“Life is messy. Parenting is messy. Cooking is messy. But if we do it together, we are creating experiences of togetherness with our children that teaches them they are safe, loved, and empowered.”
Social media might be good for something after all- like meeting really neat people like Chef Kibby from Cookin’ With Kibby.
Kibby is a professional chef and has been teaching culinary skills to others for many many years. He’s also a dad to his biological, adopted, and foster kids.
Kibby has shifted his professional life to be supporting foster and adoptive families with what has got to be, from my very non-scientific way I collect data, difficulties: FOOD.
The families I work with almost always have an undercurrent of energy around food and feeding. Sometimes it’s not just an undercurrent- it’s the primary, biggest challenge.
There’s just so much that goes into food and feeding. Our own history, societal messages about parenting, subtle and not-so-subtle messages we get from well-meaning (and not well-meaning) friends, family, and even the doctor about the right and wrong way to feed our kids, and how for some reason we make meaning about how good of a parent we are based on how well we can control what our child does and doesn’t eat.
I see this even in families where the child doesn’t have an obvious history of food trauma or scarcity.
Which makes complete sense because food, attachment, and giving and receiving nurturing are intriquately intertwined. They cannot be teased apart.
Kibby is taking a unique and in my not-so-humble opinion brilliant approach to supporting families where there is just too much negative and stressful around food and feeding.
Kibby isn’t a therapist. He’s a chef and a dad who intimately knows the power of bringing families together in the kitchen. He’s clearly a keen observer and has developed a program with structure, yet flexibility, that empowers parents to create connection with their children in the kitchen.
You can read a much longer summary of our interview on my blog at https://robyngobbel.com/chefkibby
RUN RIGHT NOW to find Chef Kibby and all the cool things he is offering.
Chef Kibby on IG
Cookin With Kibby podcast
His online course: Knife Skills for Busy Families
Cooking is Connecting 20 Day Challenge
Goodies you can find on my website:
FREE Brilliance of Attachment eBook at
"The best parenting book!" "I highlighted every other page!" "This book has transformed our family."
You can get your copy of Raising Kids with Big, Baffling Behaviors at RobynGobbel.com/book
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