Noel” from CBN and Wikipedia.
Learn about the origins of many other carols, caroling and more from The Christmas Stocking at
132 Christmas in the Caribbean
Dec 04, 2017
On our Facebook page, Richie suggested I talk about this. Good suggestion! The Christmas Stocking is also on Twitter (@XmasStocking) and Pinterest. Thank you for the gifts sent through They are a big help and make me feel good! Be on the show! Call (323) 487-12-25. What_is_ Christmas to you? You can also send your response to
Sounds cuddly, right? He’s not. He’s from Iceland. Some of their Christmas legends are stone cold scary. Call (323) 487-12-25, and be on the show! Tell us what Christmas is to you, say Merry Christmas, or do your own thing! Follow the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Pinterest. Give to the show at Thank you if you have!
Hear Björk perform “Jólakötturinn – Hvít Er Borg Og Bær (Icelandic Christmas Cat).”
130 The Rockefeller Christmas Tree 2017: From PA to NYC
Nov 27, 2017
Learn the story of this year’s Rock Center tree–it’s an interesting one! Thanks to everyone who’s given to the show at If you want to be on the show, call (323) 487-12-25, tell what Christmas is to you, say Merry Christmas to someone you love, or whatever! Join us on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Pinterest.
129 Staying Secure on Black Friday and Beyond
Nov 23, 2017
If you’re looking to get your shop on, make sure you do it wisely. I’m not going to help you choose gifts, but I’ll give you some tips to stay safe in the stores and online. Want more? We’re on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Pinterest. I appreciate the generous gifts! Go to Call the Christmas Stocking at (323) 487-12-25. Tell what Christmas is to you, say Merry Christmas to someone you love, whatever you like. You might be on the show!
Some facts about Macy’s parade that I haven’t talked about, and what’s happening in 2017. Thanks for giving to the Christmas Stocking! Be on the show! The number is (323) 487-12-25. Call and tell me what Christmas is to you, say Merry Christmas to someone you love, or whatever. You could hear it this season! Find the Christmas Stocking on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Pinterest.
127 The Christmas Stocking Summer Music Spectacular Number 11
Aug 15, 2017
Another year we need a bit of escape from the world. That’s what I’m here for–in the summer, at least. The Christmas Stocking is on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Pinterest. Please join me! Thanks to everyone who has given to the Christmas Stocking! Call (323) 487-12-25 and say Merry Christmas to someone you love, you could hear it this season!
126 “The Fairy Christmas” by Etheldred B. Barry
Dec 22, 2016
A bedtime story with an important message for all of us. The phone number is (323) 487-12-25. Call and tell me what Christmas IS to you. Thanks to everyone who has given to the Christmas Stocking! Get social with the Christmas Stocking on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Google+ and Pinterest.
125 The Legend of the Christmas Spider
Dec 20, 2016
It’s all about tinsel. Find the Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, Pinterest and Google+. Call (323) 487-12-25 and tell me what Christmas IS to you. Thanks to Rick in Pennsylvania for the generous gift to the Christmas Stocking! Go to and click Contribute.
You may have heard the story of the origin of “Silent Night,” but I may have some info you didn’t know about. Find out about more carols at The phone number is (323) 487-12-25 What IS Christmas to you? We do the social thing–on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Pinterest and Google+.
“Silent Night No Percussion Instrumental” by Katey Laurel from the album “This is Christmas” This version isn’t available to buy, but you can buy her beautiful vocal on iTunes. The whole album is great.
Find many English translations, including the one you probably know, on the Silent Night Web.
123 Christmas Toys 1980-1989
Dec 12, 2016
We continue on our march through toy time. Did you love any of these toys? Let me know on Twitter (@XmasStocking),on Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. And of course Call (323) 487-12-25 and share what Christmas IS to you!
Eddie Lee on Facebook suggested I talk about “Elf.” Here we go! Plus a call from Terry in New York about what Christmas IS to him. You can call (323) 487-12-25, too! We’re all over social media: on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Pinterest and Google+.
Do you say “Happy Christmas” or “Merry Christmas”? Either way, you’re right. Find out how the expressions developed. Plenty of Christmas news and info on Twitter (@XmasStocking), a great Christmas community on Facebook, and Google+ and Pinterest. Call (323) 487-12-25 and tell me what Christmas IS to you, and you may be on the show. Thanks to everyone who contributes,, click Contribute.
We travel to Pennsylvania Dutch country to visit a regional favorite. Thanks for the suggestion, Steven! He wrote to to suggest it. Join us on Facebook, where I’m posting some Live Video among other stuff, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), where I’m posting news and other Christmas links, and Pinterest and Google+, where I post about the show. I want your voice on the show! Call (323) 487-12-25 and explain what Christmas IS to you. Explore for over 100 other episodes.
119 Cutting Down Your Own Christmas Tree
Nov 28, 2016
If you’ve never cut your own Christmas tree, or haven’t in a while, here are some tips in an extra-sized episode. Lots of Christmas news and fun on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook (including Live Video), Pinterest andGoogle+. Find everything at Tell me what Christmas IS to you at (323) 487-12-25 and you could be on the show. Email
It just seems like Black Friday doesn’t have the buzz it used to, does it? But we’re still going to shop this year, so I have a few things to say about that. And an email at TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET about what Christmas IS to them. Would love to hear your voice telling me at (323) 487-12-25! You’ll find the Christmas Stocking on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Google+ and Pinterest. And of course at
117 Getting Your Eats on for Thanksgiving and Christmas
Nov 21, 2016
What do you eat for the holidays? What’s common? What’s special to regions and families? And a phone call at (323) 487-12-25. You should call! Or email TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. Tell the world what Christmas IS to you. Lots more Christmas Stocking on Twitter (@XmasStocking), Facebook, and Google+. Find all the episodes, show notes and links at
116 The 10th Annual Christmas Stocking Summer Music Spectacular! Ten years, baby!
Aug 16, 2016
Escape is the theme this summer, as we have plenty to escape from. Find every episode, Christmas Stocking merch and more are at Call (323) 487-1225 before you forget–what makes Christmas so special for you? Tell the world! Or email it, along with music and show ideas, to TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. There’s room for you on our Facebook and Google+ communities. Info I discussed is on my Twitter feed @XmasStocking.
115 “What Happened Christmas Eve” by Oliver Herfold
Dec 24, 2015
A nice story for the little ones on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Merry Christmas. Call the Christmas Stocking at (323) 487-12-25 or email TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. All year long you’ll find me on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Google+. Catch up on all the episodes and check out the extras at
Where did the tradition of getting an orange in the Christmas stocking start? With St. Nicholas, of course! Find everything at Call (323) 487-12-25 to wish someone Merry Christmas! Or email TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. The Christmas Stocking is on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Google+.
“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” comes from an intensely personal poem by America’s poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in the time of the Civil War. Lots more Christmas info and fun on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Google+. Catch up on all the episodes at Share your Christmas plans and/or traditions on the show at (323) 487-12-25. Or do it by email at TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET.
You know the ballet. Do you know the history of the nutcrackers and how they became so popular at Christmas? It wasn’t just the ballet. Wish your loved ones Merry Christmas on the show at (323) 487-12-25. Or do it by email at TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. The Christmas Stocking is on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Google+. Everything is at
A lot of great toys were invented in the 1970s and put under the tree; too many to mention! But I cover some of the biggest in this episode. Follow the show on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Google+. And please come to Share your Christmas plans by calling (323) 487-12-25 and be on the show. Or email them to TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET.
Suggested by Joe on Facebook! There’s a song about it. And a sweet story. The flower, the legend, the poem, the carol, it’s all in here. Plus bonus music! Believe it or not, time is running out to call (323) 487-12-25 and be on the show. Or email TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. Join us on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Google+. And please come to
Is that song onto something? Turns out ghost stories at Christmas is a thing, or was a thing (mostly). Keep up on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Google+. Call (323) 487-12-25 and wish someone you love Merry Christmas. Or email your wishes to TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. All the episodes are at
108 Christmas Trees: Real vs. Artificial
Nov 30, 2015
Whether real or artificial, Christmas trees are a symbol of the season. Which is better for you? Come to for more episodes. Another question: What are you doing for Christmas? What is your favorite Christmas memory? Call (323) 487-12-25. Or email it to TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. Join us on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking), and Google+.
107 Black Friday and Wanamaker’s Christmas Light Show
Nov 26, 2015
Some advice on what to avoid and what to go for on Black Friday, and a trip to Philadelphia for the Wanamaker Christmas Light Show. Find a lot more Christmas info on Twitter (@XmasStocking), on Facebook, and Google+. Home base is, with all the episodes and a lot more. Be on the show! Share your Christmas memories or Christmas plans–or wish someone Merry Christmas at (323) 487-12-25. Or email them to TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET.
There’s more to holiday parades than Macy’s, although I’ll talk about that too. You’ll find all the episodes, Christmas Stocking merch and more at Tell me your Christmas plans or Christmas memories–or wish someone Merry Christmas at (323) 487-12-25. Or email them, along with music and show ideas, to TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET. Join us on Facebook, Twitter (@XmasStocking) and Google+.
The Paris Review has theories and some suggested ghostly reading.
105 The 9th Annual Christmas Stocking Summer Music Spectacular
Aug 15, 2015
The promo said it and it’s still true: it’s the summer, so it’s time to enjoy some holiday music. Everything I talked about is on my Twitter feed @XmasStocking. And make sure you join our Facebook and Google+ communities! All the episodes, Christmas Stocking merch and more are at And tell me your Christmas plans or Christmas memories–or wish someone Merry Christmas at (323) 487-1225. Or email it, along with music and show ideas, to TopElf at MyChristmasStocking dot NET,